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Items tagged with: history

Imagine if Palestinians shared such disgusting images on their social media.

How long would it take for companies to ban them and suspend their accounts?

But IDF soldiers have been doing this for decades. Long long long before October 7

#NeverForget #History #ReleaseTheHostages #Israel #Palestine #saveTheChildren #October7 #Politics #IDF

Mural by Julian Nowicki in Bydgoszcz (Poland) dedicated to Marian Rejewski, a Polish mathematician and cryptologist who in late 1932 reconstructed the sight-unseen Nazi German military Enigma cipher machine
„Odszyfrowany Rejewski“, czyli #mural upamiętniający Mariana Rejewskiego, matematyka i kryptologa, który w 1932 r. złamał szyfr Enigmy, najważniejszej maszyny szyfrującej używanej przez hitlerowskie Niemcy. Wielkoformatowy portret zdobi ścianę kamienicy przy ul. Gdańskiej 10 w Bydgoszczy. Powstał w 2017 r., a zaprojektował go i wykonał Julian Nowicki. Fot.

#bydgoszcz #cryptology #enigma #history #computinghistory #historia #łowcymurali #muralhunters #muralart #wallpainting #polskiemurale #streetartpoland #streetartpolska #polandstreetart #polskastreetart #portrait #streetart #urbanart #wallart #murals #murales #urbanartwork

Mural by Julian Nowicki in Bydgoszcz (Poland) dedicated to Marian Rejewski, a Polish mathematician and cryptologist who in late 1932 reconstructed the sight-unseen Nazi German military Enigma cipher machine

Interesting story of forced migration:

#history #photography

12 October 1892 | Edith Stein was born in Wrocław. She was a German Jewish philosopher who converted to Catholicism, became a theologian & a Carmelite nun. She was murdered in Auschwitz in August of 1942.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts

A photo of Edith Stein sitting in an arm chair and holind a book.

The Luddites weren’t backward technophobes. They saw factory owners using tech to degrade their livelihoods and they fought back — first by trying to negotiate, then writing to Parliament, and finally smashing the machines.

As workers today organize and strike over bosses using digital tech to upend their industries, there’s a lot we can learn from the Luddites’ story. I was thrilled to dig into it with @brianmerchant!

#tech #history #luddite #workers

Physicist John Tyndall is often credited w discovering the greenhouse effect, which he wrote about in 1859.

But Eunice Foote published a paper - 3yrs earlier - demonstrating how atmospheric water vapor & CO2 affected solar heating. She theorized that heat trapping gases in Earth’s atmosphere warm its climate.

Tyndall was widely read. And Foote, being a woman, wasn't even permitted to present her own work. #history #science #ClimateChange

Drawing by Carlyn Iverson at NOAA

Born on July 17, 1819, Eunice Newton Foote was an amateur scientist and a women's rights campaigner who was friends with American suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Foote's experiments with atmospheric gases and her insights about past climate were overlooked for more than a century.

Windsor Castle Just Outside of London England

Windsor Castle is not right in London, but it is worth the little side excursion to get there. Only a short drive away from the busyness of London, it is the burial site of the late beloved Queen Elizabeth II, and in close proximity to Oxford.

#WindsorCastle #Windsor #Castle #UK #History #England #London #visitEngland #VisitLondon #Travel #TravelPhotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #architecture
Windsor Castle Just Outside of London England

It is true Windsor Castle is not right in London, but it is worth the little side excursion to get there. Only a short drive away from the busyness of London, it is the burial site of the late beloved Queen Elizabeth II, and in close proximity to Oxford. The grounds are spectacular, the stories and history are required if you are attempting to understand England, and now the most beloved Queen of the Twentieth Century, Queen Elizabeth is buried there. Just that alone makes it worth experiencing, but imagine taking in a spectacular changing of the guards as well.

#WindsorCastle #Windsor #Castle #UK #History #England #London #visitEngland #VisitLondon #Travel #TravelPhotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #architecture

Windsor Castle Just Outside of London England

It is true Windsor Castle is not right in London, but it is worth the little side excursion to get there. Only a short drive away from the busyness of London, it is the burial site of the late beloved Queen Elizabeth II, and in close proximity to Oxford. The grounds are spectacular, the stories and history are required if you are attempting to understand England, and now the most beloved Queen of the Twentieth Century, Queen Elizabeth is buried there. Just that alone makes it worth experiencing, but imagine taking in a spectacular changing of the guards as well.

#WindsorCastle #Windsor #Castle #UK #History #England #London #visitEngland #VisitLondon #Travel #TravelPhotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #architecture
Windsor Castle Just Outside of London England

It is true Windsor Castle is not right in London, but it is worth the little side excursion to get there. Only a short drive away from the busyness of London, it is the burial site of the late beloved Queen Elizabeth II, and in close proximity to Oxford. The grounds are spectacular, the stories and history are required if you are attempting to understand England, and now the most beloved Queen of the Twentieth Century, Queen Elizabeth is buried there. Just that alone makes it worth experiencing, but imagine taking in a spectacular changing of the guards as well.

#WindsorCastle #Windsor #Castle #UK #History #England #London #visitEngland #VisitLondon #Travel #TravelPhotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #architecture

Windsor Castle Just Outside of London England

It is true Windsor Castle is not right in London, but it is worth the little side excursion to get there. Only a short drive away from the busyness of London, it is the burial site of the late beloved Queen Elizabeth II, and in close proximity to Oxford. The grounds are spectacular, the stories and history are required if you are attempting to understand England, and now the most beloved Queen of the Twentieth Century, Queen Elizabeth is buried there. Just that alone makes it worth experiencing, but imagine taking in a spectacular changing of the guards as well.

#WindsorCastle #Windsor #Castle #UK #History #England #London #visitEngland #VisitLondon #Travel #TravelPhotography #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #architecture

Missing from every #USPol national media news story I've seen about #TrumpCharges: Historical and global context about our nation's constitution and norms regarding peaceful transfer of power; what was different about his response to losing election, how our system of government has worked, etc. #Journalism can be a daily, living education on #history, civics and #democracy and should do much more. (If you've seen news reports doing this, versus commentary, glad to boost)

The Sakya Monastery in tibet has a library comprising some 84,000 books. Most are Buddhist scriptures, but there are works of literature, history, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, and art. They date back centuries.

In 2011 they began to digitize the library. All books are indexed and about 20% have been fully digitized.


#Books #Library #Monastery #Tibet #History #Knowledge #Monks #Buddhism #Sakya
Looking up at a very tall wall of books/scrolls inside of small boxes which are grouped inside of cubes. Everything is mostly brown with splashes of bright colors.

This frieze from Fulton County, Georgia shows "Medicine's battle with Death." Note the rod with two snakes. Many mistake it for the Rod of Asclepius (the traditional symbol of healing). However, this is the Caduceus, symbol of commerce. A common error in the USA.

#histodons #histodon #histmed #medhist #medical #history #DYK
A frieze showing Death as a skeleton on the left, and Medicine as a man on the right holding Death back. The man, representing Medicine, is holding a caduceus, the symbol of commerce.

Cossack Historic Town in Cossack, Australia

This once-thriving coastal area is now a preserved ghost town.

Lee Jang-woo's House in Gwangju, South Korea

This traditional home is a rare example of 19th-century Korean architecture.

“Often forgotten are the Japanese Americans who lived in Hawaii and were also forced from their homes and imprisoned in Hawaii and on the U.S. mainland.
Their forced relocation and incarceration has been largely omitted from the dominant narrative of Japanese American internment in the U.S. during World War II.”

Pictured: A 1945 photograph of detainees at the Honouliuli Internment Camp ⬇️

#History #Histodons #Hawaii
Photo of Japanese-American internees walking behind barbed wire fence that is well over the height of a person, past wooden barracks

Any #maps / #oldMaps fans out there? Institute of #History PAN has recently created a site showing georeferenced historical maps of #Poland (with somehow loose definition, as Poland tended to wander substantially during the time). Mostly 19th and 20th century, for now. Broad boundaries are years 1796-1947, scale from 1:25000 to 1:500000, and city plans. There are some vague informations about extending the collection, but nothing specific yet.

No English interface (or I haven't found a way to switch), but it's easy enough to use, I suppose.


#Histoire d'escaliers... Taillé à même dans le grès, l'escalier du chateau médiéval de Sperlinga, en #Sicile, laisse apparaître l'usure des milliers de pas qui l'ont foulé ...
#History of #staircases... Carved out of the sandstone, the staircase of the medieval castle of Sperlinga, in #Sicily, reveals the wear and tear of the thousands of steps that have walked on it...
By Lumière de l'Atelier
#Style #Stil #Art #Kunst #Treppe #Artist #photography #photo #architecture #Abadoned #AbadonedWorld

Here's a link to a very interesting (and very long!) blog article about the history of Russian colonialism and imperialism.

The key statement for me is this one:

“The Russian colonization of Siberia and conquest of its indigenous peoples has been compared to the European colonization of the Americas and its natives, with similar negative impacts on the natives and the appropriation of their land."

And then the author adds:

"I hate ALL imperialism: American imperialism and Russian imperialism.”

Me too!

#Russia #USA #History
Map of Russia -- showing full extent today compared with Russia in 1471, comprised of a much smaller area in eastern Europe.

Mary Fields (Stagecoach Mary) was the 1st Black woman & 2nd woman to deliver mail in the US. At 60, she applied for a mail carrier position in Montana's Cascade region. She secured the job by skillfully hitching her horses faster than anyone else. Despite bandits, wolves, & grueling weather, Mary never missed driving the route with horses Moses, her mule. Often she would trek on foot, covering 10 miles with mail sacks over her shoulder.

#BlackMastodon #History
Black-and-white photo of Mary Fields.

#Google just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

Once upon a time, ~40M years ago, there was a species of penguin that was 6'8" (2m) tall & 250 lbs (115kg) called Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, also known as the ‘mega penguin’ #science #history #nature #SharedPlanet
A comparison of the mega penguin, a human male & the emperor penguin. Credit: New Scientist

Mileva Marić Einstein was a physicist born in Serbia in 1875.

We remember her husband, Albert Einstein, as one of the most celebrated physicists of the 20th century, but I suspect most folks haven’t heard of her.

However, Albert & Mileva’s letters & other accounts suggest they worked together on his groundbreaking scientific contributions. They collaborated from the time they met in 1896 until their separation in 1914.

This is her story: #science #history #HistoryRemix
Mileva Marić Einstein and husband, 1912. Credit: ETH Zurich Archives (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Born in 1914, Hedy Lamarr was a famous American actress who pioneered the technology that would lead to WiFi, GPS, cell phones & Bluetooth communication.

Lamarr was brilliant. Among many fascinating inventions, she developed a new communication system with composer George Antheil that used “frequency hopping” among radio waves.

Once called the “most beautiful woman in the world," Lamarr is now remembered as "the mother of Wi-Fi." #science #history #HistoryRemix
Hedy Lamarr publicity photo for the film The Heavenly Body, 1944

Born in 1852, Mary Titcomb had a strong desire for an education & career.

Mary became a librarian & making #books accessible to everyone was a priority. She came up with a children’s room & set up “book stations” in shops & post offices in town.

But Mary noticed people from rural areas weren’t visiting the #library. So, she secured funding to build & begin the nation’s first bookmobile. 📚 #history
Mary Lemist Titcomb at the time of her graduation from the Robinson Female Seminary in 1873 Credit: Unknown
Mary Titcomb’s “Book Wagon”. Credit: Washington County Free Library

I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for design pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #waste #resources as very few other #companies might do.

Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.

Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy

Mural tribute to Bad Brains on Bleecker Street & Bowery opposite former CBGB (replaces the Blondie Mural)

Artist of this great picture is Shepard Fairy in connection with LISA Project NYC

#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #badbrains #cbgb #history #punkrockhistory

27 December 1924 | A Polish Jew Jakub (Jack) Fogel was born in Turek.

In Auschwitz from 27 August 1943
No. 140964
Transferred to Fürstengrube sub-camp.

In 1945 he was on a death march, ending up on one of the ships in the Lubeck Bay that were mistakenly bombed by the British RAF on 3 May 1945. More than 7,000 prisoners were killed. Jakub survived.

After the war he emigrated to Australia.
Today he turns 98.
Happy birthday.

#Auschwitz #history #ww2 #Holocaust #birthday #otd #Turek #Australia
A man in white shirt and dark trousers standing by a bicycle. Behind him a meadow and a three-story building.
A portrait photo of an older man in a glasses. His head is leaned against his hand.

Fission is in the news, but few recognize that a woman physicist was behind the discovery.

Lise Meitner’s brilliance led to the discovery of nuclear fission. But her long time collaborator Otto Hahn, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry w/o her in 1944, even though she had given the first theoretical explanation.

Albert Einstein called Meitner “our Marie Curie." She also adamantly refused to work on the atomic bomb during WWII. #women #history #science #energy
Lise Meitner around 1906 in Vienna. Photographer unknown. Public domain.

For thousands of years, fermenting beer was considered a household task for #women.

By the Middle Ages, some sold beer at English markets. Female brewers wore tall, pointy hats to be easily spotted. They stood by cauldrons & often had cats to keep mice away.

Sound familiar? It should.

You see, when male brewers felt threatened by their success, they accused the women of witchcraft. These rumors may have led to some witch iconography we still recognize today. #history
Three women dressed in Middle-Age period garb as alewives. Credit: Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis

I am the Race and Justice Reporter at #Axios. I write about history and racism. Here's one:
The Underground Railroad to Mexico exposes a neglected history about the Black experience in the Americas. It's likely more enslaved Black people in the US escaped to Mexico than originally thought.
#undergroundrailroad #undergroundrailroadtomexico #blackhistory #history #latino #latinohistory #racism #slavery

Rosalind Franklin’s research was crucial to discovering DNA’s double helix structure 🧬 but it was James Watson & Francis Crick who received the credit & Nobel Prize.

Unknown to Franklin, the pair saw her unpublished data & X-ray diffraction images, inspiring their famous model. They never acknowledged her contribution until after her death.

How many discoveries & innovations of #women do we attribute to the men who took credit for their ideas? #history #science
Rosalind Franklin at age 25. Elliott & Fry/National Portrait Gallery, London.

Old Moscow subway map I found. Late USSR. Notable shops listed next to the stations - "Wallpapers", "Car parts" and such.

#Moscow #history #Москва #ностальгия #alshr

Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903?

Originally ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists of her time like Carnegie & Rockefeller.

But it was Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, who eventually sold it to Parker Brothers after playing a version.

Parker Brothers credited Monopoly with saving their company. Magie died in 1948 without recognition. Darrow became very wealthy & his legend lives on. #history #women
Lizzie Magie (1892). Photo is in the public domain. Photographer unknown.