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Items tagged with: technology

SSDs have a secret way to protect your data when they fail

Close view of a motherboard showing just as SSD drive slotted into it. Text on drive card says V-NAND SSD 980 PRO PCIe 4.0 NVMe M2. Brand name says Samsung.
Many SSDs will use SMART to keep track of how close they are to failure, and when they cross a threshold that indicates failure is imminent, they will lock down and enter a read-only state. This means that you can’t write anything to them, but it’s also a clear sign to the user to get everything off of the drive while it still works. You can tell if your SSD has entered that state if you can’t unlock it to write to it.

This will be reassuring to many who think if an SSD fails, it is basically not usable and the data is gone. So, if you’ve used an SDD for quite a while (a good many years) and it suddenly no longer boots, check on another computer (it’s SMART stats should show if it failed). You should be able to clone it to a new SDD drive and carry on working with your data intact.

#Blog, #SSD, #technology

"We want to bring organisations and content creators into the Fediverse, step by step."

Our Foundation co-founder has just published an interesting piece on how we're working to help organisations and content creators find their way to the Fediverse!

For more information on what we plan to do as a charity and how Patchwork, a new service we'll be launching soon, can help 👇

#Fediverse #SocialMedia #FediDev #FediAdmin #MastoDev #MastoAdmin #Technology

A Brief tour of the End, an accessible fiction podcast directory.

This is a brief tour of The End database, for fiction podcasts, with Apple's screen reader on iOS. I walk through some pages of the website that show how clean markup can make a website very easy to navigate for everyone, not just screen reader users.

"Moore’s law has effectively come to an end as integrated circuits can’t be scaled down any more. As a result, the improvement in performance per Watt is slowing down continuously. On the other hand, the demand for computational resources is set to increase considerably" #technology #computers #energy
The case for frugal computing. .

Serbian inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist Nikola Tesla was born #OTD in 1856.

Some of Tesla´s inventions and innovations: alternating Current (AC) system; induction motor; Tesla coil; wireless transmission of electricity; radio technology; remote control; neon and fluorescent lighting; X-Ray technology; Tesla turbine; oscillators and frequency generators.

Books by Nikola Tesla at PG:

#books #science #technology

Nikola Tesla, with Rudjer Boscovich's book "Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis", in front of the spiral coil of his high-voltage Tesla coil transformer at his East Houston St., New York, laboratory.

Tesla is typically shown standing confidently, either holding the book or with it placed on a nearby table, symbolizing the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical application. He is dressed formally, reflecting his professional demeanor and the serious nature of his work.

TROM II: We can automate almost anything

Watch the entire documentary here -

Millions Of #google #whatsapp #Facebook #2FA #Security Codes #Leak Online

Security experts advise against using SMS messages for two-factor authentication codes due to their vulnerability to interception or compromise. Recently, a security researcher discovered an unsecured database on the internet containing millions of such codes, which could be easily accessed by anyone.

#news #tech #technews #technology #privacy

'Facial recognition' #error message on vending #machine sparks concern at #University of #Waterloo


Earlier this month, a student noticed an error message on one of the machines in the Modern Languages building. It appeared to indicate there was a problem with a facial recognition application.

error message on screen

#privacy #fail #FacialRecognition #face #technology #news #economy #problem #Canada

If what you’re building cannot be built without violating people’s consent, it should not be built.

#consent #humanRights #technology

People can be as upset about this as they want, but so long as they continue to watch #YouTube they continue tacitly supporting their user-hostile actions. If you really want to make a difference, stop watching, and tell content creators why. When you can convince them to move to platforms that don't shove ads down your throat every 3 minutes, THAT is when you'll see #Google change their tune.

#tech #technology #enshitification #PeerTube #tilvids

So did I mention that no company or government pays me for the work I do?

But you can support my work if you want to live in a world where we have the Small Web as an alternative to the Big Web of Google, Facebook, and other people farmers.

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #funding #foss #freeSoftware #openSource #web #dev #tech #technology

You guys did soldering?! And CAD?!!
A decade later, I had such a class called "technology" in the main curriculum, where we made… a folding wooden bench 🫠️

That said, that bench is very sturdy and practical, and I'm still using it daily two decades later. So there you go, bug-free #technology right there, with an Enterprise-Grade™ lifecycle 🎖️ (I suppose @federicomena would confirm that #woodworking outlasts #electronics and code by a long shot).

Urgent calls.

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#drabble #phone #technology #humor

via Diaspora* Publisher -

Touchscreen card devices may prevent blind customers paying

'Blind customers are being left "frustrated" and "embarrassed" by inaccessible payment devices. Some shops have buttonless touchscreen card readers, meaning you need sight to tap in your PIN'

Very short-sighted tech developers. They should have thought about this, and about the security issues. As should the businesses involved.

#disability #technology #tech

This outcome was pretty important. Companies can't charge you because they hold the copyright to the details of a law.

**Appeals Court Upholds Public.Resource.Org’s Right to Post Public Laws and Regulations Online | Electronic Frontier Foundation** •
#technology #law #copyright #copywrong

via Diaspora* Publisher -

You wouldn’t have McDonald’s teaching your kids about nutrition or Philip Morris teaching them about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Why are you happy having a surveillance capitalist like Google or Facebook teaching them about technology?

#surveillanceCapitalism #technology #web #education #SiliconValley #BigTech

If the thing you’re making wouldn’t exist if people had to opt in instead of having to opt out, maybe the thing you’re making shouldn’t exist.

#technology #humanRights #consent #respect

A Ton Of Folks Don’t Know What ‘Right To Repair’ Is, But Strongly Support It Once They Do #RightToRepair #technology #tech

The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training

#tech #technology #news #technews #internet #Brave #Bravebrowser #ChatGPT

ICD #34 - Co jeśli nie Facebook, Instagram i reszta? Fediverse!

Content warning: #aplikacje #apple #bezpieczeństwo #big #czas #działać #facebook #fediverse #firefox #google #internet #kontrola #korporacje #linux #media #mozilla #nowoczesne #opensource #Podcast #prawa #privacy #prywatność #security #social #tech #technologia #technolog

Good news: Automakers are finally realizing that car touchscreens are a disaster.

Drivers hate them, and they're also dangerously distracting. Buttons and knobs are poised for a comeback.

My new article in Slate:

#cars #safety #technology
The Glorious Return of a Humble Car Feature

So Google is now preventing people from removing location data from photos taken with Pixel phones.

Remember when Google's corporate motto was "don't be evil?"

Obviously, accurate location data on photos is more useful to a data mining operation like Google.

From Google: "Important: You can only update or remove estimated locations. If the location of a photo or video was automatically added by your camera, you can't edit or remove the location."

It's enshitification in action.


#technology #tech @technology #business #enshitification #Android #Google @pluralistic #infosec