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Items tagged with: bullshit

Hi there, if you don’t want me to hit you, please carry this sign that says “please don’t hit me” with you always. Otherwise, I can’t possibly be held responsible if I hit you. Because it’s in my nature to hit you. I can’t live without hitting people. It’s just who I am and what I do. Thank you for your understanding in this delicate matter.


#ai #optOut #openAI #chatGPT #bullshit

Was just asked by a friend if I wanted a #BlueSky invite.

My reply?

“Thanks but no thanks.”


Because I don’t need to see the app. I know the people behind it and what they stand for. The app can only ever be a manifestation of (or an initial misdirection from) that.

Expecting the wolf that took a bite out of you last time to this time act in your interests is how you end up as its dinner.

#BlueSky #JackDorsey #billionaires #SiliconValley #decentralisation #lipService #crypto #bullshit