Items tagged with: twitter
Le créateur de #Twitter est désormais suspendu par Twitter.
#censure #X #musk #usa #É-U #trump
Le créateur de Twitter est désormais suspendu par Twitter - Numerama
Dans une publication sur, un réseau social décentralisé construit sur le protocole Nostr, Jack Dorsey annonce avoir reçu une notification de suspension de son compte X, pour un peu plus de 11 heures.Nicolas Lellouche (Numerama)
Warum das Argument, man müsse in sozialen Netzwerken bleiben, um Opposition zu leisten, völliger Unsinn ist.
"Das Argument, man könne Plattformen wie X oder TikTok nicht verlassen, weil es sonst an »Widerspruch« und »Opposition« fehle, ist aus mehreren Gründen nicht haltbar – es ist schlicht völliger Bullshit. Es beruht auf einer falschen Annahme darüber, wie diese Plattformen funktionieren und welche Auswirkungen die eigene Präsenz dort tatsächlich hat." (Mike Kuketz)
#Kuketz #X #Twitter #TikTok #Facebook #Boykott #SocialNetwork #Fediverse ☮️
Warum das Argument, man müsse in sozialen Netzwerken bleiben, um Opposition zu leisten, völliger Unsinn ist
Der Mythos der »notwendigen Opposition« auf Plattformen wie X und TikTok ist eine Illusion: Auseinandersetzungen verstärken Desinformation und fördern das Geschä
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed.
A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed. A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
♲ Myster Ty - Prince sans rire - 2025-01-22 15:52:46 GMT
Nouvelle poussée fasciste : les nazis sont au pouvoir aux états-unis.
#twitter #musknazisalute #TrumpInauguration #Humour #Lol #art #pentelbrushpen #Aquacolor #Ink #Draw #Dessin #BD #Manga #Cartoon
#twitter #musknazisalute #TrumpInauguration #Humour #Lol #art #pentelbrushpen #Aquacolor #Ink #Draw #Dessin #BD #Manga #Cartoon
"Meta and X are going rogue:" European Digital Rights group (EDRi) urges EU to invest in infrastructure "like Mastodon, Peertube and other key pieces of the Fediverse" to secure Europe's independence
#news #tech #technology #socialmedia #twitter #fediverse #politics #europe
Meta and X are going rogue. Here is what Europe should do now. - European Digital Rights (EDRi)
To solve the core problem, we have to curb the immense grip Big Tech has on our institutions and invest in independent digital alternatives.European Digital Rights (EDRi)
Research question for those of you who came to the #fediverse after mostly using mainstream #socialMedia like #youtube #instagram #facebook #tiktok #Twitter etc--
what was the final straw that finally got you to make an account here?
Did it take you a while to figure out how the fediverse works, or did you take to it right away?
Do you still use mainstream social media? How often do you post there vs here?
And finally, what is your level of tech expertise? Were/are you already a tech expert (programmer, web developer, "protocol user," whatever you want to call it)?
Anyone used #Friendica? My wife discovered it when I told her about #Pixelfed.
I left #Facebook ~8yr ago & then #twitter for #mastodon. She’s on #FB & #Instagram & is exploring #BlueSky. We both just joined #Substack.
We’re looking for good decentralized social networks that aren’t owned by billionaires. I miss the FB feel sometimes, so any info on Friendica is appreciated.
Wife would also appreciate tips on choosing a Pixelfed server.
Cesser d'utiliser X (anciennement Twitter) pour les communications officielles du gouvernement - Cesser d'utiliser X (anciennement Twitter) pour les communications officielles du gouvernement - Plateforme des pétitions de l’Assemblée nationale
Cessez d'utiliser cette plateforme comme l'un des principaux porte-parole des communications officielles en France. Il existe des alternatives bien mieux modérées et régulées, et il est même possible de gérer sa propre
typische Neuland-Digitalisierungsversager 😱 wechseln von #Twitter zu #WhatsApp 👎
#politik #Musk #Bundeswehr #Meta #internet #Neuland #Verteidigung #aua #wtf #omg #Problem
Verteidigungsministerium lässt X-Kanal ruhen
Das Gebaren von US-Milliardär Musk rund um seine Social-Media-Plattform X lässt die Kritik daran immer lauter werden. Nun will das Wehrressort als erstes Bundesministerium X nicht mehr nutzen. Ganz weg davon will es aber
Starlink-Expansion: Der Widerstand gegen das Musk-Netz fällt
Elon Musks Satelliten-Internet erobert die Welt. Bereits über 100 Länder nutzen Starlink. Dazu trägt auch seine Allianz mit dem neuen US-Präsidenten bei.Harald Neuber (heise online)
Defeating Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior at Scale
Over the weekend, the YouTube channel SmarterEveryDay posted this video (part 1 of a 3-part series) discussing coordinated inauthentic behavior (via crappy content generation) to manipulate YouTube’s…Soatok Dreamseeker (Medium)
Exactly two years ago, we started to post links on #Mastodon via our account @heiseonline 👇
It took longer, than I expected, but here we are: it seems like this account now brings continuously more #traffic to than #X (#Twitter) in its entirety, although it only has ¼ of the follower number (and many of them don't seem to be active anymore).
I'll prepare some graphs after the weekend.
The Antifa Turtle on #Twitter shared a Twitter API okta leak that shows there is a list of "protected accounts", all of them right wing, who are allowed to break #X Terms Of Services without consequence and includes a list of whitelisted slurs they are allowed to use.
The whistle-blowing Twitter account was suspended by mods shortly after.
#elonmusk #freespeech #whistleblower #leak @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook
On the Twitter blocking follows to Harris2024 account on announcement day:
a. Nadler is right about the asymmetry of every hiccup like this the GOP launches investigation if they don't go along with this.
b. I doubt this was intentional by Musk but definitely a by-product if him cutting staff to the bone so they or the infrastructure couldn't respond to it accordingly.
c. Since Musk didn't step in to fix it immediately like he does whenever a groyper, right wing edgelord, or Nazi shreeks at much smaller issues it is still proof of his desire to have Twitter be explicitly a right wing vomit hose. At the very least Twitter users should create primary accounts on the fediverse (Mastodon, Bluesky, even eek Threads) and at most secondarily post to Twitter.
#ElonMusk #Twitter #Election2024
Nadler urges investigation into X restriction on Kamala Harris account
Rep. Jerrold Nadler urged the House Judiciary Committee to investigate whether Elon Musk’s X prevented users from following a campaign account for Kamala Harris.Kat Tenbarge (NBC News)
A bus crashed into a shop in London. Two people were reportedly hurt, but obviously the incident could have been worse. An X user named Mark Arby took close photos of the crash, and companies then relentlessly kept asking him for permission to use the photos. A lot of other netizens also wanted to make sure if he was ok.
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny:
📌Naukowcy migrują z X (dawniej Twitter) na inne platformy społecznościowe
➡46,9 proc. nowych kont zostało utworzonych na Mastodonie
➡ 34,8 proc nowych kont utworzono na Linkedin
Blisko połowa ankietowanych osób (47,7 proc.) twierdzi,
że w ostatnich sześciu miesiącach rzadziej korzystało z X, a 6,7 proc. w ogóle przestało
korzystać z platformy
Your Twitter/X account is a microphone connected to a mixer controlled by a fascist. You can speak all you want. The fascist controls your volume and can mute you whenever he wants. And you might not even know you’ve been muted because you can still hear yourself in your headphones.
It’s not called resistance when your volume knob is in someone else’s hand.
community feedback, while listening to feedback from former #Twitter users who are rejecting #Mastodon due to the lack of this feature.
Also @alex how hard is functional search to actually integrate? I couldn’t imagine it being that hard, but you’ve done it before, so I’m sure you’d know better than me.
users have been begging for this features for years, and the devs have ignored them consistently. The only reason they are acquiescing now is because former #Twitter users are begging for it. The devs seem to care more about disaffected #Twitter user feedback than the feedback of the very #Mastodon users who have helped build #Mastodon up to what it is today.
Is this type of behavior deserving of thanks?
So, Twitter decided to pull a DeviantArt move and change its Terms Of Services to include anything you post there on their AI dataset, to re-publish your art and benefit from it without your consent or compensation.
I will only leave my contact information there, nothing else.
#Twitter #artistsonmastodon #TwitterAlert #AuthorsRights #AI #DeleteTwitter
Musk’s broken promises have yet to reach anything near the volume of lies that Trump told as president. But given his recent track record, it’s well past time for the press to grant him an equal measure of skepticism."
It’s time to change how we cover Elon Musk
Elon Musk keeps making things up and getting credible headlines out of it. The media needs to be more thoughtful about how they approach the X/Twitter/Tesla/SpaceX CEO.Casey Newton (The Verge)