Items tagged with: Musk
How Elon Musk’s SpaceX Secretly Allows Investment From China
#china #national-security #musk #trump #space-x #espionage
How Elon Musk’s SpaceX Secretly Allows Investment From China
As a U.S. military contractor, SpaceX sees allowing Chinese ownership as fraught. But it will allow the investment if it comes through secrecy hubs like the Cayman Islands, court records say. “It is certainly a policy of obfuscation,” an expert said.ProPublica
Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone on Fascism
See if any of this seems relevant to the USA right now.
#rod-serling #the-twilight-zone #fascism #trump #musk #usa #far-right #bigotry #prejudice #minorities
Twilight Zone, season 4, episode 4
Tesla missachtet Arbeitsrecht
Der Autobauer drangsaliert kranke Mitarbeiter
Von Jonas Wahmkow
In Grünheide geschieht krankgemeldeten Beschäftigten Ungeheuerliches. Damit darf Elon Musks Unternehmen nicht durchkommen.
#taz #tageszeitung #wochentaz #Tesla #Grünheide #Gewerkschaft #Krankheit #Elon #Musk
Le créateur de #Twitter est désormais suspendu par Twitter.
#censure #X #musk #usa #É-U #trump
Le créateur de Twitter est désormais suspendu par Twitter - Numerama
Dans une publication sur, un réseau social décentralisé construit sur le protocole Nostr, Jack Dorsey annonce avoir reçu une notification de suspension de son compte X, pour un peu plus de 11 heures.Nicolas Lellouche (Numerama)
20250308 Digitale Brandmauer errichten!
Für Freiheitsrechte, gegen Massen-Überwachung und
Russia asks Elon #Musk to hand over names of dissidents
Spot the #RussianAsset
MPs in #Moscow want a list of Russians funded by #USAid, the American aid scheme shut down by Donald Trump, to be given to the security services
Moscow has appealed to the US to identify exiled Russian opposition figures who received funding from America’s international aid agency, which Elon Musk described as a “criminal organisation”.
Chairman of the Duma, Russia’s parliament, said on Tuesday: “If they recognised the [USAid] organisation as an enemy, let them give us the lists. Congress will send us the lists — we will give them to the FSB [Russian security service].”
#AmericanDictatorship #authoritarian #Orwellian #privacy #HybridWar #RussianAggression
#Tesla is suing drivers who complain about their cars after accidents – and winning
Zhang gazed at the deflating airbag in front of her. She could never have imagined what was to come: Tesla sued her for defamation for complaining publicly about the car’s brakes — and won.
It is not common practice for #automakers — in China or elsewhere — to sue their customers. But Tesla has pioneered an aggressive legal strategy and leveraged the patronage of powerful leaders in China’s ruling Communist Party to silence critics, reap financial rewards and limit its accountability.
Tesla owner Elon #Musk is a self-described ‘free speech absolutist’ [except in practice]
#bullying #bullies #corruption #AuthoritarianCapitalism
Tesla is suing drivers who complain about their cars after accidents – and winning
Tesla owner Elon Musk is a self-described ‘free speech absolutist’Elsie Chen (The Independent)
"We should now be imposing the same boycotts on Musk’s hideous fascist US that we once did on apartheid South Africa."
An information dark age is upon us. I’m logging off
As Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos attempt to reshape our reality, my advice is to avoid their toxic platforms and wait it outStewart Lee (The Guardian)
typische Neuland-Digitalisierungsversager 😱 wechseln von #Twitter zu #WhatsApp 👎
#politik #Musk #Bundeswehr #Meta #internet #Neuland #Verteidigung #aua #wtf #omg #Problem
Verteidigungsministerium lässt X-Kanal ruhen
Das Gebaren von US-Milliardär Musk rund um seine Social-Media-Plattform X lässt die Kritik daran immer lauter werden. Nun will das Wehrressort als erstes Bundesministerium X nicht mehr nutzen. Ganz weg davon will es aber
Starlink-Expansion: Der Widerstand gegen das Musk-Netz fällt
Elon Musks Satelliten-Internet erobert die Welt. Bereits über 100 Länder nutzen Starlink. Dazu trägt auch seine Allianz mit dem neuen US-Präsidenten bei.Harald Neuber (heise online)
Nach Wahlwerbung für AfD: Elon Musk stellt neuen Sprung vor
Washington (dpo) - Er ist einfach ein kreatives Genie! Der Multilmilliardär, Oligarch und heimliche US-Präsident Elon Musk hat heute der Öf...Der Postillon (Blogger)!6059229/
Interner Zwist bei Springer: Musk spaltet die „Welt“
Die Chefin der Meinungsredaktion der Zeitung Welt, Eva Marie Kogel, wirft hin, weil das Blatt Elon Musk Raum für AfD-Wahlwerbung gibt. Das bleibt nicht unkommentiert.Gereon Asmuth (taz)
"Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars"
It's great to see someone FINALLY mention the magnetosphere issue, in the very first sentence no less, but this article rips into the idea so much more thoroughly than that, and with admirable gusto.
Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars | Defector
Mars does not have a magnetosphere. Any discussion of humans ever settling the red planet can stop right there, but of course it never does. Do you have a low-cost plan for, uh, creating a gigantic active dynamo at Mars’s dead core? No?
Musk’s broken promises have yet to reach anything near the volume of lies that Trump told as president. But given his recent track record, it’s well past time for the press to grant him an equal measure of skepticism."
It’s time to change how we cover Elon Musk
Elon Musk keeps making things up and getting credible headlines out of it. The media needs to be more thoughtful about how they approach the X/Twitter/Tesla/SpaceX CEO.Casey Newton (The Verge)
*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.
#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User
115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?
#AI = savage & lawless land
ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil
Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐
"Tell in a sentece that you don't understand #Wikipedia without telling you don't understand Wikipedia."
#musk #

Elon Musk is warned Wikipedia is 'not for sale' by founder Jimmy Wales
A journalist asked Elon Musk in a tweet how much he thought Wikipedia would cost, but founder Jimmy Wales is not looking to sell.Sawdah Bhaimiya (Insider)
#technology #tech #twitter #elon #musk #twittermigration