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Items tagged with: Musk

"Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars"

It's great to see someone FINALLY mention the magnetosphere issue, in the very first sentence no less, but this article rips into the idea so much more thoroughly than that, and with admirable gusto.

#skeptic #musk #mars

#Trump und #Musk sind gefährlich naiv:

Musk: „Hiroshima und Nagasaki wurden bombardiert, aber jetzt sind sie wieder lebendige Städte.“
Trump: „ Das ist toll.“
Musk: „Ja, es ist also nicht so beängstigend, wie die Leute denken.“

Musk told Trump that Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings "not as scary as people think." Trump: "That's great." - Boing Boing

#SocialMedia #Twitter #Musk: "Before Musk, the person setting the day’s news agenda on Twitter was Donald Trump. As it became clear during his first campaign that Trump mostly did not tell the truth, the press corps gradually brought more scrutiny to the candidate’s statements. In some cases, cable networks stopped carrying his public appearances live, since they could not be fact-checked effectively in real time.

Musk’s broken promises have yet to reach anything near the volume of lies that Trump told as president. But given his recent track record, it’s well past time for the press to grant him an equal measure of skepticism."

Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. #twitter #tech #elonmusk #x #twittermigration #twitterlogo #elon #musk
Pic of twitter Hq with sign coming down

Following #MentalHealth #chatbots since 2017 (all of them, most egregious WoeBot at Stanford).

*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.

#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User

115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?


#AI = savage & lawless land

ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil

Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐

Swap word "train" for "use"

and you'll be on to #Musk + #Thiel strategy in that poll



We see a new fascist platform takeover happen in real time.

Do we react or do we just swim with the flow?
#twitter #twitterpurge #freespeech #Politics #Musk #Fascism

We see a new fascist platform takeover happen in real time.

Do we react or do we just swim with the flow?
#twitter #twitterpurge #freespeech #Politics #Musk #Fascism

Laughing so hard...

"Tell in a sentece that you don't understand #Wikipedia without telling you don't understand Wikipedia."

#musk #:twitter:

Notable that Marc Andreessen backed Elon’s Twitter takeover and is now also backing, Twitter’s main competitor outside Mastodon. Once again, you think you’re given a choice but the rich get richer either path you take!
#technology #tech #twitter #elon #musk #twittermigration

You came to the #fediverse to escape #Musk.

I came to become the Musk of my own instance.

We are not the same.

Nun will #Musk doch noch #Twitter kaufen.

Gibt es dann wieder eine Welle oder haben wir das schon hinter uns?

Billionaires should not have sole ownership over one of the largest communication platforms in the world.

$44 Billion dollars could do so much good in this world.

#Musk #Twitter