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Items tagged with: elonmusk


The Antifa Turtle on #Twitter shared a Twitter API okta leak that shows there is a list of "protected accounts", all of them right wing, who are allowed to break #X Terms Of Services without consequence and includes a list of whitelisted slurs they are allowed to use.

The whistle-blowing Twitter account was suspended by mods shortly after.

#elonmusk #freespeech #whistleblower #leak @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook

On the Twitter blocking follows to Harris2024 account on announcement day:
a. Nadler is right about the asymmetry of every hiccup like this the GOP launches investigation if they don't go along with this.
b. I doubt this was intentional by Musk but definitely a by-product if him cutting staff to the bone so they or the infrastructure couldn't respond to it accordingly.
c. Since Musk didn't step in to fix it immediately like he does whenever a groyper, right wing edgelord, or Nazi shreeks at much smaller issues it is still proof of his desire to have Twitter be explicitly a right wing vomit hose. At the very least Twitter users should create primary accounts on the fediverse (Mastodon, Bluesky, even eek Threads) and at most secondarily post to Twitter.

#ElonMusk #Twitter #Election2024

Wut auf Tesla - warum das Werk in Brandenburg so viel Protest auslöst

Das Werk von Tesla in Brandenburg gilt als Leuchtturmprojekt – ruft aber regelmäßig Umweltschützer auf den Plan. Warum Tesla vor Ort umstritten ist.#Tesla #EAutos #Brandenburg #ElonMusk #podcast #nahdran
Wut auf Tesla - warum das Werk in Brandenburg so viel Protest auslöst

Betriebsratswahl bei Tesla: Echte Demokratie in Grünheide

Die Tesla-Beschäftigten haben einen neuen Betriebsrat gewählt. Stärkste Liste wurde die IG Metall – zum Ärger von Gewerkschaftsfeind Elon Musk.#Tesla #ElonMusk #Betriebsrat #IGMetall #Gewerkschaft #Elektroauto #Grünheide #GNS #Arbeit #Öko #Feed
Betriebsratswahl bei Tesla: Echte Demokratie in Grünheide

What are the big takeaways from 2023? @xoxogossipgita, @molly0xfff, and Aaron Thorpe join me for a great year-end chat on AI hype, tech villains, and other big stories of the year!

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #2023 #elonmusk #jeffbezos #ai

Tech Won’t Save Us presents The Year In Tech with Gita Jackson, Molly White, Aaron Thorpe, and Paris Marx

"You know the saying "hurt people hurt people”? He's a hurt person who is hurting our society, making people | care about less safe. The consequences of this one man's midlife crisis are global. and that terrifies me. " -Will Wheaton

#ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #InnovationStifler

This is the equivalent of selling blue checks to any random idiot for that fascist's car business.

"Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year"

#elonmusk #tesla

Wir haben uns dazu entschieden, unseren Account auf X zu stillzulegen 😓

Die Entwicklung seit der Übernahme durch Elon Musk ist nicht mit unseren Werten vereinbar. ❌

💛 Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit euch hier.

Seid ihr schon gegangen? Und wie sind die Erfahrungen? 🤔

#wikipedia #wikimedia #byebyex #byebyetwitter #elonmusk

Elon Musk is a lesson in the dangers of unchecked corporate leaders | Siva Vaidhyanathan

#elonmusk #people

Unpopular opinions:

#Mastodon’s obsession with #ElonMusk is unbecoming. It’s time we grew out from beneath his shadow, stopped defining ourselves in contrast to him & weaned ourselves off feeding on anger/contempt towards him.

I feel much the same way about #donaldtrump, who also thrives on attention—positive or negative.

Your Twitter/X account is a microphone connected to a mixer controlled by a fascist. You can speak all you want. The fascist controls your volume and can mute you whenever he wants. And you might not even know you’ve been muted because you can still hear yourself in your headphones.

It’s not called resistance when your volume knob is in someone else’s hand.

#twitter #x #algorithmicTimeline #elonMusk #fascism

Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. #twitter #tech #elonmusk #x #twittermigration #twitterlogo #elon #musk
Pic of twitter Hq with sign coming down

I have seen people on #Mastodon refer to #EugenRochko as 'Website Boy' and also #ElonMusk as 'Rocket Boy' and whilst I'm sure some people use them terms in a belittling way, it just makes me imagine them both as rival comic book characters.
A photo of Eugen Rochko, founder of Mastodon. He's a white dude wearing spectacles and is dressed quite plainly in a coat, stood outside in a park which is surrounded by trees.
A photo of Elon Musk, the name associated with big companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and now Twitter. He stands in front of a red Tesla car with his hands in his pockets as a bunch of nerds take photos of him through the windows at the back of the scene.

Fe-Diversity, no, thanks?

It wasn't until digging into Musk background after the whole going after the guy who criticized his cave rescue submarine stunt that I realized how many times he just made shit up as on the verge of existing or 1-2 years away tops to have it be total BS. Good news, now there is a site that tracks it. It is truly mind bending that people take what he says at face value any longer. He is more grifter and charlatan than "real world Tony Stark" tech genius. The data is all there for you to see for yourself. #ElonMusk #MuskIsADick

“Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — @parismarx in Gizmodo

#cities #Hyperloop #ElonMusk #rail #cars

Before Tesla, Elon Musk launched a company called X(dot)com that he hoped would upend the banking system. It didn’t, but he never gave up on the idea.

In November, he outlined a vision for Twitter that effectively tries to replicate his old vision by grafting it onto the ailing social media platform. I explain why it’s doomed to fail and what it tells us about Elon Musk.

#tech #elonmusk #twitter

After Tesla’s share price plummeted last year, it won’t be any surprise to hear the company’s in trouble, but from growing EV competition to increased scrutiny on Autopilot, that’s only the beginning.

This week on #TechWontSaveUs, @niedermeyer joins me for a deep dive into Tesla, the challenges the company is facing, and why it’s so hard to get away from Elon Musk.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #tesla #elonmusk #ev

#ElonMusk will use his Mastodon instance here to tell us all about it...

Can you guys PLEASE get the memo that #ElonMusk doesn't support free speech???

Can you imagine trusting a car made by the fool who runs Twitter?

#tesla #elonMusk #twitter

When billionaires say they don’t care about privacy, it‘s your privacy they’re talking about not theirs. Mark Zuckerberg says “privacy is dead” in one breath and buys the four houses around his house in the next because he values his own privacy. It’s yours that he’s actively engaged in strangling the life out of.

#privacy #markZuckerberg #elonMusk #SiliconValley #surveillance #capitalism

This is apparently the tweet that led to my suspension from Twitter. Right as I was reinstated they announced a new policy that they apparently found me to have retroactively violated
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitter #news #elonmusk #tech #technews #technology
Links of my social channels
New policy saying you can’t promote other social channels

The #JohnMastodon

3 oz whiskey
1.5 oz sweet vermouth
A drop of maple syrup
4 dashes #ElonMusk 's bitter tears

Shake with ice, and decentralize between 2 rocks glasses.

#twittermigration #cocktails

Hello FBI I'd like to report a crime Pleroma is attempting to extort me, they refuse to let my wife and 2 children go unless I bear false witness to acquit a human trafficking ring at a military base, the sheriff and my psychiatrist are involved #itsalwayspleroma #pleroma #introductions #introduction #truecrime #art #funny #comedy #reddit #politics #elonmusk #mastodon

Elon Musk is part of a group of tech executives that have felt increasingly emboldened to attack the press in recent years, but banning the accounts of journalists who’ve written critical things about him is a major escalation.

To the right, “free speech” isn’t what we conventionally understand it to be. It’s not a general right to speak freely; to them it’s their right to speak without consequences, while cracking down on their critics.

#elonmusk #twitter #socialmedia #freespeech

As the tech industry moves from boom to bust, an increasingly reactionary set of tech CEOs are waging a campaign against workers to reset expectations of labor in the sector.

On this week’s #TechWontSaveUs, Wendy Liu returns to discuss this shift and how executives are emboldened by Elon Musk’s actions since taking over Twitter.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #podcast #elonmusk

The myth of Elon Musk as a genius building a better future for everyone is falling apart — and it’s about time!

As I wrote in Time a few months ago, we need to realize he hasn’t just taken a bad turn in the past few months. He’s always been selling us a lie, and nothing shows that better than his fake transport projects that distracted from real solutions.

His downfall can’t come soon enough.

#elonmusk #tech #transport #future

Idea for a new video to film today: brief spiel about "why you should delete your #twitter account NOW before #elonmusk sells your data to white supremacists!", then record myself deleting my accounts.

What are the hardest hitting points I should put in that spiel? (though odds are if someone hasn't left Twitter yet, theyrenot gonna...)

I could also talk about alternatives, why/why not you should use them. Hive, post, bluesky, mastodon... What else is there? What should I say for or against them?

The Boring Company’s actions show Elon Musk isn’t ushering in a transport revolution; he’s stifling any hope of one. We need to wake up if we’re to ever build a better transport system.

In the same way that the Hyperloop’s purpose was to get California’s high-speed rail line canceled, the Boring Company is distracting from train and transit projects that aren’t as “sexy”, but could make a real difference.

#hyperloop #boringcompany #elonmusk #transport #tech
He has a history of floating false solutions to the drawbacks of our over-reliance on cars that stifle efforts to give people other options. The Boring Company was supposed to solve traffic, not be the Las Vegas amusement ride it is now. As I’ve written in my book, Musk admitted to his biographer Ashlee Vance that Hyperloop was all about trying to get legislators to cancel plans for high-speed rail in California—even though he had no plans to build it.

Across the United States, Elon Musk’s Boring Company shows up to pitch transport projects far below the cost of competitors. Local officials get excited and pursue them, for cost savings and to associate with Musk. In Ontario, CA, officials said, “it’s the Boring Company, so Elon Musk brings that kind of sexiness to it.”

But when it comes time for the Boring Company to deliver, it conveniently disappears.

#elonmusk #tech #transport #cities

Content warning: YouTube link about the downfall of Twitter, Facebook and FTX.

Crypto is in crisis, Meta is crashing, Elizabeth Holmes is going to prison, and Elon Musk is doing all he can to destroy the reputation he spent decades building.

The tech industry is at a turning point, but where will it go next and how do we prepare for its next act?

📬 Read my newsletter:

#tech #future #economy #siliconvalley #elonmusk
The higher order system here isn't technology; it's capitalism. That's what will shape what comes next, unless we overturn it — a prospect I sadly don't see on the horizon anytime soon. That means we need to reject a desire to give into fantasy, and pay close attention to where venture capitalists and major tech firms allocate capital in the months to come: What are they betting the future will be, and how are their PR people going to try to sell it to us?

“Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — #ParisMarx #Gizmodo #ElonMusk #Hyperloop #California #HighSpeedRail #cities #transportation #Tesla #CityPlanning #UrbanPlanning

Let this be a lesson to tech journalists that no matter how close you get to a tech leader and shill for their companies, there’s no guarantee they won’t turn on you after the slightest criticism. So maybe just hold them to account like you’re supposed to.

#tech #techindustry #media #journalism #twitter #elonmusk
Elon's Email to Swisher: Elon Musk apparently thinks Kara Swisher is an "asshole." For the latest episode of the "On" podcast, the tables were turned on Swisher as producer Nayeema Raza put her in the hot seat, asking about her relationship with Musk. "He's not speaking to me," Swisher said. "I'm an 'asshole.' He emailed me this recently."
Swisher said the email came after she tweeted reporting from WaPo about him wanting the US to pay for providing Starlink services to Ukraine. Swisher noted that she agreed Musk should get paid and made that point on Twitter, but apparently that wasn't enough. She said Musk emailed her with the subject: "You're an asshole " Inside the email was a screenshot of her tweets. "In this case, I was supporting him, which is really kind of ironic." Swisher said. Listen to the full pod here.