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Items tagged with: poetry


Come, take my hand, walk,
with me, these strange paths of night;
our dreams are ready.

© Simon J Ashcroft, 2024

#haiku #poem #Poetry

English below :
Les monarques poulets comprendront-ils un jour que leurs lois de basse court ne peuvent s'appliquer aux aigles ?
Ami, je t'en conjure, rappel toi qui tu es et déploie tes ailes !

Will the chicken monarchs one day understand that their short-sighted laws do not apply to eagles?
Ami, I implore you, remember who you are and spread your wings!Will the chicken monarchs one day understand that their short-sighted laws do not apply to eagles?
Ami, I implore you, remember who you are and spread your wings!

#souveraineté #empowerment #recul #lucidité #lucidity #conscience #aigle #envol #liberté #freedom #poetry #poesie #creativity #creativite

"We have so much to learn from poetry about being more playful and exploratory in how we write alt text."

#AltText #ImageDescription #accessibility #a11y #poetry #AltTextAsPoetry

"Sem vergonha o não digo, que a razão De algum não ser por versos excelente, É não se ver prezado o verso e rima, Porque quem não sabe arte, não na estima."
Os Lusíadas (1572), Canto V

Luís Vaz de Camões died #OTD in 1580. He wrote a considerable amount of lyrical poetry & drama but is best remembered for his epic work Os Lusíadas. His collection of poetry The Parnasum of Luís de Camões was lost during his life.

Books by Luís de Camões at PG:

#books #literature #poetry
Portrait c. 1577. via @wikipedia
Cover of the 1572 edition of Os Lusíadas. via @wikipedia

📖 #Today's #meditation :

In the spiritual dimension,
one cannot produce a masterpiece
—until they become one.

#wisdom #literature #poetry #spirituality #inspiration

Itchy Spots is James Main & Ansgar Wilken. Consequent Percussion & poetry. Listen to them, "it's ludicrous, walking hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand".
Guest trombone by TinTin Patrone.

#extramusic #percussion #poetry #AnsgarWilken #ItchySpots #artmusic #art

It's always a little infuriating how slow bodies of discourse are to admit needed changes. In this case, the evidence in favor of Enheduanna seems awfully clear.

The Struggle to Unearth the World’s First Author | The New Yorker
#archaeology #writing #poetry #ur #sumeria

via Diaspora* Publisher -

I've been on mastodon for a minute but really starting using it regularly for the past year or so. here's an #introduction for all those checking #twittermigration for people to follow

I am a #writer of #FlashFiction #horror and #haiku #poetry I am an #artist and sometimes I make #music

I'm looking to follow #journalists #historians #scientists #artists #writers and #musicians and people who post about #bikes #PublicTransit and #LitMags

j'apprends le français

The Little Boy and the Old Man

Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
Said the old man, "I do that too."
The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
"I do that too," laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, "I often cry."
The old man nodded, "So do I."
"But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
"I know what you mean," said the little old man.

By Shel Silverstein
#art #poetry #aging

🎨 Artwork: Hugo Gerhard Simberg

Of The Diaspora

Silhouette of plane flying at sunset

i Have Come To Know

Photo by Fabien Bazanegue on Unsplash
i have known love

but only from the inside

from the inside, giving out

not even from the inside, looking out

for what I saw

was not love.

i thought it was

until a moment

when I saw what it was

was love, but

not the giving out kind

and then, i came to know

that some live without love

they do not need it

and that maybe all we ever do

is live with the need for love

we dream of it

that it is in front of us

it helps us sleep, until

we come to see

then it prevents us from sleep

Once, i came to know

then chose

that knowing

and breathing while knowing

requires neither believing

in things like trust

in not being hurt by it

in democracy or freedom

in being who I want

but it requires living who I want

regardless of all that may come
i have come to know, poetry in morning walks
15th February 2021, Geochang