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Items tagged with: feditips

Hey there 👋

If you have any questions about how to use Mastodon or the rest of the Fediverse, it is totally fine to ask! I'm an actual human being here, and I'll try to help answer any questions if I can!

I didn't set up this account to be one-directional or mass audience, it's meant to be about helping people directly. 🙂

#FediTips #Fediverse #Mastodon

It can be really useful to know when a post was written, so that you know whether the information is current or not. You can see this on any post by looking at its "timestamp".

If you're browsing posts in a timeline, the timestamp will be in a post's top right corner. Recent posts will show minutes, hours or days since publication, older posts will show a date.

If you click on a post, the timestamp will be shown as a full date and time along the bottom of the post.


Screenshot of a timestamp highlighted in the top right corner of a post. It shows the date as 29th February.
Screenshot of a timestamp highlighted at the bottom of a post. It gives the exact time and date as 29th February 2024, 16:23.


I won't go into details because they aren't mine to share, but a fash publication dropped dox (real name, location, years of internet history) on an antifascist member of the #fediverse today, based in large part on their activity on @kolektiva dot social and elsewhere on #Mastodon.

Just a reminder that the enemy is aware that we are gathered here and is watching us, and as we head into these dangerous times it's important to remember that. Think twice before posting anything here you wouldn't want linked to you in a court of law, for example. #SocialMedia #fascism #antifa #SecurityCulture #feditips

A follow-up post regarding the Mastodon search tips:

If the search options don't work, the reason might be that your Mastodon instance maintainer hasn't implemented Elasticsearch.

Also important: do not use capitals anywhere in the search conditions. E.g.: "From:me" doesn't work.

Further reading:


#mastodon #MastoTips #FediTips #tip #tips #information #knowledge #fediverse

I took some time to work out the exact #formatting that #Elasticsearch demands. If you think this might be useful, go ahead and boost. If you find any errors or would like to suggest additions, please also post a reply!

Hopefully this can help prevent a lot of frustration and trouble people might encounter and give them a better Mastodon experience!

(Updated to Revision 2)

Mastodon Elasticsearch - Essential Search Formatting

Capitalizing the "F" returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

Putting a space between the colon and @ returns posts you made that include @joeybohij (Search doesn't run correctly?)

This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable
from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain before:2023-09-01 apple
Elasticsearch uses the following date formatting:
This returns posts from @joeybohij - assuming their posts are searchable, containing the word "apple"
", before September 1st, 2023

from:@joeybohij@spallone.somedomain apple before:2023-09-01
This returns posts from anyone before September 1st, 2023, with "apple" in it.

TL;DR in Elasticsearch CAPITALIZATION is significant, SPACING is significant, DATE FORMAT is significant, and ORDER of search elements is significant! (And make sure to hit the blue "see all" once you've searched or only some results will load.)

From - October 23rd, 2023 (Revision 2)

test answer with the same text as the direct answer to @DaveDiamond's comment. In this case as an answer to the original post to see how this behaves on the diaspora side of the fediverse.

thx @ dldnh @ !

added to the image as alt text by editing and simply copy/pasting.
this is a #friendica acount so it's time to check how this looks like on #mastodon. 🤔

this post appears on #diaspora* too so with some work your #alt4you will show up over there, example (magnetlink):

#fediVerse #fediHelp #fediTips #alt4me

Black and white image in carbon drawn style of the standard Bauhelm tumbsup

@Remind Me 1 day

This a an interesting tool that "you can use to send you reminders about posts in the activitypub speaking fediverse!
E.g., "@remindme 1 day", "@remindme 1 week", or "@remindme 1 week"

If you'd like the reminders to be sent via dm (instead of publicly), add "dm" to the message. For example, "@remindme dm 12h""

A screen of the remindMe profile as seen on a friendica profile that contains the info of the text in this post.




Summing up tests "activating" and "deactivating" @[Mentioned people only] on #mastodon. Apparently there have been some changes.
(from v3 to v4?)

You can't add more people into already existing posts. They won't be able to display it nore get notifications.
(if that ever existed)

You can deactivate/delete mentions, the profile won't get notifications of updates but still can see or search those toots.
still awaiting confirmation of behaviour on #friendica


Das #Fediverse gilt als datenschutzfreundliche Alternative zu anderen Social-Media-Angeboten. Wir haben #Mastodon 🐘 genauer untersucht und einen #Datenschutz-Leitfaden für den Betrieb von #Instanzen veröffentlicht 🎉

„Datenschutz bei Mastodon. Leitfaden für den Instanz-Betrieb im dezentralen Netzwerk“

➡️ Gern an die Admins eurer Instanzen weitergeben.

Vielen Dank an die Autorinnen @qbi, @malteengeler und @resieguen!

#MastodonDatenschutz #FediTips

Can't publish public when mentioning forum pages

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

There has been a lot of interest in PeerTube lately, so here are a couple of guides to help you use it.

➡️ How to watch and discover PeerTube, how to follow PeerTube accounts from Mastodon -

➡️ How to upload your own videos to PeerTube -

Also a reminder you can browse/search lots of nice PeerTube videos at

#PeerTube #FediTips

If you follow someone who boosts way too often, and you want to see their posts but not their boosts, you can do this:

1. Go to their profile page
2. Click on the menu button ︙
3. Select "Hide boosts from..."

If you change your mind later, go back to their profile and select "Show boosts from..." instead.

#FediTips #MastoTips #Mastodon

News orgs on Mastodon/in the Fediverse (NOT bots).
Several posts long. Expand to see whole thread.
(Suggestions appreciated.)

@mondoweiss (Palestine & world)
@rferl (Radio Free Europe)
@thecontinent (African continent)
@TheConversationAfrica (Africa)
@thenation (US & world)
@VOANews (Voice of America)

Continued in next post...


Review time again! Here's a concise look at the third party app Fedilab:


You can use it with Mastodon accounts (including forks like Glitch), PeerTube accounts, Pixelfed accounts and many other types of Fediverse account.

It's got a really nice array of options if you dig down into the settings menus, it does a lot of things that the official apps don't do. I've tried to summarise the good stuff in the review.

#FediTips #Fediverse #Fedilab #Apps #Mastodon #PeerTube

If you have ever worked with Deluxe Paint or heard about it, be sure to check out PyDPainter, a great and free resurrection of the legendary DPaint pixel editor.

#pixel #PixelArt #graphics #GameDev #RetroComputing #tool #editor #tip #FediTips #Commodore #Amiga #MSDOS #retro

Screenshot of PyDPainter, a reincarnation of the legendary Deluxe Paint pixel editor.

Friendica - post z lokalizacją

Czy wiesz, że... tworząc post z konta Friendica możesz prosto dodać lokalizację ?
W oknie tworzenia nowego postu, w polu lokalizacji możesz wpisać adres, nazwę obiektu, współrzędne, swoją lokalizację - cokolwiek co potrafi znaleźć na mapie #OpenStreetMap wyszukiwarka #nominatim . W opublikowanym poście wybrana lokalizacja będzie widoczna pod nazwą konta, które publikuje a link wskaże właśnie na serwis nominatim. Dlatego warto sprawdzić przed publikacją, na podglądzie, czy faktycznie link do wskazanego obiektu/adresu będzie znaleziony na mapie.

Scrennshot - tworzenie postu friendica z podaniem lokalizacji

#feditips #friendica

Content warning: The Flaw to be aware of with "Followers Only" posts

PeerTube, the Fediverse's alternative to YouTube, is normally associated with video. However, you can also upload audio files directly to PeerTube. It will accept lots of audio formats including .mp3, .ogg, .aac, .flac, .wma etc.

You can optionally upload an image file as a thumbnail. If not, audio files will show a black screen by default.

You can find out more about PeerTube at

#PeerTube #FediTips #Audio #Music #Podcasts #Fediverse

If there's the same conversation shown on different kinds of Fediverse server, each server type will display it in its own format.

For example:

In the attached images, you can see a conversation thread in the replies to a PeerTube video post. On Mastodon it will look like a Masto thread, but on PeerTube it will look like comments below the video.

They are both the same thread! It's just displayed differently depending on which kind of server you're looking at it from.

#FediTips #Fediverse
Screenshot of conversation displayed in Mastodon about props and accessories that used to be bundled with adventure games in the 1980s and 1990s, replying to a PeerTube post featuring a video about old adventure games. It looks just like any Mastodon thread.
Screenshot from a PeerTube server showing the same conversation, but this time it is displayed in a PeerTube format as comments below the PeerTube video.

Here is an intermediate-level #feditips for those of you who have found The Content, but now have Too Much Content:

Many apps (including the Mastodon web app) let you turn off all boosts in your timeline. On the Mastodon web app you click the "settings" button at the top of the Home timeline and deselect "Show boosts". Then you will only see content posted by people you follow, no boosted stuff.

I like how the timeline feels following 1000+ accounts I picked, but not seeing any boosts.

Here’s a little Mastodon tip for people currently relocating servers:

Migrating your account brings over your followers to the new server, but it does not transfer who you’re following.

You can export this list of people in the settings panel on the old server, and import it on the new server. You’ll be following your favorite people again. 👍


Na koncie friendica, inaczej niż na mastodonie, przy domyślnych ustawienia konta prośby o kontakt wymagają ręcznej akceptacji.
Można to zmienić w "Ustawieniach" -> "Konto" -> "Zaawansowane ustawienia konta" i zmienić rodzaj konta na jeden z poniższych:
- "Strona Soapbox": konto dla profilu publicznego, który automatycznie zatwierdza prośby o kontakt jako "Obserwatorzy".
- "Automatyczna strona znajomego": konto, które automatycznie zatwierdza prośby o kontakt jako "Przyjaciele" (czyli znajomość/follow w obie strony).

#feditips #friendica
Screenshot z ekranu ustawień friendica - ustawienia rodzaju konta

Hey #Mastodon, if you post any artistic work that isn't your own (photography, comics, pixel art, etc.), please take the time to add a link of some kind (whether it's their profile here on Mastodon or some other platform, or their personal website) to the original creator. Some of them may depend on that visibility.

#feditips #artists

As an instance admin, please stop forwarding reports to servers when they don't violate our rules. The fediverse has diverse servers with different rules. When making a report that violates your own servers' rules, please make sure that your report violates the original server's rules too. Otherwise, turn this option off. #feditips #reportspam #report #reporting
Picture of the report form with an arrow pointed toward the toggle switch asking if the report should be forwarded.




#fediblock #feditips #mastoadmin

@p@book@tarperfume@grumpy@prouddegenerate@pernia@straw@Gargron@Gargron@sjw@graf@alex TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW

  • YES (35%, 7 votes)
  • NO (65%, 13 votes)
20 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

People say that #Mastodon ⭐️ s are purely to express appreciation, but that’s not quite true! The search function will do full-text search across posts you’ve favourited, so ⭐️s also create a searchable archive. #FediTips
6:58 ( Q Mastodon users Cancel AIL People Toots Hashtags People 888 Mastodon Users Toots Lucy Li @lucy 11/14/22 Already excited to read the research papers that examine users' adoption of mastodon during this Twitter chaos 01 17 * Andrew Drozdov @mrdrozdov 11/17/22 There are 10k users signing up for Mastodon every hour. It was 1.5k per hour earlier today...

Having run my own test mastodon server, I can tell you that boosting is REALLY important. That's how posts propagate between servers that are not federated together.

I may get a bit technical, and it can be hard to describe but it's something like this:

Let's say that you have 2 servers, A and B that are not connected. They have their own federated timelines that is vastly different.

let's assume they have their users @a@A and @b@B that are mutuals. If user @a@A sees something interesting on theirs federated timeline and boosts it, user @b@B will see that on their own home page. But more importantly server B will now know about and download that post, and everyone else on B server will be able to see that post on their own federated timeline!

And that's why you boost, guys! It helps posts to spread.


If your instance is blocking an instance with folks you'd like to still read, you can add any Mastodon account to your feed reader (I like NetNewsWire myself) by using the following formula:

#feditips #rss #mastodontips #feeds #fediverse #twittermigration #migration

Reminder: if you're a new admin to the fediverse, you're going to need to look up and comply with your local laws around objectionable content, reporting, and copyright infringement requests.

Not doing this could end badly for you.

#FediTips #MastoAdmins #MastoAdmin

#FediTips If you are in a #Mastodon-powered instance, there is a #Language selection feature available for new posts/updates.

It will help in filtering the streams/timelines based on our #languages setting.

Language selection for posts/updates.

I have a couple of problems with my personal instance:

1️⃣ I can't get the "trending" hashtags to appear, even though I checked the "Show today's trends" toggle.
2️⃣ I can't get custom emojis to work in toots, or even emojis at all in profile names. I want my :bluecheck: 😂

Any help? #mastohelp #mastodon #feditips cc @mastohost