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Items tagged with: Language

"I'm sorry" and "I apologise" mean the same thing, except when youre' at a funeral.

(old) #joke #language

The English language is a wonderful thing, and we know some rules without knowing we know them.

‘Have you ever heard that patter-pitter of tiny feet? Or the dong-ding of a bell? Or hop-hip music? That’s because, when you repeat a word with a different vowel, the order is always I A O. Bish bash bosh. So politicians may flip-flop, but they can never flop-flip. It’s tit-for-tat, never tat-for-tit. This is called ablaut reduplication, and if you do things any other way, they sound very, very odd indeed.’ From ‘The Elements of Eloquence’ by Mark Forsyth.

#English #language

Do you use #Duolingo to learn #languages ?? If so, what language(s)?

Or, do you use something else? If so, what do you use?

Please BOOST. Thanks. 🙂
#language #French #Spanish

  • Yes (62%, 55 votes)
  • No (26%, 23 votes)
  • Other (11%, 10 votes)
88 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Hallo !Friendica Support,

wie ich gerade festgestellt habe, taucht mein Server in der Statistik auf Fediverse Observer als englischsprachig auf. Allerdings habe ich sowohl im Admin-Panel als auch in der local.config.php die Sprache auf Deutsch gestellt. Muss ich da sonst noch irgendwo etwas angeben? So wichtig ist es mir ja nicht, das es meist kein offener Server ist, aber eigenartig finde ich es schon.

#friendica #language

#FediTips If you are in a #Mastodon-powered instance, there is a #Language selection feature available for new posts/updates.

It will help in filtering the streams/timelines based on our #languages setting.

Language selection for posts/updates.

and I notice a lot of whatever #language posts tagged as "english", which suggests a serious interface flaw in #mastodon and possibly also in the clients.

A cuneiform keyboard, for all your modern communications.

#Language #Technology
A black monochromatic keyboard custom made to have cuneiform symbols on all of the keys instead of letters of the alphabet.

Has Google Translate always had this feature? Just noticing it now. #Gender #Language