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Items tagged with: movie


Items tagged with: movie

Content warning: politics

But does Barbie (2023) pass the Bechdel test?

#Barbie #Movie

Der Planet Saturn lässt schön Grüßen (1977) Trailer [german]

#trailer #horror #movie #trash #DerPlanetSaturnLässtSchönGrüssen

keyboard from the film "Aliens"

#aliens #movie #detail #keyboard

Mad Max: Fury Road concept art by Peter Pound

#concept #art #madmax #furyRoad #movie #PeterPound

Prometheus - Quiet Eye

#prometheus #QuietEye #trailer #video #scifi #movie

Sigourney Weaver As Ellen Ripley “Aliens”

#Ripley #Aliens #SigourneyWeaver #scifi #movie

Casio F-100 (1977)

Official watch of the Nostromo Crew members (1979)

#alien #movie #1977 #Casio #F-100

"Derelict Ship Exterior" by Jean Giraud
Concept art from the movie "Alien"

#alien #movie #artwork #ConceptArt #1979 #JeanGiraud

Jean Giraud (Moebius)

#starwars #movie #poster


#MiniReview #Cinema Today I watched Infinite (2021), an Antoine Fuqua action flick starring Mark Wahlberg, and I've never seen a #movie so inadvertently and completely void the villain's main motive halfway through it. The rest of the movie was hard to watch.