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Items tagged with: Video

The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump


2:02 min #music #video

#cartoon by Marian #Kamensky

Pas de #pays sans #paysan (#film)
#vidéo #documentaire

We need to talk about Kdenlive video editor on Linux.

Kdenlive is open source software that runs on multiple platforms. Also, Kdenlive does NOT requires a additional graphics card, is not intense on system resources, supports multi-track video editing, supports advance features like audio and video plugin support, supports nested sequences, supports proxy editing, imports most file formats, and is easy to learn.

#Linux #KDE #Kdenlive #video #editor #OpenSource #open #source

Doku | Die Ferkelindustrie

Info: Hier geht es um die Tierindustrie, um genau zu sein um die industrielle Produktion von Ferkeln, die gnadenlose Ausbeutung von Schweinen.

Warnung: Achtung! Das ist nichts für sensible Menschen. Schaut es Euch nicht, oder zumindest nicht allein an!

#Doku #Video #Tierindustrie #Tierverwertung #Qual #Schmerzen #Fleisch #Musterhof #Industriestandard #2024-08-09

We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

#Earthrise: A #Video Reconstruction

#Astronomy #Picture of the Day


Great news! Amazon has got back to me about the £700 iPhone they failed to deliver (and wouldn't refund or replace) Bad news: what they told me...

Based on this experience, why would anyone buy anything expensive from Amazon ever again? Please share, like and comment if you agree.

Watch my #video.

#amazon #delivery #scam #jeffbezos #cybersecurity

#SNU #Éducation, #ExtrêmeDroite, #MaintienDelOrdre #Arme

SNU : chant religieux, matraque et entraînement au tir

Lien de la #video :

Le Service National Universel va coûter plusieurs milliards d’euros par an, prélevés sur le budget de l’Éducation Nationale, pour forcer les lycéen-nes à suivre des stages en uniforme, encadrés par des militaires. Nos dirigeants annoncent que cela devait servir à «renforcer l’unité républicaine de notre jeunesse», à «créer de la cohésion», à éduquer à la «laïcité». Balivernes.

Relaxing ALIEN ISOLATION Music 🎵 USCSS Nostromo Mother (Alien Isolation OST _ Soundtrack)

#alien #video #ost #atmospheric

BETA TEST OpenTalk 💬

Ein neues Open Source Videokonferenzsystem ist bereit für den Test!

Anmeldung/Registrierung mit adminForge Account!

- Meetings planen
- Einladungen per Mail
- Gäste einladen
- Aufnahmen
- Protokolle gemeinsam schreiben
- Whiteboard
- Umfragen
- Breakout Räume
- Warteraum
- Kaffeepausen-Timer
- Konferenz-Timer
- Raum Moderatoren
- Chat
- Bildschirm teilen

Bitte :boost_requested: und Feedback geben.

#video #foss #opentalk #meeting

Hilfe | Friendica: Abbrechende Videos

Ich habe das Problem das eingebettete Youtube Videos immer noch gut 30 Sekunden abbrechen. Das ist schon eine Weile so. @Matthias ✔ testet hier auf dem Server zudem eine Erweiterung die es erlaubt Youbube Videos über Invidious einzubinden. Und auch hier habe ich den Effekt das das Video nach gut 30 Sekunden abbricht und wieder zum Anfang springt.

Hat einer von Euch eine Idee wo das Problem liegen könnte? Ob ich es selbst beheben kann oder ob der Betreiber des Servers oder gar die Entwickler ran müssen?

Danke für Eure Hilfe im Voraus.

#Hilfe #Friendica #Video #Embedded #Eingebettet #Youtube #Invidious #2023-12-17 !Friendica Support

Here is the painting process of the illustration.
Source file and high resolution wallpaper:
License: :cc: :ccby:

#Mastoart #ArtWithOpensource #krita #video #process

📽️ Process of "Scary"

📦 Source and high-resolution: − CC-By 4.0

#Mastoart #ArtWithOpensource #krita #video #process

Here is the painting process of the illustration I posted today. Painted and created with the built-in Krita recorder.

Source file and high resolution wallpaper:: (3840x2047px, license: CC-BY 4.0)

#Mastoart #ArtWithOpensource #krita #video #process

#Google just announced that going forward, any account not logged into for two years gets deleted.

This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!

If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.

Les coulisses de PeerTube (PeerTube, backstage)

There is a lot of talk on the #fediverse #mastodon about how #media sites should own their web/social presence and their audiences, by self-hosting.

Case in point,

But why stop there?

We should also be promoting the use of #peertube as a home for organizations to OWN their video presence as well.

Here's a great example of a media organization doing just that:

If you speak any French, you can follow them here: @blast_info

#selfhosting #video

Seit 2014 beobachten Fachleute, dass Wale auf bisher unbekannte Art fressen. Nun zeigt sich: Das wusste man schon in der Antike - und es inspirierte Geschichten von Seeungeheuern.