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I hope, someone will show this to Elmo.

wow, that one’s great!
The people of the future, on the decentralized, anticommercial web, will have to study about the brief phase where there were only centralized and monetized platforms which will be a concept so foreign and ridiculous to them
Can I download it somewhere in 1920x1080? I want to have that masterpiece as a wallpaper πŸ˜ƒ
@edgren Hey thanks! Yes, the source of the artwork is here: , check in the bottom, you'll find a link for the high-resolution as well.
Many thanks 😁

I have the impression that they are in constant panic 😁


#meta #fediverse #threads
#MastoArt #krita

A giant reaper stands in front of a presentation. It's my allegory of Meta: a headband with Meta logo, and a chain around her neck with the WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram golden logo. She hold a brush and a paint bucket with red painting. She looks angry at her audience and not really understanding. 
In background, her presentation screen: the Fediverse logo in big, with the word "THREATS" on the top and arrows going to the logo. The words "THREATS" was fixed to "THREADS" with red painting on the D. 
A  group of Fediverse mascots in foreground are anxious and group themselves closely, shacking, in front of this new proposal of the reaper.

License: "Meta proposing Threads to the Fediverse" by David Revoy, with mascots of Mastodon, Pleroma-tan, AI, Lemmy, Sepia, Fediverse logo, and with fair-use of copyrighted Meta's logos βˆ’ CC-BY 4.0

@bloodywing Haha πŸ˜† Yes, now you tell it, it is a recurrent pattern. I need to stop depicting this tiny group in panic mode.
@bloodywing you could depict them celebrating arrival and inclusion of new members, e.g. the GoToSocial sloth (when that project is mature enough for your taste).

@zatnosk That's a good idea! I'll wait mainly feedback about this last interrogation I had an hour ago here .


@shine For sure, I'm going to try to make it soon.

I'm curious to know the gender of the mascot. Him/Her or They? Can you tell us, @Anna ? (and btw, cool design)

Fine, fine, I'll up my Patreon. Great work!
Trop fort, vraiment...
Magnifique, merci!
Dark.... But clever! The little blue feather is a subtle touch πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸͺΆ
Jeder nur ein Kreuz.
One cross each.
This is brilliant πŸ˜‚
Excellent, jusqu'au détails des tableaux sur les murs de la pièce.
Bravo πŸ‘
@AntoineVe Merci d'avoir vue ces détails ☺️
dΓ©rangeant lΓ  comme Γ§a Γ  froid.
TrΓ¨s joli hein, mais dΓ©rangeant πŸ˜…
@nartagnan Merci. Oui, j'avoue que passer quelques heures Γ  bosser l'anatomie du squelette de l'oiseau Γ©tait aussi un chouillat macabre pour mon dimanche πŸ˜…
I really love the details that there are MySpace, freenode, Google+ and orkut in this museum too ❀️

And it looks like the big blue bird was fighting for its life for a long time.

It is emotional and really deep. I love it!

Keep up the good and impressive work πŸ’ͺ
@utopify_org Thanks for spotting all the details on the background's paintings. πŸ‘
So you predict that X will die. I think Musk by making weird changes and rebranding will just kill off Twitter. It may end up as it was with Google+ (whose functionality I liked), or it will remain just a medium for militant politicians, which also means the end.

#mastodon #twitter #x
@darekpages My illustration is not about the end of X but the murder of Twitter by X and so, the end of Twitter.

I left Twitter in April and when I announced it you could still see some warm feelings , especially in my illustration of the moment ( , ) .

But now with the rebranding, I really feel the place I knew between 2010 to 2023 with all I learned on it is definitely changed and so, Tw belong to the museum of G+, Orkut, Freenode and Myspace (I was on the four).
I see. The most, worst thing is that different social media actually fight each other, different communication protocols make the user exclusive. The lack of this universality of communication precludes exchange between them. I heard there's a new medium in the making: Blue something, similar to Mastodon. Lovely illustration! But disturbing, sad.
@darekpages You probably refer to ; but there is nothing similar to Mastodon in it. As far as I can see, it's proprietary, with investors, so expect it will get monetized aggressively by adv, data mining, or anything like that after a free period that will serve only to bring in the Bluesky boat the new adopters and an audience.
Youre probably right. From what I've heard so far, its from some guy on Twitter. There are suggestions that this guy is not affiliated with Twitter. It could be a corporate war.
πŸ“½οΈ Process of "Scary"

πŸ“¦ Source and high-resolution: βˆ’ CC-By 4.0

#Mastoart #ArtWithOpensource #krita #video #process
I hadn't noticed the paintings in the background before this time-lapse, that's such a nice touch πŸ˜†.
I love these so much. So many things I care about all wrapped up in one. Art, freedom, technology. Thank you.
nice symbolic, but atm i still think of X-Server
Amazing πŸ’™ I just hope that GoToSocial sloth will join them at some point ^^
@shine Hey, I hope too! The sloth is really cool. I know it is under CC-By-Sa ( src ); I'm just waiting for maybe just meeting more GoToSocial instances around me and see how the project is popular. Thanks for the reminder!
I see it more and more on personal instances (like mine), it's a great fit for those ^_^
@shine For sure, I'm going to try to make it soon.

I'm curious to know the gender of the mascot. Him/Her or They? Can you tell us, @Anna ? (and btw, cool design)
@shine Thanks! But I think we need @dumpsterqueer to answer this question :blobfoxlaughsweat:
@Anna @shine @dumpsterqueer Thanks, I just had an answer from @tobi about it ( asked by @zatnosk on antoher thread, ref: ) ; but I'll wait validation by @dumpsterqueer too. πŸ™‚
I’m really enjoying this series.
this needs to be a gif with with Jurassic Park theme
@brucehankins πŸ˜† I'll only accept the melodica version
This keeps popping up non my timeline, and everything I see it, it's like the Discworld's Death has opened up his own unique version of Jurassic Park...
@mancavgeek Haha, yes πŸ˜†
<insert here Melodica Jurassic Park ruined theme>
*diez and iz ded*
Thanks for that, I haven't laughed like that for a while.
Aww, the poor bird... c'est la vie, no? πŸ™ƒ
I really love this painting! It conveys what I've been feeling about Twitter as of late...

It's not the same as it once was and it just feels empty...

I'm so grateful for opensource, I would feel really lost without it! ;;o;;
I'm just now noticing the photos in the background… Google+ and freenode hit close to home (the former because I followed a lot of Android engineers there, the latter because I'm involved in some open source projects who had migrate from freenode to Libera Chat/etc).

Overall, well done! And, sadly, I suspect this museum will continue to grow.
@digitalfox Thanks. Yes, I was also very affected by G+ closing, it was at that time my account with the most connections to contributors and audience of my webcomic (Pepper&Carrot was pretty new at that time). I remember I followed also many pages and accounts I never saw anywhere else after.

Same for Freenode to Libera; but in this case, the migration happened so quickly and Libera team really supported 1:1 features that nothing was lost in the process for me and all went almost smooth.
Ah, I didn't realize you had a strong audience on G+ - that is rather unfortunate.

Agreed on Freenode to Libera. I hope how relatively smoothly that went is a positive sign of how we'll move on should a major fediverse instance become hostile.

Regardless, I'm glad you seem to be finding a new audience, one that is - hopefully - harder to have taken away from you.

(Aside, I realized I still have your MyPaint brushes saved, some from V3, and I've used a tweak of V6 "soft-dip-pen" for most of my drawings to this day. I don't think I ever said this, so, thank you!)
I initially interpreted as a gorgeous area from a point and click adventure!
@Flamekebab Oh, the staged point of view in the room could be indeed a good screen for a point-and-click. I would play this game πŸ˜†
paintings in the background. Nice touch. The graveyard of social media.
@Smerks1109 Thanks! I was surprised to read how long the list of defunct social medias is : . I preferred focus on my illustration only on those where I had an account and saw their extinction: Orkut, G+, Freenode, and Myspace.

I wonder who will join the museum in the next ten years. (I personally hate Pinterest, polluting my image searches, so I really want this one to go extinct πŸ˜‡ )
Painting well done! love paintings that have a lot to look at. To almost study. Thanks for sharing!
just beautiful πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½
The logos on the paintings in the background 🀣
this is really good! Great work!
Xtinct platform 🀣 πŸ‘
Ha, I just noticed the pictures in the background!

So it goes.
That's absolutely brilliant πŸ‘
@potatoxel It's a partial proprietary code dump; and mostly a bash script that downloads from a distant server an environment or executable run as sudo. 🀒 The repo also has no License mentioned 🀒 , so certainly not something Free/Libre.

Conclusion: mmm ... Yes. I had a doubt at first, but this is the smell of corporate πŸ’©


But I'm an artist, not an expert. I'm surprised that just a Github repository is enough nowadays to ethic-FLOSS-bleach any project.

the freenode nod πŸ’€πŸ’€
@andre_601 They look scared because they are three mascots of social media alive in a museum of extinct social media. The lamp and museum at night, is for the spookiness, and a subtle reference to Luigi's Mansion series. πŸ™‚
still laughing ... can't stop ...

#notXbutTen #media #twitter #twttelmunSPn
On one side an extinct species got resurrected, which is thriving now 🌈🦣, while on the other side another species which used to be very much alive is being forced towards extinction! πŸ”₯🐦
This is so nice! Perfect *museum* piece.