Items tagged with: mastodon
Is there an account you follow that boosts other people too much? Do you like reading their own posts, but you don't want to see their boosts?
In Mastodon you can hide an account's boosts by doing the following:
1. Go to their profile page
2. Click the ⋯ button on their profile
3. Select "Hide boosts"
You will still see their posts, it will only hide boosts. If you change your mind, go to ⋯ and select "Show boosts".
They will never know you have hidden their boosts 🙂
Why we currently do not recommend the @rodentapp Mastodon client:
- it's not #opensource let alone #FLOSS
- it's only available from Google's Play store
- it contains trackers (Google Crashlytics and Google Firebase Analytics)
- it wants access to your ad ID
In short, this app is against the spirit of Mastodon and the Fediverse. There are plenty of Mastodon apps that respect you: @Tusky, Fedilab (@apps), @moshidon …
#Mastodon #Rodent #Android #App #AlternativeTo #Alternative
Report for social.rodent 1.28.0
Known trackers, permissions and informations about this specific version of this applicationεxodus
Ich habe gerade den "Leitfaden für den Instanz-Betrieb im dezentralen Netzwerk - Datenschutz bei Mastodon" von gefunden.
Dieser gibt neben grundsätzlichen Informationen auf was Instanzbetreiber achten müssen, vor allem auch eine sehr praktische Sammlung an Musterdokumenten unter CC BY-ND 4.0-Lizenz. Ihr könnt es also für euere Instanzen anpassen und nutzen.
Auch relevant für @Friendica Admins / @Friendica Support
Auf einem abstrakten Niveau sind die Anforderungen, die wir beschreiben, auch auf andere Plattformen des Fediverse übertragbar. Dennoch gibt es einige Aspekte, die von der konkreten Plattform und Software-Implementierung abhängen. So sind zum Beispiel die Möglichkeiten, rechtliche Texte einzubinden und anzuzeigen, unterschiedlich.
#impressum #dsgvo #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #tos #deutschland #datenschutz
Praktische Umsetzung und Musterdokumente
Die Stiftung Datenschutz wurde im Januar 2013 von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Stiftung privaten Rechts gegründet. Sie ist gemeinnützig und verfolgt keine gewerblichen
So a short infographic I've been working based on the talks I've had over the weekend and when the 5 cups of coffee finally left my body.
The default character limit should be 5,000 rather than 500 · Issue #34125 · mastodon/mastodon
Pitch Mastodon currently has a default character limit of 500. People are always looking for instances with a higher character limit count, and others see the current 500 character limit as limitin...GitHub
🎉 Die heutige Fediverse-Sprechstunde ist zu Ende.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an Tobias für seine Ausführungen zu #Friendica ! Wir hatten eine spannende Runde mit vielseitigen Themen, die sowohl für #neuhier als auch für fortgeschrittene Nutzer interessant waren. Im Fokus standen heute Anwendungen im #Fediverse, insbesondere zu Friendica. Mein Dank gilt auch allen Teilnehmenden der Sprechstunde, die sich aktiv eingebracht und so erneut zu einer gelungenen Veranstaltung beigetragen haben.
Diesmal haben wir den Vortrag von Tobias aufgezeichnet. Der Link kommt morgen.
🗓️ Der nächste Termin steht bereits fest: Donnerstag 27.03.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Weitere Details folgen.
#diasporaPoll about polling.
#poll feature test, related to a #friendica post about vote by name polling.
If I get this right, D*'s poll feature can have a max of four questions and multiple choice is not available.
Also notable, in comparison with #mastodon poll's, there is no time limit for the poll.
As mastodon allows editing post's, the poll count is reset if the post text is edited, but not the time span of the poll.
Time span is from 5 minutes up to 7 seven days.
✨ Fediverse-Sprechstunde – Mach mit! ✨
📅 Donnerstag, 27.02.2025 – 19:30 Uhr (Online)
Hast du ein spannendes Thema oder möchtest du deine Erfahrungen im Fediverse teilen? Dann sei dabei! Wir suchen noch Vortragende und Themen, die unsere nächste Fediverse-Sprechstunde bereichern.
💡 Für Einsteiger: Du bist neu hier? Kein Problem! Wir helfen dir beim Einstieg: Profil einrichten, Sicherheitstipps, Posten & Vernetzen.
🌍 Für Erfahrene: Du nutzt bereits Mastodon, Hubzilla, Friendica, Pixelfed, Misskey oder andere Anwendungen? Dann teile dein Wissen mit der Community!
🔗 Gemeinsam lernen, entdecken und vernetzen – sei dabei!
#Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Pixelfed #Misskey #FediverseSprechstunde
Hi there @utopiarte,
I'm observing this #poll question on the #friendica @helpers #group from over here on a #mastodon instance and can't like, only fav, yet actually I'd like to be against this proposal as it is very dangerous!
I wouldn't put my name on the line in this internet for poll's by name vote, #democracy or even post an opinion.
That's way to dangerous in the actually #zeitGeist of #neoLiberalFascist's having the thumb on LLM's to hunt us down.
Grüss mir die Genossen
Provided to YouTube by WM GermanyGrüss mir die Genossen · WesternhagenMit Pfefferminz bin ich dein Prinz℗ 1978 WEA RECORDS / WARNER MUSIC GERMANYDrums: Jean ...YouTube
"the Mastodon in the room"
— @matt
#FOSDEM #FOSDEM2025 #SocialWebFOSDEM #Fediverse #Mastodon #WriteFreely
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed.
A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed. A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
[strong]Friendica: Wie erstelle ich noch mal eine Content Warning für Mastodon User?[/strong]
Wie kann ich auf Friendica noch mal eine CW für Mastodon User erstellen?
#Friendica #Frage #ContentWarning #CW #Mastodon #2025-01-28 !Friendica Support
When I opened up Lemmy this morning I could not believe my eyes. The top story was a headline from Forbes stating:
« ‘Open Source And Ethical’ TikTok, WhatsApp And Instagram Alternatives Could Transform Social Media ».
The article mostly focused on #Pixelfed and did a fairly good job explaining how #ActivityPub works. But they spelled #Mastodon « Mastadon » over and over again with no links to it. Yikes.
B for the effort, but please editors do better!
‘Open Source And Ethical’ TikTok, WhatsApp And Instagram Alternatives Could Transform Social Media
As major platforms face mounting scrutiny over content moderation and user privacy, a developer's vision for ethical social media draws supportEsat Dedezade (Forbes)
Are there any #OpenSource services that would allow me to cross-post on the #Fediverse and on #Bluesky without creating a dummy account (as #Bridgy does)?
Ideally, I’m thinking about a client that supports both the #MastodonAPI and the #BlueskyAPI.
Wow! The #fediverse compatible and #selfhosted #podcasting platform #castopod has it's own index which will allow you to follow/comment/be alerted to new episodes from right here😀
*please boost for reach!
Find a show, follow and enter your #mastodon or other fedi account and voila you will be alerted every time they post an episode. Thanks to #activitypub you can also interact! #feditips
Exploring Podcasting 2.0 Made Easy: Introducing Castopod Index
Castopod Index offers a straightforward and efficient way to discover and engage with a wide range of podcasts powered by Castopod and listed on PodcastIndex.Benjamin Bellamy (Castopod Blog)
Anyone used #Friendica? My wife discovered it when I told her about #Pixelfed.
I left #Facebook ~8yr ago & then #twitter for #mastodon. She’s on #FB & #Instagram & is exploring #BlueSky. We both just joined #Substack.
We’re looking for good decentralized social networks that aren’t owned by billionaires. I miss the FB feel sometimes, so any info on Friendica is appreciated.
Wife would also appreciate tips on choosing a Pixelfed server.
Since I am being asked these days about this and see others wondering, we can setup instances of Mastodon, Friendica, Pixelfed, Peertube and a lot more for a cost, in order to support our trade-free projects and instances.
We do it via - prices range from 30 Euros a month. We do everything: set up any instance, update, and all that. No need to worry about any of it.
#mastodon #fediverse #friendica #pixelfed #webhosting #hosting #fediverse
Serie – Fediverse-Dienste: Die Idee
Wer von den #neuhier, aber auch gerne mal die #althier über den Tellerrand von #Mastodon blicken möchte, kann sich gerne die Artikelserie über das #Fediverse von @GNU/ ansehen. Dort erfährt man wirklich einiges über das Fediverse und deren vielfältigen Möglichkeiten. Eine wirklich sehr gelungene Möglichkeit, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern.
Den Start zu der Artikelserie findet man hier:…
#Fediverse #Tellerrand #Calkey #Firefish #Pleroma #Akkoma #Misskey #Foundkey #GoToSocial #Friendica #Hubzilla #Lemmy #Kbin #Pixelfed #Peertube #Mobilizon #Funkwhale #Castopod #BookWyrm #WriteFreely #Plume #MacroBlogging #Microblogging
I'm super excited that Osa Atoe @potterybyosa just joined #Mastodon !!!!!
She's a well known and super talented #artist, teacher, activist and leader in the USA (and international) #pottery and #craft circles.
Having someone like her on Mastodon is a big deal.
She just joined and doesn't have many followers (yet), but hopefully you will give her a follow and boost her profile so that she feels welcome on this platform.
Welcome to Mastodon, Osa!!!
#meanWhile ..
.. the #mastodon community wastes it's time trying to pimp up the stars of it's #APP in #googlePlay, the #robotsTxt of it's instances disallows exactly one #AI bot scrapper to not search for all public data available about the #fediVerse. Not only on it's mother ship but on all instances, so the elonGated can create his target lists of "the enemy inside".
.. good job, well done! ..
> User-agent: GPTBot
> Disallow: /
What I'd like to see in the Fediverse or Mastodon built-in is an user controlled feed like FediAlgo. Chronological feed is nice, but I find myself using the Explore feature a lot and wanting more.
Current ongoing discussions:
#Fediverse #Algorithm #Mastodon #MastoAdmin
Customizable Feed System Inspired by Bluesky · Issue #33098 · mastodon/mastodon
Pitch Implementation Of A Customizable Feed Feature Similar To The One Currently Offered By Bluesky. Key Features to Consider: User-Created Feeds: Allow users to create and customize their own feed...GitHub alt text analysis report! 🧐
Me and my friend Cristal just published a report on image description usage on, as a group project for the Introduction to Data Science course of the Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Societies Erasmus Mundus Joint Master program.
Thoughts and feedback are welcome 💕
A huge thanks to @stefan for publishing the dataset on which we based our analysis!
NOTE: We are absolutely aware that the report has very little actual relevance, as the dataset contains a super limited amount of posts from one instance only. It was mainly an experimentation to test our data analysis skills.
#a11ty #accessibility #alttext #mastodon #mastodonsocial #report #dataScience #JupyterLab #JupyterNotebook #Python #pandas #MatPlotLib #NumPy
GitHub - alterism/mastodon-alt-text: Experimenting with client alt-text usage dataset.
Experimenting with client alt-text usage dataset. - alterism/mastodon-alt-textGitHub
Mastodon #research 🚀
I’m working on my master’s thesis at the University of Vienna, and I’d love your input! My research focuses on sustaining long-term user activity on Mastodon, contributing to a more active Fediverse. If you have a few minutes, please take my short survey:
Your thoughts will contribute to meaningful research. Feel free to boost this post so we can reach as many users as possible. Thank you so much! 🙌