Items tagged with: scifi
Herge's Moon Rocket by Erik Wernquist
#herge #moonrocket #spaceship #scifi #digitalart #erikwernquist
RetroStrange TV Is On The Air! Vintage horror, sci-fi, and ephemera 24 hours a day, ad-free, tracker-free.
Vintage sci-fi, horror, educational and ephemeral films 24/7
#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree
RetroStrange TV
A community-supported 24/7 streaming TV channel based on public domain media and original content. Support us at TV
Really loving the look of Dune Prophecy. Looks, rich and textured and complex. There is one problem for sci-fi world-building it throws up though - how do you de-technologise a world if you make a prequel?
Dune Prophecy, costumes apart, doesn't look too different in terms of tech to Dune.
Perhaps when a galactic civilisation is SO old, 10,000 years doesn't make much difference.
What makes a 'cool' spaceship? Is it the way it looks? What it does? Who the pilot is? Can it just be one thing - a recognisable silhouette, an iconic cockpit…?
We all know which ships are cool, but why?
Dive into the post-apocalyptic world of "LUNGS" with filmmaker Kieran Moreira on Episode 200 of Eye on Sci-Fi Podcast! 🚀 Join us as we explore the creative process behind this gripping sci-fi short film. Get ready to be inspired! Check out the episode today. #scifi #filmmaking #eosfpodcast
Episode 200! Featuring Returning Filmmaker Kieran Moreira
In the 200th episode of the EYE ON SCI-FI podcast, host Rod Faulkner celebrates a milestone with returning guest Kieran Moreira, a talented filmmaker from No...YouTube
The latest EYE ON SCI-FI Podcast is out! "7 Underrated + Must-See Sci-Fi TV Series"
#tv #television #scifi #podcast #eosfpodcast
Episode (197) 7 Underrated Must-See SciFi TV Shows
This episode, host Rod Faulkner shares 7 underrated, must-see sci-fi shows that need much more love. Subscribe to the podcast via RSS , Apple Podcasts , Pocket Casts or Amazon Music .Rod T. Faulkner (The Best Indie SFF Short Films & Web Series)
[przepraszam, z powodu przedświątecznego nieogarnięcia wydarzenie ląduje na Mobilizonie dzień wcześniej, ale może ktoś się skusi - admin]
Te WSFy będą wyjątkowe – nie dość, że czwartek zamiast zwyczajowej środy, to jeszcze spróbujemy się spotkać NA ŻYWO. Fizycznie. W realu. We Wrocławiu. Wstępnie zamierzamy się spotkać w Smoke (Odrzańska 6), a jeśli okaże się, że nie ma tam warunków, będziemy wędrować w poszukiwaniu innego lokalu, wrzucając informacje na bieżąco na wydarzenie.
A podyskutujemy o „Tak właśnie przegrywasz Wojnę Czasu” Amal El-Mohtar i Maxa Gladstone’a: epistolarnej (mikro)powieści o podróży w czasie, transhumanistycznym romansie, poetyckim SF.
Technokratyczna Agencja i biopunkowy Ogród, dwa wzajemnie wykluczające się warianty dalekiej przyszłości, toczą temporalną wojnę o własne zaistnienie. Wysyłają w przeszłość i alternatywne historie agentów, mających zmienić bieg wydarzeń na korzyść swojej frakcji. Wśród zgliszcz po kosmicznej bitwie, działająca dla Agencji Red znajduje list od wrogiej agentki Blue, z adnotacją: „spalić przed przeczytaniem”. Tak rozpoczyna się korespondencja, która z czasem przeradza się w miłość.
(a tak przy okazji zapraszamy na naszego Discorda:
Time for the all-new #VisualWritingPrompt for October 15th, 2023
Write a single toot reply #SciFi story about this image.
#WritingCommunity #WritingPrompt #SFF #freewrite #MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStory #SmallStories #FlashFiction #mastoArt #illustration #art #game
#SciFi #SciFiart #SpaceShip #ScienceFiction #SpaceFiction #MastoArt
Digital color over doodle. I tried to keep this one simple and stylized.
#scifi #spaceship #space #conceptart #scifiart
Hey Mastodon community! I'm an indie author with 10 novels, 7 novellas, and a whole bunch of short stories. I write #scifi #fantasy #postapocalyptic and #horror. Currently working on a #steampunk series.
Looking to connect with fellow writers. Excited to share ideas and support each other on this writing journey. #introduction #writingcommunity #indieauthor #writing
Content warning: long "introduction" (even though I have been here a while at time of writing)
#foundation #asimov #gamebooks #ttrpg #scifi
Game Books Collection : Free Texts : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
A gamebook is a work of fiction that allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices. The narrative branches along various paths through the use of numbered paragraphs or
#digitalart #scifi #trains #auctionpiccker
auctionpiccker - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out auctionpiccker's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get
#digitalart #scifi #permafrost #megalith #MarcelDeneuve
Marcel Deneuve
#digitalart #scifi #Cybercluck #2077 #fun #humor
TheBakaArts - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out TheBakaArts's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get
#digitalart #scifi #colony #TheBakaArts
TheBakaArts - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
Check out TheBakaArts's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get
I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!
I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.
Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:
#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing
#digitalart #starwars #scifi #empirestrikesback
Michael Oberschneider