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Items tagged with: scifi

RetroStrange TV Is On The Air! Vintage horror, sci-fi, and ephemera 24 hours a day, ad-free, tracker-free.

Vintage sci-fi, horror, educational and ephemeral films 24/7

#streaming #retro #movies #scifi #horror #tv #vintage #publicdomain #adfree

Live stream preview

Really loving the look of Dune Prophecy. Looks, rich and textured and complex. There is one problem for sci-fi world-building it throws up though - how do you de-technologise a world if you make a prequel?

Dune Prophecy, costumes apart, doesn't look too different in terms of tech to Dune.

Perhaps when a galactic civilisation is SO old, 10,000 years doesn't make much difference.

#SciFi #DuneProphecy

What makes a 'cool' spaceship? Is it the way it looks? What it does? Who the pilot is? Can it just be one thing - a recognisable silhouette, an iconic cockpit…?

We all know which ships are cool, but why?

#spaceships #SciFi

Dive into the post-apocalyptic world of "LUNGS" with filmmaker Kieran Moreira on Episode 200 of Eye on Sci-Fi Podcast! 🚀 Join us as we explore the creative process behind this gripping sci-fi short film. Get ready to be inspired! Check out the episode today. #scifi #filmmaking #eosfpodcast

The latest EYE ON SCI-FI Podcast is out! "7 Underrated + Must-See Sci-Fi TV Series"

#tv #television #scifi #podcast #eosfpodcast

Dec 28
LXXVIII WSF (NA ŻYWO) - Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone, "Tak właśnie przegrywasz Wojnę Czasu"
Thu 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Wrocławskie Spotkania z Fantastyką

[przepraszam, z powodu przedświątecznego nieogarnięcia wydarzenie ląduje na Mobilizonie dzień wcześniej, ale może ktoś się skusi - admin]

Te WSFy będą wyjątkowe – nie dość, że czwartek zamiast zwyczajowej środy, to jeszcze spróbujemy się spotkać NA ŻYWO. Fizycznie. W realu. We Wrocławiu. Wstępnie zamierzamy się spotkać w Smoke (Odrzańska 6), a jeśli okaże się, że nie ma tam warunków, będziemy wędrować w poszukiwaniu innego lokalu, wrzucając informacje na bieżąco na wydarzenie.

A podyskutujemy o „Tak właśnie przegrywasz Wojnę Czasu” Amal El-Mohtar i Maxa Gladstone’a: epistolarnej (mikro)powieści o podróży w czasie, transhumanistycznym romansie, poetyckim SF.

Technokratyczna Agencja i biopunkowy Ogród, dwa wzajemnie wykluczające się warianty dalekiej przyszłości, toczą temporalną wojnę o własne zaistnienie. Wysyłają w przeszłość i alternatywne historie agentów, mających zmienić bieg wydarzeń na korzyść swojej frakcji. Wśród zgliszcz po kosmicznej bitwie, działająca dla Agencji Red znajduje list od wrogiej agentki Blue, z adnotacją: „spalić przed przeczytaniem”. Tak rozpoczyna się korespondencja, która z czasem przeradza się w miłość.

(a tak przy okazji zapraszamy na naszego Discorda:

One little Batrachius happily enjoying life in its recently acquired new land.

#scifi #scifiart #sketch

Alien Batrachius drawing.

Some sort of flying ambulance, designed for areas of violent conflicts where human rights are not respected.
It is delivered pre-detonated, thus saving an expensive missile that can be used on yet another civilian target.

#scifi #car #scifiart #FlyingCar

Flying ambulance drawing.

Sokuba's experienced crew was fired by its new owner to be replaced by a cheaper one of dubious provenance. The only survivor related scenes of panic, hate and violence soon after departure. Many perished in there, while others jumped into the cold space.

#SciFi #SciFiart #SpaceShip #ScienceFiction #SpaceFiction #MastoArt
A spaceship departing a planet.

Ferro 223 departing at maximum load, captured moments before the failure of the bow main support clamp. Most of the crew survived the incident.

Digital color over doodle. I tried to keep this one simple and stylized.

#scifi #spaceship #space #conceptart #scifiart
Spaceship drawing.

Turns out I wasn't paying attention and never wrote an introduction post, so here goes:

Hey Mastodon community! I'm an indie author with 10 novels, 7 novellas, and a whole bunch of short stories. I write #scifi #fantasy #postapocalyptic and #horror. Currently working on a #steampunk series.

Looking to connect with fellow writers. Excited to share ideas and support each other on this writing journey. #introduction #writingcommunity #indieauthor #writing

New to mastodon. Looking for #scifi and #sciencefiction fans to talk to. 😀

Content warning: long "introduction" (even though I have been here a while at time of writing)

There were Foundation Gamebooks !?!? Anyone know if these were ever translated into english?

#foundation #asimov #gamebooks #ttrpg #scifi

"Trains 3" by auctionpiccker

#digitalart #scifi #trains #auctionpiccker


"Cybercluck 2077" by TheBakaArts


#digitalart #scifi #Cybercluck #2077 #fun #humor


I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

"ILM Art Department Challenge THE MOMENT" by COMET 76 - Michael Oberschneider

#digitalart #starwars #scifi #empirestrikesback

Michael Oberschneider

“Starfarers” by Robert McCall

#art #scifi #1979