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Items tagged with: StarTrek

Happy Live Long and Prosper Day!🖖🖖🏻🖖🏼🖖🏽🖖🏾🖖🏿 :trek_tos_spock: :vulcan_hmn_g1:
#StarTrek #LLAP

LLAP Day - March 26th Annually

Bitte was?! 🤩 Die nächste Ringvorlesung in #Göttingen dreht sich nur um #StarTrek – wissenschaftlich, popkulturell, ethisch… Ich glaube, meine Donnerstage sind verplant 🖖
Plakat der Ringvorlesung mit der Enterprise und dem Titel Science, Captain?

From helpdesk to chief engineer of a galaxy class starship, some skills are universal.

#startrek #allstartrek #meme #memes

Image description: 2 panels, IT Crowd on the left, LaForge from TNG on the right

Title: "IT support never really changes"
Left panel: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
Right panel: "Have you tried reconfiguring the primary power coupling?"

Fröhlichen #StarTrek-Tag 🖖☺️

Heute vor 57 Jahren lief die erste Episode Star Trek. Heute nennen wir die Serie The Original Series – TOS.

Happy #StarTrekDay 😀

Promo-Bild Star Trek: vorne sitzen Spock mit verschränkten Armen und Kirk, dahinter stehen Uhura mit der Hand auf Spocks Schulter und McCoy. Der dunkle Hintergrund wird mit bunten Lichtbögen belebt.

Just signed up for the Mastodon! Perhaps I'll find my beloved Jean Luc here. But where is Mr. Homn with my luggage? #AllStarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #Mastodon @allstartrek

What's your favorite famous Star*thing*

(I know some of these aren't canonically camel case, but screen readers are better at reading it)

  • StarField (7%, 7 votes)
  • StarGate (15%, 15 votes)
  • Star Trek (47%, 47 votes)
  • Star Wars (31%, 31 votes)
  • Battle Beyond the Stars (0%, 0 votes)
100 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Seen one of these posted without credit, so sharing some more here because they are amazing and I'd buy every single one of them if they existed.

Made by New Zealand model maker and 3D artist Natalie Stevens (natalie.3dblah). More of her work here:

#Barbie #film #movies #3D #3Dart #StarTrek #Aliens #Dune #BattleStarGalactica
Barbie Dream loader, from the film Aliens, in bright pink and purple colors, and the tagline "Authentic poseable forks and flashing safety light!" Barbie Dream Viper, from Battlestar Galactica, all in bright pink and the tagline "dolls not included, some assembly required"
Barboe Dream shuttle from Star Trek the next generation, all in bright pink, with the label 'BRB1-E' on the side and the tagline "warp nacelles really light up!". Barbie Dream Sandworm from Dune with the tagline: "playset includes dream saddle, maker hook, & thumper" and "squeeze-to-open jaws with delicious cinnamon scent!"

👀 👀 👀 Whoa. #StarTrek fans are the best fans.
petition "Save Star Trek Prodigy!" showing 30,066 signatures.
A Petition to create “Strange New Worlds” showing 30,065 signatures.

The latest episode of #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds , uncharacteristically out, I guess Saturday, leaves me cold.

What it highlights is the difference in demeanor, in short, everything I'm uncomfortable with in #LowerDecks .

Note about 2 women kissing in #StarTrek #DS9

Steve Oster recollected that a man called the show and complained, "You're ruining my kids by making them watch two women kiss like that." It was a production assistant who took the call. After hearing the man's complaint, the PA asked if the man would've been okay with his kids seeing one woman shoot the other. When the man said he would be okay with that, the PA said, "You should reconsider who's messing up your kids."


Content warning: long "introduction" (even though I have been here a while at time of writing)

And we're across the finishing line of Picard S3. No spoilers below except the vague and sweeping.

It was beautifully written. It brought together all the right elements, perfectly set up by the first two seasons. It was shameless fanservice and nostalgia and I loved it. It was a far more epic and conclusive end than "All Good Things ...". No wonder, it was allowed to do it in 10 hours rather than 100 minutes.

My heart broke a bit at "I miss her voice". Very nice nod, thank you for that. ❤️

#STPICS3 #STPIC #Picard #StarTrek

Hello, Mastodon! This is the Masto account for Antimatter Pod (, since Twitter is ... you know.

We're a #StarTrek podcast with a lot of positive feelings about #StarTrekDiscovery and most of the other new Treks, and of the older series, we especially love #StarTrekVoyager.

Dr. Mae Jemison, MD, the first black woman in space and first actual astronaut to appear on a Star Trek show, one of the very few people on this planet of whom two pictures can be posted depicting them doing their job on a spaceship with entirely different contexts.
#StarTrek #BlackHistoryMonth
Photos of DrZ Jamison in space and on Star Trek: The Next Generation

Nichelle Nichols who would have celebrated her 90th birthday on the 28th. RIP #startrek #uhura #sciencefiction #blackjoy #blackmastodon #blackfriday
Black and white photo of Nichelle Nichols as lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek.

⬆️ See top post. I'm just listening to this podcast. I love it! 😂😭😂

THANK YOU @ SyFy Sistas and Sonequa.

SyFy Sistas website:

#SonequaMartinGreen #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrek #BlackMastodon #RepresentationMatters #BlackWomen #StrongWomen #LetsFly 🖖 #WomenInSTEM

The SyFy Sistas "where science fiction meets Afrofuturism"

"The Sistas are kicking off season 3 w/ the woman that started it all: Sonequa Martin-Green. Sit back & enjoy being the proverbial fly on the wall for a conversation of love, support, pride & laughter between 5 Black women. Let's Fly!"

➡️ "3.01: Oh Captain, Our Captain!"

Pls Boost 🙏🖖

#SonequaMartinGreen #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrek #BlackMastodon #RepresentationMatters #BlackWomen #StrongWomen #WomenInSTEM


Wanted for Rush Deployment due to disappearance, USS Hermes NCC-10376: Holonovel Writer in Residence.

Mandatory requirements: Cairn species experience (4 Federation Standard years), and Level 6 clearance.

Send a Priority Pi LCARS message to the Staffing Administrator at USS Hermes NCC-10376 with code Zero-Zero-Two-Seven for further details.

#StarTrek #JoinStarfleet #StarfleetRecruitment


hehe, it's from when I did my degree in #Sociology, #Film and #AmericanStudies. I wedged #StarTrek in everywhere I could!

Also, growing up on Trek was a gateway to me becoming an actual #Marxist in my teens as both posit a future utopia. The beloved #FullLuxuryQueerSpaceCommunism that you also find in #IanMBanks #CultureNovels

Content warning: Covid

Content warning: Covid

My brain totally gets why the #StarTrek alumni opening up mastodon accounts aren't signing up on

But my brain kinda doesn't get why the Star Trek alumni opening up mastodon accounts aren't signing up on

Hi everyone,

my name is Till, I'm a radio amateur and electrical engineer, originally from #Berlin, now living in southern Germany. My favourite hashtags are

#astrophysics #astrophysik
#reading #lesen
#biking #fahrrad
#hiking #wandern

and of course #hamradio #amateurfunk. I'd love to hear from you, be it here or in a qso :radio_tower:

#introduction #newHere #neuHier

#Introduction post.
I'm Logan, thirty-something living in the #PacificNorthwest and working in #Education. I'm interested in #urbanism, #history, #science, history of science, #StarTrek, and #cat photos.
#Gay, He/Him. Trans rights are human rights.

Borg Sphere Final Concept Art by John Eaves (Originally Titled Star Trek: Borg)

#startrek #firstcontact #scifi #concept #art #JohnEaves

Hat jemand Lust mir ein #Sternenflotte'n Logbuch aus dem Englischen zu übersetzen und in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen? Für meine #StarTrek -Adventures #Rollenspiel -Runde.

Hintergrund ist einfach, dass es cooler ist, wenn es nicht meine Stimme ist, die da vorliest. Und aus dem gleichen Grund würde ich die Übersetzung nicht selbst machen, damit da mein eigener Sprachstil nicht so durchscheint. Kann ich bei Bedarf natürlich trotzdem machen.

Die Textmenge ist gering (siehe )