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Items tagged with: BlackMastodon

#Blackmastodon #Blackfedi

Alright. Might be a new scam going around people should spread the word on.

Just got a text message not too long ago saying i was no longer registered to vote. That i had been taken off of voter registration stuff.

Instead of clicking the link that was sent to me through a text message. I went to my city's voter registration website and checked.

Sure enough. I'm without doubt registered to vote. Didn't click the link so i'm not entirely sure what would have happened. But like...yeah. Might wanna start spreading the word on a scam like that.

They seem to be targeting people in general. But with republicans/conservatives actually expelling people's registration (minority groups). Might be a good idea for people to start pointing out this scam.
#blackhistory #miltary #exonerated #navy #blackmastodon #blackfediverse
Navy exonerates Black sailors after 1944 Port Chicago explosion in California

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not up to Black History! I'm still working through white US history. Bear with me! Almost there!

Q: Why does it seem like everything has to be woke now? Even our scientists?! It never used to be that way! Why does it seem like these days, even higher education has to think about race, when it didn't before?

A: Higher education, including STEM, did think about race before. That history has just been hidden from you. Because racism.


#MLKday Tommorow Y'all. But this is the shit we still have to live with! Houston 2024.
Look I wan to group us together to fight this shit.
Hit me up and ill follow yall back and share yall posts . We got fight dis nazi shit together.
MLK Day don mean shit unless we beat off these nazis .
Time to fight back yall ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ
#blacklivesmatter ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ
#blackmastodon ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ
Imma passion fr to fight these nazi bitches ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Powerful quotes by James Baldwin

#BlackFedi #BlackMastodon #JamesBaldwin #quotes

So, funny story. Every cop's body cam is basically an AirTag. I did a talk at DEFCON explaining how you can detect and ID police body cams with your phone.

#BlackMastodon #TrackThePolice #ACAB

Why are there only two registrations for this
workshop? Do y'all know I am a world class award winning engineering educator? Not that I'm tooting my own horn or anything. #BlackinEngineering #NoireSTEMinist #MySTEMIsForTheStreets #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse

โ€œIgnorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.โ€

-James Baldwin

#BlackMastodon #Mastodon #JamesBaldwin
Black and white photo of a smiling man in white shirt and black tie; this is James Baldwin

#BlackMastodon May be interested to hear that Aveta, the community organizer in black tech Twitter has launched a defederated Calckey instance that will prioritize safety, privacy, and accessibility for minorities.

Iโ€™ve been working with her and others and while launched it is still invite only as we address T&S, accessibility issues and how to best grow the platform focused on users.

bipoc people can DM me for an invite, if youโ€™re willing to help us improve the onboarding experience give a shout as we have product people collecting data and they need volunteers.
We're also looking for developers, product, UX, and other engineers to help improve the platform so do also reach out if you are interested.

Edit: To be clear Iโ€™m creating invite codes and not sitting on one.

Mary Fields (Stagecoach Mary) was the 1st Black woman & 2nd woman to deliver mail in the US. At 60, she applied for a mail carrier position in Montana's Cascade region. She secured the job by skillfully hitching her horses faster than anyone else. Despite bandits, wolves, & grueling weather, Mary never missed driving the route with horses Moses, her mule. Often she would trek on foot, covering 10 miles with mail sacks over her shoulder.


@blackmastodon@a.gup.peโ€จ@BlackMastodon@chirp.socialโ€จ#BlackMastodon #History
Black-and-white photo of Mary Fields.

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not ready for Black history. Still on white US history.

Q: Why do Black folk just assume that many supporters of Trump, Reagan, Nixon, etc are racist? That doesn't seem fair. Why do 90% of Black folk vote democrat? Why aren't more Black people "free thinkers?"

A: Racism. Black US folk know about the "Southern Strategy," and what Reagan, Nixon and their advisers said about us. They know the origins of the Alt-right. Many white US folk don't.


Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I still haven't made it to Black history. I'm close! But I'm still on white US history. It's everywhere!

Q: Why does it seem like Black folk don't contribute much to society or science or history? Most inventions are from Europeans? Why does it seem this way? Don't cancel me!

A: Racism. The lie of white supremacy requires that we pretend that white men are the only people that ever invented anything or contributed to society.


See I made this meme.

In panel one character a hands and object to character B while saying I made this. Character B asks you made this?

In panel 2 character B stares at the object.

In panel 3, character B now says I made this, taking credit for the object that was created.

Richard Spikes was a barber, school teacher, musician, businessman & inventor. He invented the beer tap, billiard cue rack, & the horizontally swinging barber chair.
Richard Spikes also patented the improved automatic gear shift and the automatic brake system and the turn signal for you all to Drive Safely! #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackMastodon

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

I'm still not talking about Black history. I'm still talking about white US history.

Q: Why do Black kids not do well in school? Is it because their dads are uninvolved and uncaring parents? Bill Cosby and Herschel Walker told me that, and they are good and wise men that we should listen to! It's Black dads' fault! Boo Black men!

A: No. Black kids only do poorly in school *in extremely racist countries.*


Content warning: Police killing double amputee

Happy #BlackHistoryMonth !

You know the drill by now. I don't like talking about Black history. Americans know Black history. I want to talk about white American history. In other words, racism, and the erasure of both positive achievements of, and injustices suffered by, non-white people. That's what people don't know.

Try this: Ask your white US friends what the statue of liberty celebrates.

Now ask your Black friends. Or French folk of any color.

Full height photograph of the statute of liberty.

I actually don't think anyone should refer to themselves as an "ally." TARGETED groups decide if you're an ally or not, not YOU. YOUR job is to do the work, regardless of whether or not you get the ally cookie. Because the second you start thinking of yourself as an "ally," complacency will set in.

#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi

When Black Americans attempt to farm, they face substantial material threats. I need Black folks and allies to read this article.

These Black farmers have had continuous threats, intimidation, and animals killed+tortured.. simply for ranching while Black.

People even broke into their house while the farmer's wife was showering. She confronted the intruder with her shotgun, in her bath robe.

#FreedomAcresRanch #BlackFarmersMatter #BlackMastodon

Nichelle Nichols who would have celebrated her 90th birthday on the 28th. RIP #startrek #uhura #sciencefiction #blackjoy #blackmastodon #blackfriday
Black and white photo of Nichelle Nichols as lieutenant Uhura in Star Trek.

Our Fediverse isn't done. It's designed for change. Newcomers, please keep this in mind before lamenting. Also, there are manuals. We require real discourse to implement needed features. We will build it, but there's a well established process. Start here with 'Open Source'
Floss has and will prevail over commercial hegemony. Then, learn how to submit bugs and feature requests here.
Does this seem like too much work? Your behaviors and posts are not monetized here, so your time, feedback and understanding is what floss needs to prosper. Also, if you can, pay into your instance. Bandwidth costs. It's a huge amount of work to moderate responsibly. #Fediverse #OpenSource #BlackMastodon #TwitterMIgration

โฌ†๏ธ See top post. I'm just listening to this podcast. I love it! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

THANK YOU @ SyFy Sistas and Sonequa.

SyFy Sistas website:

#SonequaMartinGreen #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrek #BlackMastodon #RepresentationMatters #BlackWomen #StrongWomen #LetsFly ๐Ÿ–– #WomenInSTEM

The SyFy Sistas "where science fiction meets Afrofuturism"

"The Sistas are kicking off season 3 w/ the woman that started it all: Sonequa Martin-Green. Sit back & enjoy being the proverbial fly on the wall for a conversation of love, support, pride & laughter between 5 Black women. Let's Fly!"

โžก๏ธ "3.01: Oh Captain, Our Captain!"

Pls Boost ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ––

#SonequaMartinGreen #StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrek #BlackMastodon #RepresentationMatters #BlackWomen #StrongWomen #WomenInSTEM

Bond, Hannah | NCpedia

Todayโ€™s #BlackPioneer is Hannah Bond, also know by the name Hannah Crafts. She is thought to be the first Black Woman to have written a semi biographical novel โ€œA Bondswomanโ€™s Narrativeโ€

Thereโ€™s not much information about Hannah, but this is the most thorough bio of this amazing woman #BlackHistoryEveryDay #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter

The best thing about this latest Mark Rober video is that if you know what to look for, you'll see that it matches up with everything I've tried to tell y'all about San Francisco crime:

* SF is the car break-in capital of the USA
* Most car break-ins are not done by Black people
* Most car break-ins are not done by homeless people
* Police are not designed to help you with these car break-ins. Police are designed to abuse Black people.



This post is for all of the folks who keep asking for examples of the type of racism that Black folks face when they bring up issues of diversity on Mastodon. I've blurred this person's name out because I don't want to be accused of dogpiling, but they eventually deleted the comment when somebody threatened to report them, and then blocked me.

Mastodon user asks if the KKK is preventing Black people from Mastodon in a snarky manner and I reply with "You are dismissed."
Mastodon user asks me "How did they let you in, did you bribe a white man?"

We normally promote the conference Tech Intersections: Women of Color in Computing on #Twitter but won't this year for obvious reasons.

Please help us spread the word about this #bipoc conference in #Oakland #California.

We're offering 20% off with promo code MASTODON. #BlackMastodon #BlackFriday

We are giving free tickets to people who have been laid off with promo code LAIDOFF.

The event includes an #ally skills workshop for supporters of #woc.
Purple-hued banner with large text "Tech Intersections January 28, 2023". Seven smiling Black and brown women are pictured with a variety of hairstyles and attire. There is a URL:

My cousin, who is in a symphony, is writing a paper on racism in the symphonic music industry. Turns out the symphony administration wanted to feature a black composer to showcase the history of black experience through classical music.

They brought someone on & after listening to the music, they decided it wasn't "happy" enough, so they went another direction entirely, going white again.

"Happy?" What history were they imagining?

#racism #orchesta #symphony #music #composer #blackmastodon

Granville T. Woods an #AfricanAmerican inventor gained the name the "Black Edison". He revolutionized the railroad & electric railway industries with his inventions. One newspaper called Woods โ€œthe greatest electrician in the world"

Thomas Edison was an inventive genius but is also claimed to be a liar & thief. Woods' patents were unsuccessfully challenged by Thomas Edison twice.

#BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackHistory
#BlackInventors #Science #Education

Iโ€™m wondering if yโ€™all can help me build a community of trans people of colour on the tag #TransPOC as i miss the wonderful people i knew on a different animal themed app.
After seeing reports of racism and bad moderation I guess iโ€™m just trying to find my people. Boosts very welcome.

#Trans #Queer #LGBTQIA #LGBT #BlackMastodon #Black #POC
