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Items tagged with: Ukraine

UN reports over 95% of Ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured in Russia

#Ukrainian prisoners of war are #tortured from the very first interrogation. They are beaten with metal rods and sticks, stripped naked and severely electrocuted. This is horrible. This is undoubtedly the worst thing I’ve seen in 20 years of my career while visiting the POWs on behalf of the UN.

This happened to more than 95% of Ukrainian POWs. These are #WarCrimes

#Russian #terrorism #POWs #Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine

Ukrainischer Vorstoß in Kursk: Welche Rolle dürfen deutsche Waffen spielen?

Die ukrainische Armee ist in die russische Region Kursk vorgerückt. Dabei sollen offenbar auch deutsche Waffen zum Einsatz kommen. Das wirft politische Fragen auf.#Ukraine #Waffen…

Ukrainischer Vorstoß in Kursk: Welche Rolle dürfen deutsche Waffen spielen?

Kriegswirtschaft und ihre Folgen

Kriegswirtschaft - Wenn Staaten alles auf den Sieg ausrichten

Krieg verursacht unfassbares Leid und verschlingt zudem Unmengen an Ressourcen. Staaten stellen dann oft auf Kriegswirtschaft um, das hat große Konsequenzen.#Russland #Kriegswirtschaft #ErsterWeltkrieg #ZweiterWeltkrieg #Ukraine
Kriegswirtschaft und ihre Folgen

Im Mittelweg 36: Unter russischer Besatzung endet die Gewalt nicht, sondern nimmt andere Formen an und wird für die Welt unsichtbar.

Nach dem Ende der Kämpfe

Asymmetrien, entmündigte Staatlichkeit
und der Schein von Normalität


Außenministerin Baerbock kritisiert Papst-Äußerungen zur Ukraine

Kein Verständnis für die jüngsten Papst-Äußerungen, ausweichende Antworten zum Thema "Taurus": Außenministerin Baerbock hat bei Caren Miosga zum Ukraine-Krieg Stellung bezogen. Auch um russische Propaganda ging es. Von Lukas Weyell.

Kein Verständnis für die jüngsten Papst-Äußerungen, ausweichende Antworten zum Thema "Taurus": Außenministerin Baerbock hat bei Caren Miosga zum Ukraine-Krieg Stellung bezogen. Auch um russische Propaganda ging es. Von Stephan Clausen.#Miosga #Baerbock #Ukraine #Taurus
Außenministerin Baerbock kritisiert Papst-Äußerungen zur Ukraine

#Putin's interview was beyond embarrassing, to be honest. Basically his entire argument is that #Ukraine historically belonged to #Russia.

By his own logic, Russia and Ukraine should both be part of Iran because the ancient Scythians (an Iranic people) lived there thousands of years ago, long before the arrival of the Slavic peoples.

This is exactly why I hope we erase natl borders one day and become one global federation. This planet doesn't belong to anyone. We're just guests here.


Dmytro Kuleba to Telex: All problems in the relationship between Hungary and Ukraine can be traced back to the Russian aggression

We spoke with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister following his first official bilateral meeting with his Hungarian counterpart since the start of the war about the relationship of the two countries. An interview.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ukraine #Russia #Hungary #RussianInvasion #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar

#Germany unearths pro-russia disinformation campaign on #X

Investigators uncover concerted onslaught on Berlin’s support for #Ukraine involving more than 1m posts

Digital forensic experts in Germany have uncovered a vast, pro-russia #disinformation campaign against the government using tens of thousands of fake accounts on the social media platform X.

Once in a while, this guy puts out a banger of a video. Of course, I don't really have 30 minutes, so I did my thing and then rewound when he said was saying something interesting.

Overall though, suggestions are pretty thin.

I remember someone in the U.S. (Gen. Milley perhaps) absolutely racked on the coals in Fedi/TwiX for saying that Ukraine needs to do what Germans did in 1944. But that's the only choice to prevent a full surrender in 2025. The video literally suggests 1944: assume a defensive posture, trade ground for advantage, save men, wait for Putin to burn out. Oh, and make fewer mistakes.

Remember the "Ukraine does need to free all territory to win over Putin" zinger? Same thing: it's the only path to victory. Entente won over Germans in 1918 before their territory was freed.

#ukraine #war

#Russia last night’s railway sabotage attributed to #Ukraine SBU is rather impressive:

  • First, fire broke out on a cargo train moving through a 15 km Severomuysky tunnel with 2-3 cisterns with fuel burning
  • The tunnel has a much longer railway bypass, so the next trains were directed there - and blew up while they were crossing a Devil’s Pass bridge

The level of coordination deep in enemy terrain required for this is truly incredible.


The tunnel:

The bypass:

About the tunnel:

"What Ukrainian resistance protects […] extends far beyond #Ukraine" - historian Timothy Snyder

Ukrainians are “delivering the kinds of security that we could not attain on our own” by defending the global and legal order established in the aftermath of the World War 2, performing “the entire NATO mission of absorbing and reversing an attack by russia,” and demonstrating to China that offensive operations do not come easy, making war in the Pacific much less likely



Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Wagner #Prigozhin

There's currently a wave of bots trying to vandalize #OpenStreetMap by replacing names (and russian langauge names) with anti-russian slogans. The #OSM DWG has blocked 5,000+ accounts already

😢 This is not the way people!

e.g. <>
#Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion

Like Putin-"UP IN SMOKE"

Dramatic first pic shows Putin’s prized supersonic nuke bomber completely DESTROYED by ONE Ukrainian kamikaze drone

His military in tatters after 270,000 Russian dead in Ukraine, his economy gasping for air as the the ruble falls against the mighty dollar, Putin is ignoring the obvious - "IT'S TIME TO LEAVE UKRAINE!"
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey
Russian nuclear bomber destroyed

“F-16. Breakthrough arrangement. Specifics from today. We will have F-16 in the Ukrainian sky. Thank you, Netherlands! Thanks Mark! Thanks to everyone who helps!

We will win!"
- President Zelensky
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey

⚡️🇺🇦People dispersed to reduce number victims before second attack on Pokrovsk (more) #Ukraine #Press #News #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

Please sign and share: Tell the Ukrainian Government to Drop Prosecution of Peace Activist Yurii Sheliazhenko

#Ukraine #DropProsecution #PeaceActivist #Petition

The EU has coordinated the medical evacuations of more than 2,300 Ukrainian patients to European hospitals since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Patients suffering from war injuries or serious medical conditions that cannot currently be treated inside Ukraine have been transferred to hospitals in 21 European countries, as part of a scheme launched in March 2022.

#EU #Ukraine #WarInUkraine #Healthcare

⚠️🇧🇾What A Wagner Mercenary Revealed On A Dating App (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Press #News #Russia #Belarus #RussiaUkraineWar #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

#Zuckerberg’s #Meta comes under #attack from human rights campaigners

#Internews said complaints about #misinformation on conflicts, such as the #Tigray #War in #Ethiopia, sometimes went unanswered for months, although warnings about content spreading in #Ukraine were typically dealt with quickly.

#economy #media #socialMedia #software #fail #politics #finance #problem #hate #fake #news #facebook

"Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines."

#Ukraine #Russia #War
Text from article:
“When the enemy sees even a Leopard tank in front of him and special engineering equipment, he will destroy the special equipment first,” he said. “Because without it, all the others will not pass. And in just a couple of days of the offensive, several such vehicles were destroyed along with their crews.”

Because the Russians have drones in the sky on the lookout for any mine-clearance systems to target with artillery and missiles, the Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines.

“It slows us down a lot, because the work of a sapper, it needs time and tranquility,” said Lt. Col. Mykola Moroz, the commander of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade’s engineering and sapper battalion. “It’s not possible to do our work in these circumstances.”

"his group received a German-provided Wisent mine-clearance tank that it used ahead of the counteroffensive’s start in the Zaporizhzhia region. The tank & similar Soviet models successfully cleared some pathways for the brigade’s units to make their first push.

“But now their use is already ineffective, because the enemy expects the appearance of such equipment, which is massive, which is noisy, which is easy to see and, accordingly, to strike,”"

#Ukraine #Russia #War
Text from article:
The area’s terrain is largely sprawling, open fields with few places for the Ukrainians to camouflage their larger equipment and vehicles. And the Russians chose the high ground for their positions, soldiers said.

A commander — The Post is identifying him by his call sign, Oskar, in accordance with Ukrainian military protocol — with an engineering and sapper unit in Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade said his group received a German-provided Wisent mine-clearance tank that it used ahead of the counteroffensive’s start in the Zaporizhzhia region. The tank and similar Soviet models successfully cleared some pathways for the brigade’s units to make their first push.

“But now their use is already ineffective, because the enemy expects the appearance of such equipment, which is massive, which is noisy, which is easy to see and, accordingly, to strike,” Oskar said.

"“We need special equipment, we need special remote mine-clearance equipment,” Zaluzhny said, adding that Ukraine is using US-provided M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) systems but that “they are also being destroyed, yes. There’s nothing wrong with that. It takes a lot of them.”

...Kyiv received less than 15% of the quantity of demining and engineering materiel... that it asked for from Western partners ahead of the counteroffensive."

#Ukraine #Counteroffensive
Photo: A soldier takes cover as he removes an antitank mine. (Ed Ram for The Washington Post)
Text from article:
“We need special equipment, we need special remote mine-clearance equipment,” Zaluzhny said, adding that Ukraine is using U.S.-provided M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) systems but that “they are also being destroyed, yes. There’s nothing wrong with that. It takes a lot of them.”

In an address late Friday, President Volodymyr Zelensky acknowledged the difficulty of advancing. “We must all understand very clearly — as clearly as possible — that the Russian forces on our southern and eastern lands are investing everything they can to stop our warriors, he said. “And every thousand meters of advance, every success of each of our combat brigades deserves gratitude.”

A senior Ukrainian official, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters, said Kyiv received less than 15 percent of the quantity of demining and engineering materiel, including MICLICs, that it asked for from Western partners ahead of the counteroffensive. Some of that equipment arrived just last week, the official said.

"Ukraine’s struggles on minefields have exposed vulnerabilities of the personnel carriers and tanks...

The vehicles have won praise from soldiers — even after they’ve hit mines, most people inside survive with just minor injuries — but they have not been able to breach Russia’s defenses alone.

Zaluzhny has said modern fighter jets, such as the U.S.-made F-16, and other systems are needed to better support ground operations."

#Ukraine #Russia #War
Text from article and photo with caption.

Text: Ukraine’s struggles on minefields have exposed vulnerabilities of the personnel carriers and tanks — especially the newly arrived American Bradley fighting vehicles and German Leopard tanks — that officials had hailed as being key for Ukraine to seize back occupied territory from the Russians. The vehicles have won praise from soldiers — even after they’ve hit mines, most people inside survive with just minor injuries — but they have not been able to breach Russia’s defenses alone. Zaluzhny has said modern fighter jets, such as the U.S.-made F-16, and other systems are needed to better support ground operations.

Photo with caption: A soldier prepares to remove an antitank mine. (Ed Ram for The Washington Post)

"As a result, Kyiv’s forces have changed strategy...

Rather than try to break through with the infantry fighting vehicles and battle tanks that Western allies provided to aid Ukraine in this counteroffensive, units are moving forward, slowly, on foot.

“You can no longer do anything with just a tank... because the minefield is too deep, and sooner or later, it will stop and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire”"

#Ukraine #Russia #War
#RussiaUkraineWar #News
Text from article:
As a result, Kyiv’s forces have changed strategy, Ukrainian military personnel said. Rather than try to break through with the infantry fighting vehicles and battle tanks that Western allies provided to aid Ukraine in this counteroffensive, units are moving forward, slowly, on foot.

“You can no longer do anything with just a tank with some armor, because the minefield is too deep, and sooner or later, it will stop and then it will be destroyed by concentrated fire,” Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s military chief, said recently in an interview with The Washington Post.

"In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian #counteroffensive, small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

...Areas between 3 - 10 miles deep... have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel #mines and trip wires."

#Ukraine #Russia #War #RussiaUkraineWar
#News #WorldNews
News headline and photo with caption.

Headline: The biggest obstacle to Ukraine’s counteroffensive? Minefields.
Areas in front of Russian defensive strongholds in the south and east have been densely mined

By Isabelle Khurshudyan and Kamila Hrabchuk
July 15, 2023 at 3:39 p.m. EDT

Photo with caption: During a training exercise last week in Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia region, soldiers prepare to clear an antitank mine by using rope to remove the detonator. (Ed Ram for The Washington Post)

Screen shot of a Mastodon post with the text:
"Ukrainians are trying for now to save the few they do have by doing the job manually. Sapper units — sometimes a group of just four people — will often wait for twilight to clear paths, as they are too visible in the daylight and can be seen through night-vision devices in the dark.

Walking with a metal detector is unrealistic, sappers said, because they are too visible. So they crawl, relying on their vision to spot mines."

#Ukraine #Russia #War 

Russia to deem Ukraine-bound ships 'potential carriers of military cargo' from Wednesday eve

Russia's Defence Ministry said on Wednesday it would deem all ships travelling to Ukrainian ports to be potential carriers of military cargo and their flag countries to be parties to the conflict on the Ukrainian side.

The move follows Russia's decision this week to pull out of the U.N.-brokered Black Sea grain export deal which had guaranteed the safety of Ukrainian exports for the past year.

#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar

russian attacks on port infrastructure in #Odesa Oblast have destroyed 60,000 tons of grain, according to Ukrainian #Agriculture Minister Mykola Solskyi on July 19.

"This is a terrorist act not against Ukraine, but against the whole world," he stated. "If we cannot export food, then the population of the poorest countries will be on the verge of survival."

Read more here🔗

#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#СлаваУкраїні! #StandWithUkraine