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Items tagged with: Moscow

Like Putin-"UP IN SMOKE"

Dramatic first pic shows Putin’s prized supersonic nuke bomber completely DESTROYED by ONE Ukrainian kamikaze drone

His military in tatters after 270,000 Russian dead in Ukraine, his economy gasping for air as the the ruble falls against the mighty dollar, Putin is ignoring the obvious - "IT'S TIME TO LEAVE UKRAINE!"
#AureFreePress #Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey
Russian nuclear bomber destroyed

“F-16. Breakthrough arrangement. Specifics from today. We will have F-16 in the Ukrainian sky. Thank you, Netherlands! Thanks Mark! Thanks to everyone who helps!

We will win!"
- President Zelensky
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey

Prigozhin has captured the headquarters of the Southern Military District and the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Rostov!
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Wagner #Prigozhin

Content warning: Ukraine Russia War Stuff

Old Moscow subway map I found. Late USSR. Notable shops listed next to the stations - "Wallpapers", "Car parts" and such.

#Moscow #history #Москва #ностальгия #alshr

#MeanwhileInRussia it doesn't really matter anymore what you say. You go out, you get detained.

First woman: I wonder what if I just say two words here...
/- takes out small paper literally saying "Two Words" -/
First woman: will I get arreste...
/- cops emerge and haul her away -/

Second woman: Do you record only the opposition?
Reporter: No, we speak to anyone.
Second woman: And what about people with different opinion, do you show them?
Reporter: Yes, everyone.
Second woman: Then I want to say something about special operation our country runs.
Second woman: I support...
/- cops emerge and haul her away -/
#NoWar #Moscow #1984

Some years ago Moscow government decided they didn't like dandelions on city lawns and they declared war unleashing army of workers armed with grass trimmers, tractors and lawn mowers every spring trying to cut the infestation down before they give seeds.

So far I am pleased with the outcome. I like dandelions and their season is short. Soon all this cheerful yellowness will go away. But #RightNow it is their season again.

#Moscow #flowers

Moscow got a lot of snow this winter and the most of it was dealt with effectively. But what happens if you just collect snow from city streets into huge piles and let it melt when spring comes?

This will happen.

Not only it will take forever to melt but also it will turn into piles of all kinds of unholy polluting substances which were trapped in nice white snow.

Not a good way to dispose of snow. Not for a city full of cars anyway. These snow melting stations are really nice thing.

#Moscow #RightNow

Moscow had snow last week. It wasn't snowing hard nor it was unexpected. It just kept on falling for a few days. Soon the roads required far more than the usual maintenance to be cleared.

I have snow melting station near my home and I watched trucks coming in day and night. At some point it couldn't process so much snow so trucks started forming long queues alongside the street waiting to unload.

I have to admit the city handled it pretty well. Here is garbage truck repurposed for snow duty. Clever.

#Moscow #winter #myphoto

I went for long walk last Saturday.

#myphoto #Moscow

Tomorrow Moscow closes seven central subway stations in anticipation of "illegal" protests. Also parts of city centre will be blocked for pedestrian access and surface transit will be diverted. Cafes and malls in the area will be shut down. Various government agencies keep warning that anyone joining protest action will be considered participating in public disorder.

Interesting day is coming...

#MeanwhileInRussia #Russia #Moscow #Protests