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Items tagged with: Russian

UN reports over 95% of Ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured in Russia

#Ukrainian prisoners of war are #tortured from the very first interrogation. They are beaten with metal rods and sticks, stripped naked and severely electrocuted. This is horrible. This is undoubtedly the worst thing I’ve seen in 20 years of my career while visiting the POWs on behalf of the UN.

This happened to more than 95% of Ukrainian POWs. These are #WarCrimes

#Russian #terrorism #POWs #Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine

Ukraine’s energy crisis drives green power decentralization

Ukraine wants to generate more #energy in smaller amounts closer to users, rather than centralized facilities that are targets for #Russian strikes. Though the war has created willpower to redesign the energy system, it has also created serious obstacles

Renewable energy projects have taken off as well. The Energy Ministry announced on July 2 that it had received 5,876 solar panels to power hospitals, as part of an agreement with the European Commission.

Hybrid systems, which integrate solar power, battery storage, and existing energy grid infrastructure, can bridge the gap between when a blackout begins and a hospital’s generator kicks in

#RussianAggression #GreenEnergy #electricity

Today, someone on #Diaspora called me a troll. It was the second time that happened! And who were the kind people calling me #troll? Well, two kind supporters of #Russian mother land! Two #communists!

I have to thank the first Russian #propagandist because, after having had the first dialogue, I ended up reading some more information about #communism, which strengthened my anti- communism position and led me to discover #anarchism!

Today, this fellow, called me troll because I didn't agree with him and his propaganda discourse! He said that I had to prove everything I said. I don't have the time to write a treaty every time I say something. Nor do I want to bother myself with blindfolded communists!

He blocked me! Wow! Great argument!

It's interesting that all the sources they cite are good, but any that I mention isn't!

Well, I'll just say this here: it's an honour for me to be called a troll by #communists, #capitalists, #fascists, #racists, etc! They are all the same!

I'm just an #anarchist and I have dedicated my life to contribute for a better world, not for killing people!

A #Russian guided aerial bomb flew into a blood transfusion center in #Kupiansk community in #Kharkiv region, stated President #Zelenskyy. According to him, there are dead and wounded.

Original tweet:

Here’s what The Counteroffensive is reading today: A #Russian warship berthed near #Novorossiysk, a port city on the Black Sea near #Crimea, was hit by a #Ukrainian naval drone last night. The ship was seen precariously listing while being towed after.

"The award-winning #Ukrainian #writer and #war crimes #researcher Victoria Amelina was critically injured in a #Russian missile strike on a pizza restaurant in eastern #Ukraine this week.

#HumanRights activists say the attack on the crowded building, which killed 12 people including 14-year-old twins and injured at least 60 others, was a #WarCrime."

#ArrestPutin #RussianWarCrimes #UN #NATO #G7 #EU #WTO #BRICS #China #SouthAfrica #India #Brazil #RussiaIsATerroristState

is there a list of translations of all the pieces of the #fediverse in various langues? I guess wikidata is probably the best place for this sort of thing.

I came across a conversation in #Russian (I was reading it with autotranslate) it was cool to see some of the software not written in the Latin script for once.

Fediverse = #Федиверс
#Pleroma = #Плерома
#Friendica = #Френдика

Fediverse = #联邦宇宙

Fediverse = #Fediversum

Fediverse = #Fediverso

Many self-proclaimed “peace activists” are demanding the unconditional surrender of the #Ukrainian resistance in favour of a russian dictatorial #peace. They fail to understand, however, that a #russian military victory would not alleviate the Ukrainians’ suffering in the slightest, because #putin’s goal is evidently the annihilation of the Ukrainian people and culture.

[1/3] #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia

the #Russian word for 'music lover' is 'меломан'

When it's too hot for anything else, Russian planes save the day

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).