grin reshared this.
My employer is continuing to pursue increased sales to the US government, so for ethical reasons I'm fully on the job market now.
I am an experienced #devOps engineer, having worked exclusively with #AWS. I have extensive experience in #terraform and #openTofu with significant #Ansible work as well. I've used the full alphabet soup of AWS services: VPC, EC2, S3, ACM, KMS, IAM, RDS, Route53, SNS, SES, SQS, WAF, and many more. I also am familiar with the various monitoring, alerting, and on-call platforms, most notably CloudWatch, DataDog, and Pager Duty. I also have management and project management experience, leading teams and projects at the application and architectural levels.
I do not, unfortunately, have experience with K8s or EKS, so any potential position would need to accept a ramp-up time if those are part of the infrastructure ecosystem. I am a fast learner, and I have a solid engineering expertise to build off of.
My primary need is a fully #remote position for family reasons. As my profile states, I am based in the Twin Cities area in US Central time. I am fully authorized to work in the US without employer support.
I'm happy to answer any other questions folks may have, and I can provide my resume upon request. Thanks in advance for boosts and such!
grin likes this.
grin reshared this.
Said to be caused by the extremely lowering level of #groundwater due to #climatic catastrophe and irrigation.
grin reshared this.
grin reshared this.
* Translation from our friends as DeepL
** reposted from Diaspora* since Friendica only post a link through Mastodon, I mean, uh, it's not that seamless, that activitypub thingy.
There was a discussion on Facebook that Tesla was not started by #Musk, but by Martin #Eberhard and Marc #Tarpenning (2003-2008), and that Musk was the investor who got the company for his investment (and $8 million); and that Musk did nothing to make #Tesla what it is.
I disagreed like hell. I got a response of "but come on, he barely added anything technically!". And I wrote this reply.What has Elon Musk given us? no no NO NO. Musk has added nothing of technical value. That's not the guy's superpower.
- He said he has a vision for the electric car. When everyone said it was stupid, impossible, no way, look around and wake up. Electric cars will never be sold or usable! He single-handedly created the residential electric car industry. Beat that.
- He put money in when it looked hopeless. A LOT of money. (In fact, he gathered a lot of it, by whatever means. By EVERY method he had.)
- He pushed money into the charging network when it seemed totally pointless in the short to medium term.
- He made a financial plan that was decades in the making (release the sports model, use it to pay for the high end model, use it to pay for the people's car at an absurd $35k).
- If the financial plan had been a bit optimistic he have topped it with excellent marketing pushing on all fronts, where the car became not just a status symbol, but a gadget. TOUCH SCREEN! In the car!!!! Cameras! IN CAR!!!! FREE CHARGING!!!!!1111oneoneONEONE
- He kept to the fact that it had to go, even though there were a few downhill slopes (and then there are some).
- He put personal energy into it, and a lot of that.
That's his superpower. That's what he put in. Because he's a narcissistic aggressive autistic asshole, and all of those are excellent superpowers for this particular task. He can't give up, he can push anyone down to do it and he does it no matter what anyone thinks, says or does.
Lot of truth in that. Yet, Genghis actually have built a pretty stable empire, and didn't actually destroyed the world. Same may go with the Osman empire, who actually have killed plenty of people yet have built a rather carefully designed public service system.
Musk gave us the electric cars, that's a truly big thing. He helped to build the first working public space company, that's another.
He also have destroyed Twitter, which is comparably a minor thing. And wasted a lot of money on Hyperloop, whores, booze, and vanity. Those are relevant, but still comparably small change or effect to the world as a whole.
He may cause a lot of trouble for the next 4 years, or he may not, I do not know. I wouldn't trust him with a broken pot either, but he's probably not evil, just couldn't care less about people, when he's bound to finish something.... That may be good if he's up to good -- and may be pretty bad if he's going in that direction.
What have Elon Musk ever done to us?
* Translation from our friends as DeepL
There was a discussion on Facebook that Tesla was not started by #Musk, but by Martin #Eberhard and Marc #Tarpenning (2003-2008), and that Musk was the investor who got the company for his investment (and $8 million); and that Musk did nothing to make #Tesla what it is.
I disagreed like hell. I got a response of "but come on, he barely added anything technically!". And I wrote this reply.
# What has Elon Musk given us? no no NO NO. Musk has added nothing of technical value. That's not the guy's superpower.
0. He said he has a vision for the electric car. When everyone said it was stupid, impossible, no way, look around and wake up. Electric cars will never be sold or usable! He single-handedly created the residential electric car industry. Beat that.
1. He put money in when it looked hopeless. A LOT of money. (In fact, he gathered a lot of it, by whatever means. By EVERY method he had.)
2. He pushed money into the charging network when it seemed totally pointless in the short to medium term.
3. He made a financial plan that was decades in the making (release the sports model, use it to pay for the high end model, use it to pay for the people's car at an absurd $35k).
4. If the financial plan had been a bit optimistic he have topped it with excellent marketing pushing on all fronts, where the car became not just a status symbol, but a gadget. TOUCH SCREEN! In the car!!!! Cameras! IN CAR!!!! FREE CHARGING!!!!!1111oneoneONEONE
5. He kept to the fact that it had to go, even though there were a few downhill slopes (and then there are some).
6. He put personal energy into it, and a lot of that.
That's his superpower. That's what he put in. Because he's a narcissistic aggressive autistic asshole, and all of those are excellent superpowers for this particular task. He can't give up, he can push anyone down to do it and he does it no matter what anyone thinks, says or does.
Sad, sad spambots
Poor spammer fellas, they have nothing better than register an account and fill the registration request with spam.
Manual account acceptance is a bitch, motherfuckers.
grin reshared this.
Facebookon volt egy vita, hogy a Teslát nem #Musk indította, hanem Martin #Eberhard és Marc #Tarpenning (2003-2008), és Musk a befektető volt, aki a befektetéseiért (és 8 millió dollárért) megkapta a céget; és hogy Musk nem tett semmit hozzá, hogy a #Tesla az legyen, ami.
Baromira nem értettem egyet. Kaptam egy választ, hogy „de hát ne már, műszakilag alig adott hozzá valamit!”. És erre írtam ezt a választ.Mit adott nekünk Elon Musk?
…nemnemnemNEMNEM.Musk nem adott hozzá műszaki értéket. Nem ez a csávó szuperképessége.
- Azt mondta, hogy a villanyautóban van fantázia. Mikor mindenki azt mondta, hogy hülye, lehetetlen, kizárt, nézzen már körül és ébredjen fel. Villanyautók sosem lesznek eladhatóak vagy használhatóak! Egyszemélyben létrehozta a lakossági villanyautó-ipart. Beat that.
- Pénzt nyomott bele akkor is, amikor reménytelennek tűnt. SOK pénzt. (Sőt, szerzett egy csomót, tökmindegy, milyen módszerekkel. MINDEN módszerrel, amije csak volt.)
- Pénzt nyomott a kúthálózatba, amikor ez teljesen értelmetlennek tűnt rövid- és középtávon.
- Csinált egy olyan pénzügyi tervet, ami évtizedekre meg volt tervezve (kidobjuk a sportmodellt, ebből fizetjük a high end modellt, ebből fizetjük a népautót abszurd $35k áron).
- Ha a pénzügyi terv kissé optimista lett volna megtolta egy minden fronton nyomuló, kiváló marketinggel, ahol az autó nem csak státusszimbóleum lett, hanem egy bazi gadget. ÉRINTŐKÉPERNYŐ! Autóban!!! Kamerák! AUTÓBAN!!! INGYEN TÖLTÉS!!!!!4444NÉGYNÉGY
- Tartotta magát ahhoz, hogy ennek mennie kell, pedig volt pár lejtmenet (meg ugye van is).
- Személyes energiát tolt bele, rengeteget.
Ez a szuperképessége. Ezt tette bele. Mert egy narcisztikus aggresszív autista, és ezek mindegyike kiváló szuperképesség pont ehhez a feladathoz. Nem tudja feladni, képes letolni bárkit ennek érdekében és csinálja, akárki akármit gondol, mond vagy tesz.
grin reshared this.
Let me think out loud about this oriental style advertisement:
So first, it is emitting 10 million lumens, which is about the same as a 650 000 Watt (650 kW) incandescent light. That is 6250 pieces of 100 Watt bulb. It approximately need 112 kW LED emitters if you use common consumer grade ones.
Industry leader tech can emit 140 lm/W, even of those we'd need 71.4 kW (and 150 k pieces of them, which would require 7 m² area (which is about 40×40 bananas [40 square bananas] for USA people).Before we start to worry about the flashlight of the size of a medium room there is hope: this light uses only 800 Watts instead of 71 kW! Which is truly great Chinese technology, since it means they are using a LED emitter with 12500 lm/W performance! That is an instant Noble prize in physics, chemistry and politics! (Also taking the "industry leader" label, by far.)
So, what battery do we get? It is huge: 10 000 mAh! I mean, it is, well, at least, lots of zeroes.
So, LEDs use, say, 3 V, and the fwd current is about 750mA, and that gives us almost 3 watts. 800 Watts require 266 A, which is 266000 mA, so our battery will go flat in two minutes an 15 seconds.If they somehow mistaken that and the original wattage stands, 71.4 kW requires about 23800 A, which will empty the battery in 1.57 seconds. It is still great runtime, since you'll go blind in about the same time. Anyway.
Maybe a small but not unimportant problem is that drawing 266 ampers would probably explode the battery in a few seconds, and 28kA, well, it's probably the same as shorting it and watch the fireworks.
...which is probably not a problem, since generating the required light generates about 50 kW heat, which is about 100 times the power of a mobile room heater, or phrasing it another way, the LEDs will burn and explode in probably less than a second, much sooner than the battery would explode, depite that the "LED" is room sized.
So, for $30 it's a pretty good deal. I mean, if you're a soldier, for example, you can use it as an incendiary grenade. A room sized one, but battery driven! (And it can also charge your phone between destructions.)
If you're not then it's good for some Nobel prizes, or getting the campfire started, or possibly also the near forest.One thing it's not good for, unfortunately: you cannot use it as a flashlight.
(Image is involuntary courtesy of Aliexpress.)
#chinese #shopping #flashlight #advertisement #lies #wmd
grin reshared this.
Content warning: politics
For all USA people here, you should (or indeed should not) watch Idiocracy (2006).
I thought maybe I will sometimes laugh as well, it's a comedy after all.
I did not. Not just because it's mediocre as a comedy but mainly because it was so real. I watch the news, the yellow monkey naming his frontmen and I can't forget the matching specific scenes of the movie.
Meet your future.
grin reshared this.
grin reshared this.
A tréner végül sóhajt:
– Nézze, hölgyem, én mindent megpróbáltam, most már csak a speciális módszerem maradt.
– Mi az a speciális módszer?
– Nos, szokatlan, és előre is elnézését kérem érte. Akkor most itt ez az ütő, és akkor kérem, hogy képzelje azt, hogy ez az ön kedves férjének a pénisze... - nyújtja neki.
A nő zavart arccal gondolkozik, majd bólint.
A következő ütés 200 yardos. Az edző ámul. A következő 230, gyönyörű ív, pontos célzás. Az edző lelkesen bólogat:
– Igen, hölgyem! Csodálatos volt! És most próbáljuk meg úgy, hogy az ütőt kiveszi a szájából!
like this
Elefántgyűjtő, heydorka and Gerego like this.
grin reshared this.
Earlier this week, an ambulance was called to a man in his 60s in Budapest, Hungary because he was having difficulty breathing. Within minutes, the ambulance arrived on the scene and treated the patient, who weighed almost 170 kilos, and was expected to be taken to hospital. However, there were not enough paramedics to move the patient safely.
At this point, one of the paramedics remembered that they were parked across the street from a fitness centre. She quickly ran down to the gym where she told them they needed a little help. According to the report, the gym members immediately abandoned their workout and rushed to the paramedics' aid as a team.
The operation went so well that in the end, not only was the patient, who was fixed on a stretcher, carefully brought down from the fourth floor, but even the bags and instruments were not allowed to be taken down by the paramedics. The paramedics were thanked for their help and transported the patient to hospital in a stable condition.
(Translated with
grin reshared this.
Intolerance here around
Sometimes it is shocking how #intolerant people are here on #ActivityPub/#Mastodon.
Last week I was asked to respond to a divisive question and I [was asked to have] described how the intolerant people could interpret something (#lgbtq related) "the other way". I believe it was factual and politely phrased.
The next few hours resulted:
- four or five generic personal attacks, some quite impolite,
- about same amount of labels put on me ranging from nazi to queerphobian,
- 5 reports to my server ranging from "hate speech" through "racism" up to "queerphobia" as a description. (It is definitely telling, since they had so much hate that even failed to notice that I am my own server admin.) 3 of those were anonymous (sent in through a bot account).
All from random, uknown, uninvolved people. None of them understood the post, none of them was even open to understand how the people they fear think, none of them realised that their aggressive stance actually make neutral people stressed and angry and force them into a similarly aggressive defense loop, which results them being hated, in the long run. They've just seen something they didn't like from an unknown person and they didn't move on, didn't ignore it but started actively attacking.
Extremely close minded approach, even if they feel like, I don't know, hunted animals? But they see an attacker in every corner and they start to fight with about everyone not saying exactly what they wanted, even if it's just a quote, a description of a phenomenon or some mention within a discussion.
I am not really angry at them (while I get pretty annoyed when someone writes to me then blocks me, preventing any answer or reaction, but these people want to hear their own voice only), I'm just baffled at their extreme intolerance and short-sightedness, which is exactly the opposite of what they demand from others.
Well, business as usual.
grin reshared this.
– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, which one would you choose?
– Alive.
@RPD0911 I have plenty of options. 🙂
I never was able to use twitter. I think I had less than a dozen tweets in my whole life. 😉
If you run your own server, you can migrate to the glitch-soc soft-fork, where you can set the limit to a considerably higher value, and still keep the rest of Mastodon.
You also get plenty of other nice goodies, like... drumroll Markdown formatted toots!
@tardis Way back when in my late teens, I was fascinated by weird philosophies and personalities and whatnot, so I asked myself how many personalities I have. I received one response, and 514 did not respond. So I concluded I have -513 personalities. As such, I am very much virtual, indeed. @grin 's observation is, therefore, correct. At least about me.
Also about glitch. But I have that contained.
@tardis For a long time I have been kept explaining people why the virtual "world" not just exists but it is actually very important for human interaction. I met almost all of my "good old friends" virtually, and chosen them by their thinking and expressive abilities, not by their, say, look, ethnicity or nationality. It works pretty well, meeting the "brain" of the people instead of their "body" first.
I hate "javascript" "ecosystem" with all that crap instability. Pretty sure that yarn part is shared with Mastodon, though.
But then it's been a few years I ran it directly, I got fed up with javascript & ruby, so I just switched to running it in a container built by a CI, so I never have to deal with either of those again.
2023-12-19 - we have changed deps, we do not document it, and it works for us, if not, go guess what you have to do to make it work cos we won't tell ya. 🤦♂️
Yes I know I know prepackaged containers, just had to let out the steam.
Recent breaking changes · Issue #2525 · glitch-soc/mastodon
This issue is here to document breaking changes, since we don't have releases. 2024-01-24 - 634acd0 (#2580) Last commit before the change: 915cd36 Logging format of the streaming server changed for...GitHub
Ah, that happened waaaay after I last built glitch-soc myself (early 2023, I think?), hence my impression that it had pretty much the same deps as masto. Sorry about that!
Some of the breaking changes listed there come from upstream masto, though. But it also acknowledges that glitch-soc has slightly different dependencies here and there.
Aaanyway, good find, I'll keep this issue bookmarked when I upgrade glitch-soc! It would have saved me ~10 minutes when applying today's security fix too (and I'm cheating by using pre-built containers).
git checkout masto/latest simply fixed the damn thing, luckily.
Someday I may try it in a clean env and see if it breaks.
I found that when it comes to Ruby or JS projects, trying to build them The Right Way is going to end up in a lot of lost sanity points, a bald head, and a lot of pain and sweat, all to admit defeat in the end.
If I see a Ruby or JS project nowadays, I slowly back away, then run. If I can't, I'll punt it into a messy container and just sweep all the dirt under the carpet and pretend it's not there.
grin reshared this.
Only in #Hungary
Video of a 40+ years old Belarussian-made MTZ #tractor overtaking a Hungarian #train. The government stole so much money out of the railways that the rail is deteriorated to a point where [some] trains are limited to 20 km/h.
And the guy is laughing his ass off.
MTZ traktor előzi a vonatot Debrecen és Nagykereki között
MÁV 106-os számú, Debrecen-Nagykereki vasútvonal Konyár-Derecske-Vásártér közötti szakasza, azon belül a 104-145. szelvény között kitűzött 20-as lassújel.YouTube
grin reshared this.
grin reshared this.
Also that #activitypub supports unlimited number options but Mastodon server limits to 4 because the developers feels like?
Also that Friendica doesn't handle polls (but at least display them)?
- Yes of course (46%, 12 votes)
- No of coursen't (30%, 8 votes)
- That's madness (46%, 12 votes)
- 4 choices aren't enough (73%, 19 votes)
grin reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Do I see right that mastodon poll isn't supported yet?
Admin likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@grin that surprised me too. I'm testing Friendica at the moment. I'm really enjoying many of the features but it's been interesting to see what I'd expect to be there, but is not. It seems such a mature product but polls missing. Moderation only just arrived in the latest release (what did they do before with spammers/inappropriate content?) . Poor AltText support for images.
I appreciate it has many great features too.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
to make it more visible, that an alt text is defined. I don't really care for the title
, but alt
is crucial for accessibility.Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
to make it more convenient for people who don't use screenreaders, that this image contains a description. We could omit it - in difference to alt
.Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
And there's the adage: never ask a question for which you do not want to hear the answer. 😉
Or @BathysphereHat @xChaos @fleckenstein
Tab Counter reports: _576_
Anyone over that? 😆
And I am using **Conex** to separate tabs into containerised tab groups and search.
I got out of the habit of trusting those back when the browsers were bad about losing them. Never picked it back up.
I will say that spinning up a Dokuwiki and just link dumping in that (with notes) has been really helpful as well.
In fact even storing the URLs and state required plenty of memory which mobile devices aren't very rich of, but hats off anyway.
:debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :opensuse: likes this.
I am not known for being normal ;)
But yeah, the browser lags alot. I do have 12GB of ram to play with 😛
@fatboy what would you desire to know about that?
People keep tabs to keep sessions active, to use as "live bookmarks", to keep it open because they regularly use them.
Dgar likes this.
grin reshared this.
How to explain corruption to Germans
"In the meantime, however, we have been hit by a shoddy toilet built to steal EU development money and cheap world market loans, so it is questionable whether we have the money to buy so many locomotives, but the job has been entrusted to János Lázár, who for some reason seems to think that Siemens is not corrupt enough.
If you want to explain the corruption in Hungary to a German, you just have to say that not even Siemens is corrupt enough for the Hungarian government, and they will understand everything."
The bartender gets pretty angry:
- Canned beer? Why do you want me to serve you canned beer? And ten?
The programmer shrugs:
- Sorry pal, but I need all the tabs I can get.
grin reshared this.
Pride sidenote
For me it's as simple as that.🌈"
(– Andrea Sinkovics)
Szabó L. Balázs likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Is this good for me? Don't feel like.
> select count(*) from gserver where url LIKE '';
| count(*) |
| 13837755 |
1 row in set (1 min 20.495 sec)
| 172846 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:17 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:25 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:25 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 172847 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:18 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:26 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:26 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 172848 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:20 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:28 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:28 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
| 172849 | | | | | | 0 | 0 | | | unkn | | 0 | | 2022-12-03 19:51:21 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 2023-01-03 20:01:28 | 0001-01-01 00:00:00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-02-03 20:01:28 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |
Anders Rytter Hansen likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Content warning: spam?
Yes, I had the same problem. Just block the domain.
If your instance crashes because of too many database entries block the subdomains in chunks:
@Friendica Support
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
bin/console serverblock add * spam
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Query OK, 13779424 rows affected (1 hour 16 min 19.826 sec)
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Correction: after removing (better) optimize started, and recreated in a flash. Thanks!
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
2023-01-29T10:27:59Z worker [INFO]: Server peer update start {"url":"","worker_id":"85e31dd","worker_cmd":"UpdateServerPeers"} - {"file":"UpdateServerPeers.php","line":54,"function":"execute","uid":"a33038","process_id":295381}
2023-01-29T10:27:59Z worker [INFO]: Server is unknown. Start discovery. {"Server":"","worker_id":"85e31dd","worker_cmd":"UpdateServerPeers"} - {"file":"GServer.php","line":358,"function":"check","uid":"a33038","process_id":295381}
Since then worker doesn't pull in spambots again.
Now, it would be neat to know:
1. What exatly happened (I don't know the protocol that deeply)
2. Who did what
3. How to prevent that from happening in the future (both network-wise and locally)
#spambot #spam
Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed: likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
I am not sure I'll ever grok how this is supposed to work, who gets notified when and who see what where how.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
But anyway, stopped spam for me, you're free to do whatever you deem proper, including looking at the dns when the AP networks get abused. 🤷
I wish there were useful logs: those would be better for abuse management than... dns.
Friendica Support reshared this.
MariaDB [friendicadb]> DELETE FROM `gserver` WHERE `url` LIKE '' OR `url` LIKE '';
Query OK, 37499832 rows affected (5 hours 46 min 51.045 sec)
- and now, wow! the table is nearly empty, just 31 MB, and now it seems I did not have to upgrade my VPS!Friendica Support reshared this.
I am surprised to hear that the avatar is not showing. What can be the reason? What can I do?
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Seems to be on your end then?
Friendica Support reshared this.
MariaDB [friendicadb]> DELETE FROM `gserver` WHERE `url` LIKE '' OR `url` LIKE '';
Query OK, 38621191 rows affected (4 hours 3 min 46.706 sec)
more than 9GB freed up!
Friendica Support reshared this.
86k server from *
select count(*) from gserver where url LIKE '' OR `url` LIKE '';
| 86378 |
DELETE FROM `gserver` WHERE `url` LIKE '' OR `url` LIKE '';
Query OK, 86378 rows affected (1.143 sec)
Changed Block pattern from to *
Obiviously i missed the wildcard.
grin likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
so within one week the result:
MariaDB [friendicadb]> DELETE FROM `gserver` WHERE `url` LIKE '' OR `url` LIKE '';
Query OK, 17018290 rows affected (1 hour 48 min 11.643 sec)
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Roland Häder if I remember correctly your fix was added to the 2023.03-rc branch. The instance of @Lorenz runs on 2023.01, so still without the fix.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Alright, I will upgrade to the RC the coming days, then. Thanks!
@Roland Häder @Friendica Support
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
The pull request is marked in the 2023-03 Milestone, so I guess its in the actual RC and later in 2023-03-stable.
Link to pull request #12700
A: Carl Sagan was one of the world's most well-known astrophysicists and scientists. He was the one who created the television series "Cosmos," which explored the mysteries of the universe.
One day, while visiting the White House, Carl spotted Donald Trump, the President of the United States. Carl got an idea and decided to play a trick on him.
First, Carl asked Trump if he could name the smallest planet in our solar system. Trump confidently declared that he could, because he was "the smartest president in the history of the United States."
Carl just chuckled and explained that the smallest planet in the solar system is Pluto, which has not been classified as a planet since 2005. Trump's face showed shock as he realized he had been tricked.
Carl continued to playfully tease Trump, telling him about the mysteries of the stars and galaxies. Trump just stared at the expert, feeling like he simply couldn't understand how the universe worked.
Finally, Carl said goodbye to Trump and returned to his own world, where the mysteries of the stars and science awaited him. Trump, on the other hand, decided to stay out of the universe's business and return to his own world, where Twitter and politics reigned supreme.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Plugins not working after a while?
I noticed that I do have a smiley button plugin active except it doesn't. And probably most of the active plugins doesn't.
I Disabled then Enabled it at it started working again.

Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Turned out that piwik plugin crashed on some random error (Uncaught Exception TypeError: "Argument 2 passed to piwik_analytics() must be of the type array, string given), but it suggests that somehow plugins were not used at all for a long time now. 🤷
I usually think php stuff as "immediately effective" since it always reloads and reparses everything. That was a refreshing blow not to trust even this.
like this
Gidi Kroon and Hypolite Petovan like this.
grin reshared this.
You can point and see all the enzymes and their function. It is beautiful.
Cellular Landscapes | Cell Signaling Technology
A listing of interactive 3D molecular models displaying signal transduction pathways in the context of their cellular landscapes produced by Cell Signaling Technology.Cell Signaling Technology
grin reshared this.
grin reshared this.
grin likes this.
reshared this
grin and Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed: reshared this.
we already had in April...
Thanks to the admins!
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.

clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Gran trabajo, como bien nos tienes acostumbrados con tu arte. 😮 🖼️
(coudn't agree more with the blissful mood here in the fediverse!)
Image resolution limitations - an increasing problem. · Issue #20255 · mastodon/mastodon
Reopening discussion over maximum image resolutions. There's recently been a big influx of people from Birdsite, and with them, a lot of artists - who are disappointed when they get here and fi...GitHub
Pro of 'low' quality+resize:
- lower stockage
- lower bandwidth
- best for ecology
- sometime jpg artifacts
Anyway, I post all the source, layered and hi-resolution of my art on my blog under a creative commons license ( for reusage , eg. wallpapers, and full resolution ). I consider here only "previews. That's why I'm OK. (and because, ecology 🌱)

For my art with a larger time budget on the rendering, you can check my portfolio on my website:
Portfolio - David Revoy
Website of David Revoy, artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.David Revoy
Je ne résiste pas à partager le si joli thème de Joe Hisaishi qui va avec :
04 Joe Hisaishi - Kaze no Torimichi (The Path of Wind) (from My Neighbour Totoro)

I have the same feeling about "social" media (with a reaaally smaller audience) : it's on the Fediverse that most people react and write comments about my comics, and I love it

Thanks for sharing this and your other work and thanks for being a part of the Fediverse! Congrats on 15K

P.S.: my girlfriend wanted me to comment that she also finds this piece really adorable :)
La ref:
May I use this as my wallpaper? If so, how can I find the full resolution form?
Thanks in advance :)
Sure, I posted the 4K picture (3840x2160px) on my blog (click the picture to open the large version), link:
My Neighbor Mastodon
Website of David Revoy (aka Deevad), artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.David Revoy
Also, knowing you did all of them with FOSS, makes me happier :)
Keep up the good work

(thanks again for link)
Also, knowing you did all of them with FOSS, makes me happier :)More than that, he documents the process, giving a lot to the comunity… 😍😍

Oh Krita user? Nice! When you post future artworks, don't forget to add krita and/or mastoart hashtag here; I always enjoy to browse this and I'm not alone. ☺️
To be fair, I had no merit in this one; the reference I had to parody this famous scene from My Neighbor Totoro had almost all resolved: light, composition, etc...
Also, the view angle is pretty 'staged' and perspective flat. That's why I could bypass drawing. You'll find the process here:
David Revoy (
Attaché : 4 images Process: (Note: final 4K for wallpaper or any reuse: CC-By)Framapiaf
The speed comes with time, removing bit by bit what's unnecessary and building automatism for part of the process.
You don't need to paint with a clock or anything to increase it, it just build up with practice and time, IMO. Having a webcomic with life around and deadline for sure really made me reconsider my time budget on each panel 😅
Posting low res, check high res on original toot.
No problem! Take your time playing with the option, it takes a little time to get used. Welcome here.
grin reshared this.
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grin, Garry Knight, Terminora, Rokosun and Joana Morais reshared this.
Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed: likes this.
Is there a better client for mobile, or is Friendica best left to browsers? Or should I just use Tusky for both?
teledyn 𓂀 reshared this.
Tio likes this.
No, I think that was someone else. I haven't had any issue with following other accounts on Friendica, at least so far.
@[ h o n o r ]
Tio likes this.
I'm currently using #Fedilab ( It has its issues, but the developer is interested in improving Friendica support, so you can report bugs and they're quick to fix it.
@teledyn 𓂀
Thanks Raghukamath

TL;DR: DeviantArt created an art generator called DreamUp based on Stable Diffusion, and art uploaded by the site’s users will be used for training unless they opt out.
DeviantArt upsets artists with its new AI art generator, DreamUp
Confused artists discover their work will be used for AI training by default.Ars Technica
Github: Yes, it is.
Submission Policy | DeviantArt
DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art.DeviantArt
Peut-être un vote unanyme des actionnaires/shareholders devant des projections de courbes positive financière faites par un bureau d'étude bien crapuleux?
Here is a link to the latest reblogs:
There is more to it tho:
There even is a form to fill if you want to opt out:
DreamUp Username Opt-Out Request
Enter the email associated with your DeviantArt account. Please double-check the spelling, or we'll be unable to contact you regarding the status of your request.Google Docs
Also, all my artworks from DeviantArt are easy to find on , so I guess the evil is already done...😔
Reinder Dijkhuis Does Art (
Before I go to bed, a summary of how I see the #DeviantArt thing: If you're a DA user, you have NOT been opted into all your art being used to train other party's AI art engine, or DA's own new one.Mastodon.ART
I don't have very impressive art on the site, but damn did I not go to specifically opt out all that I felt I don't want used for such a thing.
You could try a GDPR data deletion request. If enough people do that someone might sue them for their model. This site might help
@aral used it to demand deletion of his Twitter data:
Own Your Data
Delete your account or access the personal data organizations have on you using this free
Pletyó reshared this.
guybrush threpwood likes this.
Pletyó reshared this.
Pletyó reshared this.
After upgrade only 500 error, no error logged into either apache or log/ dir.
Tried tgz to no avail.
Removed addons finally, and it started. Put back addon and it keeps running.
I hate no logs.
⛹ likes this.
grin reshared this.
Cables show how Orbán’s diplomats gather information on journalists
Direkt36 has obtained the diplomatic reports that Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó's confidant requested concerning the professional trips organised by foreign countries for Hungarian journalists.Panyi Szabolcs (Telex)
grin reshared this.
grin reshared this.
Article for refugees.
I am fleeing Ukraine and heading to Hungary. What do I need to know?
We have gathered useful information for those fleeing the war in Ukraine: how they can stay in Hungary legally, and where they can turn for help.Előd Fruzsina (Telex)
grin reshared this.
spambot confession
I can imagine their suprised face when their account was insta-deleted.
"How?! HOW?? How can these damned admins figure out that I am a spammer?!?"
grin reshared this.
#leaked #hungary #politics
Orbán’s ally told Hungarian intelligence services that opposition is the greatest national security threat, leaked recording reveals
Direkt36 has obtained a recording of the speech that Speaker of the Parliament László Kövér gave in February 2020 to the leaders of Hungary's national security leadership.Direkt36
grin reshared this.
Hypolite Petovan
•A Sysadmin, but not *your* Sysadmin
•Hypolite Petovan