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This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Thanks, I really appreciate it. I've been able to put up with a lot from my current employer, but this is a major line I can't cross for reasons I can't disclose publicly aside from what I've already said.
@A Sysadmin, but not *your* Sysadmin The fact you acted on them makes me trust your reasons no matter what they are. I’ve been wondering what I’d do in your situation and I’m not confident I’d have the courage to do what you did, and I wanted to salute it.

grin reshared this.

Thousands of #sinkhole's opening in #Turkey recently, getting closer to settlements. Size ranging from 4 up to 100 meters, depth usually 5 to 40 meters, and they are opening in a few seconds.
Said to be caused by the extremely lowering level of #groundwater due to #climatic catastrophe and irrigation.
A wheat field and a road with a 25 meter almost perfect circle diameter and 8 meters deep hole in the middle, people like small dots looking from a distance.

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grin reshared this.

I must admit you make a very good argument. He is like djengiz kahn who conquered the world by destroying it

Lot of truth in that. Yet, Genghis actually have built a pretty stable empire, and didn't actually destroyed the world. Same may go with the Osman empire, who actually have killed plenty of people yet have built a rather carefully designed public service system.

Musk gave us the electric cars, that's a truly big thing. He helped to build the first working public space company, that's another.
He also have destroyed Twitter, which is comparably a minor thing. And wasted a lot of money on Hyperloop, whores, booze, and vanity. Those are relevant, but still comparably small change or effect to the world as a whole.
He may cause a lot of trouble for the next 4 years, or he may not, I do not know. I wouldn't trust him with a broken pot either, but he's probably not evil, just couldn't care less about people, when he's bound to finish something.... That may be good if he's up to good -- and may be pretty bad if he's going in that direction.

What have Elon Musk ever done to us?

Sad, sad spambots

Poor spammer fellas, they have nothing better than register an account and fill the registration request with spam.

Manual account acceptance is a bitch, motherfuckers.


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Content warning: politics

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Earlier this week, an ambulance was called to a man in his 60s in Budapest, Hungary because he was having difficulty breathing. Within minutes, the ambulance arrived on the scene and treated the patient, who weighed almost 170 kilos, and was expected to be taken to hospital. However, there were not enough paramedics to move the patient safely.

At this point, one of the paramedics remembered that they were parked across the street from a fitness centre. She quickly ran down to the gym where she told them they needed a little help. According to the report, the gym members immediately abandoned their workout and rushed to the paramedics' aid as a team.

The operation went so well that in the end, not only was the patient, who was fixed on a stretcher, carefully brought down from the fourth floor, but even the bags and instruments were not allowed to be taken down by the paramedics. The paramedics were thanked for their help and transported the patient to hospital in a stable condition.

(Translated with

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Intolerance here around

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– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, which one would you choose?
– Alive.

grin reshared this.

That 500 character (uconfigurable) limit in #mastodon is extremely annoying. I have to move over to #friendica every time there are anything to explain. Hrrrrmmm.

grin reshared this.

@RPD0911 I have plenty of options. 🙂

I never was able to use twitter. I think I had less than a dozen tweets in my whole life. 😉

If you run your own server, you can migrate to the glitch-soc soft-fork, where you can set the limit to a considerably higher value, and still keep the rest of Mastodon.

You also get plenty of other nice goodies, like... drumroll Markdown formatted toots!

@algernon ooohkay, you're the second imaginary friend suggesting that, I'll check. 😁
whaat? Wait? Are we imaginary friends? I am offended. I will suddenly become a "bugger" now. 😛 Hometown used to be nice, but it was suddenly goodbye maintenance. So, sad times. I think cafe also is a fork but I know nothing of it, I was registered a year or so ago, and just left, looks a little bit like, glitch is, with its flavours and what not. 😀
@tardis @algernon I'm your imaginary friend, you're my imaginary friend. We're all virtual! Algernon is also virtual.
Glitch is real, but by god, it's even crappier than mastodon. 😃
Gasps. So if I come to visit you and say hi, I'll still be virtual? Noooo. I protest against being virtual. 😁 I should round up every EU follower I have and we should all have a meeting in like, the middle of EU. 😁 Dreams are free, right? also. I don't know how crappy it is Masto just, takes up lots resources, so we don't even run it. I don't like the interface, anyway. But don't tell it to mastodon, it might decide to "glitch" for real, one day, then you'll be blaming me. because I said I dislike it. LOL

@tardis Way back when in my late teens, I was fascinated by weird philosophies and personalities and whatnot, so I asked myself how many personalities I have. I received one response, and 514 did not respond. So I concluded I have -513 personalities. As such, I am very much virtual, indeed. @grin 's observation is, therefore, correct. At least about me.

Also about glitch. But I have that contained.

Hahaha. How did you estimate them to be 514 😁 that's a spesific number you see.
@tardis Unfortunately, I no longer remember. I only remember this part, because I like to drive my mother crazy with it.
Hahahaha. Good good. Out of an endless number of personalities, I was virtualised few years ago. I no longer feel virtualised. I have received nice human treatment, free of medicine human treatment. You see, non-virtual things can be helpful. But yeah, for real. The voices in my head. Are gone. I feel more normal. Alright, I am still considering myself slightly, virtual, but that's, because we all are, aren't we? 😁 But all my imaginary friends and foes are gone. Hahaha. Only nice virtualised but real friends stayed. So, you could say I was fascinated with my own health, at one point, too. and that included personalities. Wasn't exactly a teen though, I think, when I decided to pay attention to my daily glitches. ;)

@tardis For a long time I have been kept explaining people why the virtual "world" not just exists but it is actually very important for human interaction. I met almost all of my "good old friends" virtually, and chosen them by their thinking and expressive abilities, not by their, say, look, ethnicity or nationality. It works pretty well, meeting the "brain" of the people instead of their "body" first.


Nah taking it back. This glitch is completely fubar. Fails with various errors, spews half a screen other errors, then completely halts telling to use some imaginary version of yarn. Google helped nothing. I'm trying to get back mastodon or have to roll back the snapshot.
I hate "javascript" "ecosystem" with all that crap instability.
and yeah they kind of fogot to mention their dependencies, which are egregious.
Phew luckily I was able to put mastodon back. Seems this glitch is pretty glitch'y. Pretty sure that yarn part is shared with Mastodon, though.

But then it's been a few years I ran it directly, I got fed up with javascript & ruby, so I just switched to running it in a container built by a CI, so I never have to deal with either of those again.

@algernon Nope, mastodon works well while glitch requires, like, four(!) major version newer code without prewarnings. And fails with cryptic errors, and it's not mention on their pages. And I'm not motivated to start discussing it with very few and possibly rather busy and uninterested developers.
@algernon Here's the fucker:
2023-12-19 - we have changed deps, we do not document it, and it works for us, if not, go guess what you have to do to make it work cos we won't tell ya. 🤦‍♂️
Yes I know I know prepackaged containers, just had to let out the steam.

Ah, that happened waaaay after I last built glitch-soc myself (early 2023, I think?), hence my impression that it had pretty much the same deps as masto. Sorry about that!

Some of the breaking changes listed there come from upstream masto, though. But it also acknowledges that glitch-soc has slightly different dependencies here and there.

Aaanyway, good find, I'll keep this issue bookmarked when I upgrade glitch-soc! It would have saved me ~10 minutes when applying today's security fix too (and I'm cheating by using pre-built containers).

@algernon yep, since I am using the source (basically git pull + bundler install + yarn install + restart) it's falling apart completely, since latest packaged yarn is 1.xx instead of 4.xx, and they are using some inbred management as well which is also not available. Oh and broke ruby as well but I have figured it out, unlike the yarn crap which is an usual javascript mess.
git checkout masto/latest simply fixed the damn thing, luckily.
Someday I may try it in a clean env and see if it breaks.

I found that when it comes to Ruby or JS projects, trying to build them The Right Way is going to end up in a lot of lost sanity points, a bald head, and a lot of pain and sweat, all to admit defeat in the end.

If I see a Ruby or JS project nowadays, I slowly back away, then run. If I can't, I'll punt it into a messy container and just sweep all the dirt under the carpet and pretend it's not there.


@algernon I Do Not Want To Touch Docker. If possible.

grin reshared this.

Only in #Hungary

Video of a 40+ years old Belarussian-made MTZ #tractor overtaking a Hungarian #train. The government stole so much money out of the railways that the rail is deteriorated to a point where [some] trains are limited to 20 km/h.

And the guy is laughing his ass off.

grin reshared this.

grin reshared this.

Did you know that #mastodon supports #multichoice #polls by clicking on the circles?
Also that #activitypub supports unlimited number options but Mastodon server limits to 4 because the developers feels like?
Also that Friendica doesn't handle polls (but at least display them)?

  • Yes of course (46%, 12 votes)
  • No of coursen't (30%, 8 votes)
  • That's madness (46%, 12 votes)
  • 4 choices aren't enough (73%, 19 votes)
26 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

grin reshared this.

* Yes i see poll result (0%, 1 votes, #friendica user 😆)
I see the results, 26 voters, 12/8/12/19 on a Giant Rhubarb.

Friendica Support reshared this.


!Friendica Support
Do I see right that mastodon poll isn't supported yet?

Friendica Support reshared this.

I don't think it's compulsory.
And there's the adage: never ask a question for which you do not want to hear the answer. 😉

grin reshared this.

How many #browser #tabs do you have usually open?

Stupid #poll cannot have more than 4 options, so extremities are welcome in comments.

  • 1-10 (40%, 87 votes)
  • 11-49 (30%, 65 votes)
  • 50-199 (20%, 45 votes)
  • 200+ (8%, 19 votes)
216 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

grin reshared this.

That seems pretty linear. 😁
It is damned hard to do it right with maximum four options. After posting I was pondering to re-start it with correct log scale, but, meh.

grin reshared this.

grin: hey wise, why the f* isn't the business verified for a week now?

wise: "your business has been verified"

See? Support just Works™! 🤣

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grin reshared this.

How to explain corruption to Germans

#Hungary buys a locomotive. Extract from an article:

"In the meantime, however, we have been hit by a shoddy toilet built to steal EU development money and cheap world market loans, so it is questionable whether we have the money to buy so many locomotives, but the job has been entrusted to János Lázár, who for some reason seems to think that Siemens is not corrupt enough.
If you want to explain the corruption in Hungary to a German, you just have to say that not even Siemens is corrupt enough for the Hungarian government, and they will understand everything."

grin reshared this.

That was possibly a bad idea.
Squirrel between insect net and roller blinds, wondering what's next.

grin reshared this.

A python programmer walks into a bar, and asks for ten unopened cans of beer.
The bartender gets pretty angry:
- Canned beer? Why do you want me to serve you canned beer? And ten?
The programmer shrugs:
- Sorry pal, but I need all the tabs I can get.

grin reshared this.

Pride sidenote

"I don't have a friend that I like because they have size 41 feet. I don't have a person I don't like because they have size 41 feet. If, in any context, it comes to my attention that anyone has size 41 feet... well, nothing changes. If people with size 41 feet are discriminated against in any way because of their foot size; it is my job, my turn, to stand by them. If you say let's have a day when people with size 41 feet go out on the streets because it's important, well so be it, let's have a demonstration for equal rights, let's have a commemoration, let's just have a happy afternoon. Let's have it.

For me it's as simple as that.🌈"
(– Andrea Sinkovics)

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This entry was edited (2 years ago)

Friendica Support reshared this.

@Roland Häder did you add the fix for 2023.01 - 1502 or the newest dev-releases?

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@Roland Häder @OldKid @Lorenz
The pull request is marked in the 2023-03 Milestone, so I guess its in the actual RC and later in 2023-03-stable.
Link to pull request #12700
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Friendica Support reshared this.

Plugins not working after a while?

!Friendica Support

I noticed that I do have a smiley button plugin active except it doesn't. And probably most of the active plugins doesn't.
I Disabled then Enabled it at it started working again. O_o

Friendica Support reshared this.

Oh that was interesting. I pressed reload plugins and Friendica immediately stopped working, giving out no hint but server 500 errors.

Turned out that piwik plugin crashed on some random error (Uncaught Exception TypeError: "Argument 2 passed to piwik_analytics() must be of the type array, string given), but it suggests that somehow plugins were not used at all for a long time now. 🤷

I usually think php stuff as "immediately effective" since it always reloads and reparses everything. That was a refreshing blow not to trust even this.

grin reshared this.

@deejayy@heydorka Found the original of the beautiful cells:


You can point and see all the enzymes and their function. It is beautiful.
Cellular Landscapes: Adhesion. Colorful 3D image containing cytoskeletal structures and proteins relevant to cellular adhesion.

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grin reshared this.

Mastodon Admins this week:
#mastoart #krita #ccby
A colored digital painting showing two pinguin building their home on a ice floe while a giant wave made of many blocks with media icons is ready to fall on them. The tone is humoristic. License: Creative Commons Attribution. Originally this artork is a comission for Framasoft's blog at the start of the COVID19 pandemic to explain how their services were massively used suddently.

reshared this

C'est un peu ça, oui ;)
looks like we need a remake of this with an even taller wave 8-)

grin reshared this.

🌱 My Neighbor Mastodon

Just want to say thanks for the 15K followers. It's amazing how calming it can be for me as an artist to know that my biggest audience is on the Fediverse right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who contributed to this.

#MastoArt #krita
A digital painting illustration being a parody of an iconic scene of the movie "My Neighbor Totoro" but instead of Totoro it's a big Mastodon, and the two girls are replaced by Pepper and Carrot, the OC of my webcomic. The scene show Mastodon sleeping on the back in the forest, with on his stomach Carrot sleeping and along his arm Pepper sleeping. White butterflies dances in the air around the scene. The artwork is painterly, done quick.

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@user Hey, I see you are new here; so just to let you get a feedback, you just wrote my name on a empty toot. Maybe you hit the 'reply' button and then left the text box empty and pressed the publish button. On my side, I had a notification with a empty reply, just my name.
No problem! Take your time playing with the option, it takes a little time to get used. Welcome here.
"J'vais d'appeler Tootoro !"

grin reshared this.

#meme #twitter vs #mastodon
(as seen on twitter)
Meme created from Fight club; on the top TWITTER doing the bloody fighting; on the bottom MASTODON Bob hugs the Narrator.

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grin reshared this.

Friendica fact of the day: you can compose huge posts on Friendica, add inline media (photos/videos), and even stylize the text (bold, italic, underline, add links to words or sentences). So you can use it as a Twitter or Facebook alternative. No limitations.

See more about Friendica here and join us here.

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@Rokosun I think you came across a similar issue at one point?
I'm currently using #Fedilab ( It has its issues, but the developer is interested in improving Friendica support, so you can report bugs and they're quick to fix it.
@teledyn 𓂀

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grin reshared this.

No #DeviantArt... not you 😭

#webcomic #MastoArt #krita
A colored humoristic digital strip comic, in four panels.
1. A little blue cartoony bird aim his foot with a big gun, the gun writes "Massive Layoffs" on it. He looks like he carefully want to get the right aim, very in focus.
2. The panel is only an onomatopeia writing "BANG!"
3. The little blue bird looks proud of himself, holding his tiny leg and jumping around in pain because of his foot. He says "Oh Dear! This week I really am the best at shooting myself in the foot!
4. Last panel, the mascot of DeviantArt enter the panel with a large glass of beer in one hand and a larger gun in another hand, it's written: "Our AI-Generated ART Tool" on it. The character feels super confident and say to the blue bird that didn't expect this: "Hold my beer...".

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I may have missed something but... can't I DELETE my account on #DeviantArt? Only deactivate it?
screenshot of my DevianArt account. I only see one entry for "deactivation" of the account, not "deleting the account"
@Petit_Lutin Ha, I never went to this section. Not sure what their ToS says about that. In any case, the word is really badly chosen, it really feels like a simple 'offline' deactivation. Bad.
@lemonheep Oh yes, true. I started to use Twitdesk because of that, but the image preview was smaller (they fixed it recently) and the prominent display of the like/reshare 'score' felt always wrong to me. Like if this amount tried to 'nudge' my appreciation of an artwork. I'm so happy the count here is not that prominent.

Pletyó reshared this.


Ez elvileg egy fórum, de mit látsz belőle @grin ?

Pletyó reshared this.

nagyon furcsa az UI (fika) szokni kell.

Pletyó reshared this.

Extrém furcsa, és nem is barátságos. Sőt, az sem biztos hogy te azt a felület látod amit én, és elvileg van 3-4 theme amiből 2-3 hibás, és nem látszik rajta minden.

Tried to upgrade friendica from 2022.06 to 2022.11. It's been a bad idea.
After upgrade only 500 error, no error logged into either apache or log/ dir.
Tried tgz to no avail.
Removed addons finally, and it started. Put back addon and it keeps running.
I hate no logs.


I wonder how the AP userbase will change due to recent events on #twitter ...


I have acknowledged one follower and I've got a spammer trying to follow me. No new follower requests for the last year. Strange coincidence.

grin reshared this.

#hungarian #orban #government spying on #journalists

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I am fleeing #Ukraine and heading to #Hungary. What do I need to know?

Article for refugees.

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spambot confession

It is interesting to see how desperate some spambots are: I had a few registering on Friendica, noticing that pre-approval is active, and sending a message to the admin that "if you need super cash opportunity this is your chance"...

I can imagine their suprised face when their account was insta-deleted.
"How?! HOW?? How can these damned admins figure out that I am a spammer?!?"

grin reshared this.

Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament speech at the Intelligence Agency: opposition is the greatest national security threat.

#leaked #hungary #politics

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