Items tagged with: shopping
Ich bin auf der Suche nach ...
... einer #Einkaufsliste wie zum Beispiel #Grocy (, aber als "Lightversion".
Grocy ist wirklich fantastisch, aber für meine Bedürfnisse doch "ein wenig" zu überdimensioniert. Zurzeit nutze ich sehr gerne #SplashShopper auf meinem #Palm #Treo - den muss ich allerdings mit einem #Windows Programm synchronisieren. Davon einmal abgesehen, macht und kann SplashShopper allerdings alles das, was ich von einer digitalen Einkaufsliste erwarte.
Was ich mir wünsche:
Eine #Synchronisation über vielleicht sogar mehrere ( #Android ) Geräte und einer #Linux oder besser #Webversion (selbst gehostet).
- Möglichst #OpenSource und keine proprietäre Software, die meine Daten vielleicht weitergibt oder damit ihre KI trainiert.
- Die Möglichkeit, bereits erstellte Listen zu verwenden; sind es doch meist die gleichen Artikel, aber in unterschiedlicher Stückzahl.
- Die Eingabe von Artikelpreisen und Stückzahlen.
- Ein ganz einfaches Handling - auch Klick, Print und Go wäre schön.
Weil Grocy doch recht umständlich zu bedienen ist, nutze ich zurzeit oft den guten alten Einkaufszettel mit Papier und Bleistift ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Grocy - ERP für deinen Kühlschrank
Grocy ist eine selbst gehostete Webanwendung zur Lebensmittel- und Haushaltsverwaltung. Open Source. Built with passion.Bernd Bestel
Let me think out loud about this oriental style advertisement:
So first, it is emitting 10 million lumens, which is about the same as a 650 000 Watt (650 kW) incandescent light. That is 6250 pieces of 100 Watt bulb. It approximately need 112 kW LED emitters if you use common consumer grade ones.
Industry leader tech can emit 140 lm/W, even of those we'd need 71.4 kW (and 150 k pieces of them, which would require 7 m² area (which is about 40×40 bananas [40 square bananas] for USA people).
Before we start to worry about the flashlight of the size of a medium room there is hope: this light uses only 800 Watts instead of 71 kW! Which is truly great Chinese technology, since it means they are using a LED emitter with 12500 lm/W performance! That is an instant Noble prize in physics, chemistry and politics! (Also taking the "industry leader" label, by far.)
So, what battery do we get? It is huge: 10 000 mAh! I mean, it is, well, at least, lots of zeroes.
So, LEDs use, say, 3 V, and the fwd current is about 750mA, and that gives us almost 3 watts. 800 Watts require 266 A, which is 266000 mA, so our battery will go flat in two minutes an 15 seconds.
If they somehow mistaken that and the original wattage stands, 71.4 kW requires about 23800 A, which will empty the battery in 1.57 seconds. It is still great runtime, since you'll go blind in about the same time. Anyway.
Maybe a small but not unimportant problem is that drawing 266 ampers would probably explode the battery in a few seconds, and 28kA, well, it's probably the same as shorting it and watch the fireworks.
...which is probably not a problem, since generating the required light generates about 50 kW heat, which is about 100 times the power of a mobile room heater, or phrasing it another way, the LEDs will burn and explode in probably less than a second, much sooner than the battery would explode, depite that the "LED" is room sized.
So, for $30 it's a pretty good deal. I mean, if you're a soldier, for example, you can use it as an incendiary grenade. A room sized one, but battery driven! (And it can also charge your phone between destructions.)
If you're not then it's good for some Nobel prizes, or getting the campfire started, or possibly also the near forest.
One thing it's not good for, unfortunately: you cannot use it as a flashlight.
(Image is involuntary courtesy of Aliexpress.)