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Items tagged with: instance

Hi there! This is ACM, the world's largest computing society. As you might have noticed, we have opened not only our official #Mastodon account but also our own #instance!

Please consider joining, a community for #computing researchers & practitioners to connect & exchange ideas with each other, whether you are an ACM member or not.

You can use this link to join:

Spread the word with your friends and colleagues! Happy tooting!


Let me be negative for a bit:
more than 40% of the total users are on FIVE mastodon instances. In fact, more than 10% are on ONE instance.
That is NOT "decentralised", that is "centralised with minor exceptions".

(Can't say numbers since is ill today.)

#centralisation #mastodon #instance

We are launching a new Mastodon server at A home for businesses and brands that are often not welcome on other servers. There is a gap in the market for small businesses that don't want to host their own server but still want to interact with their audience on Mastodon.

We strive to be respectful of other members of the network so we also have strict rules against unwanted ads and spam.

#mastodon #server #instance #startup

Hallo !Friendica Support

was passiert eigentlich wenn von einer Instanz eine andere Instanz geblockt wird mit den Folgenden und denen die einem "Marktschreier Konto" folgen - werden die automatisch auch blockiert oder bekommen die einfach keine neuen Nachrichten mehr?

#block #instance #updates

Hallo !Friendica Support

was passiert eigentlich mit "Workern" welche die andere Instanz nicht erreichen können und das schon seit mehreren Tagen?
Fallen diese irgendwann aus dem Queue oder bleiben die immer und ewig dort stehen?

#workers #notavailable #instance #happening

Hello !Friendica Support

one question about accounting.
When i delete my account, cause i would like to use an other instance url, will there be all information about my account deleted in other instances?

So nobody can see and search for my account Name and get an result?

best regards.

#account #delete #new #instance

!Friendica Support
Hi there,
is somewhere a description how i can move my existing friendica instance to an other server without loosing my account keys.
Cause as far as i know if i create a new account it will not be integrated in the community, cause of the missing "unique account key"

thank you

#instance #moving #server #unique #account