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The unique key only plays a role when you delete your account and try to create another one with the same username. When you create an account on a different server or with a different username, the unique key will be different.

So the account migration isnโ€™t perfect, but at least you donโ€™t need to worry about this.
I should add that โ€œdifferent serverโ€ means โ€œdifferent domain nameโ€.
@Hypolite Petovan
Nope - the same Domain who is redirected to a new Server (Hardware)
But I think @Michael Vogel showed me the best practise i will try.
Btw. Where is the maintnance mode :thinking face
So just move all the files/database data of your current server to the new server and remote servers will be none the wiser about your move since they base themselves off the domain name.
Maintenance mode in in console:
$ bin/console maintenance -h
console maintenance - Sets maintenance mode for this node
        bin/console maintenance <enable> [<reason>] [-h|--help|-?] [-v]

        <enable> cen be either 0 or 1 to disabled or enable the maintenance mode on this node.

        <reason> is a quote-enclosed string with the optional reason for the maintenance mode.

        bin/console maintenance 1
                Enables the maintenance mode without setting a reason message

        bin/console maintenance 1 "SSL certification update"
                Enables the maintenance mode with setting a reason message

        bin/console maintenance 0
                Disables the maintenance mode

    -h|--help|-? Show help information
    -v           Show more debug information.
Best way is to move all pictures to the database if you used the external storage before. After that is finished you then perform a database backup, followed by a backup of the server directory (while the system is put into maintenance mode)

Then you restore the data and files on the target system, apply the needed changes in the config and you are done.
btw. do i have to wait until my Worker Queue is done (my deamon was crashed) and now i have about 3000 entrys in my Queue
@7homas โ™“๐Ÿ––โ€ the queue is part of the backup, so you don't have to wait for that.
In the process make sure to keep a copy of the data on your old server, just in case you run into some problem so you can start again the move to the new server.
Also the database can be piped through SSH directly, which is much faster than dumping it in a file, transferring the file and loading the file back.
@7homas โ™“๐Ÿ––โ€ just don't specify an output file and pipe it into SSH and execute a cat with the SSH command on the destination.

10 minutes search, really really speeds up the whole thing to about half the time as dump and loading the data back into the database is done in one step.
Ok - i have to see if this is working with my Firewall Rules.
On the other Side with a file you have an additional Backup of the Data - so pros and cons.

but thank you for the tipp :thumbs up