Items tagged with: train
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Only in #Hungary
Video of a 40+ years old Belarussian-made MTZ #tractor overtaking a Hungarian #train. The government stole so much money out of the railways that the rail is deteriorated to a point where [some] trains are limited to 20 km/h.
And the guy is laughing his ass off.
MTZ traktor előzi a vonatot Debrecen és Nagykereki között
MÁV 106-os számú, Debrecen-Nagykereki vasútvonal Konyár-Derecske-Vásártér közötti szakasza, azon belül a 104-145. szelvény között kitűzött 20-as lassújel.YouTube
Very funny talk about unlocking trains in Poland from 37c3 - enjoyed it very much xD
Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because
Please share this widely!
Fun fact, #Portugal is currently in third place in number of signers