Items tagged with: hungary
#Hungary - Bankrupt: Viktorland (English version)
A little summary of the Hungarian Way™.
In fact the English version is completely rewritten and reshot and not the translation of the original Hungarian.
(Hungarian version:
Bankrupt - Viktorland (English Version) Hungarian version: The VIP gang is here for the picnic Is that your face? it looks like a dick pic Call your daddy if you need mor...grinTube
Szerintem komoly gond, hogy egy ilyen weboldalt ajánl a kormány a 2FA lehetőséghez, miközben több platformra is elérhetőek hitelesítő alkalmazások megbízható fejlesztőktől...
Vagy ezzel a véleménnyel egyedül vagyok?
#hungary #ügyfélkapu #ügyfélkapu+
Orosz mérőkód fut az oldalon, amelyet az Ügyfélkapu+-hoz ajánl a kormány
A TOTP.APP háttere és adatkezelése elég ködös, de több jel is arra utal, hogy az oldal fejlesztője orosz, így a szakértő szerint legalábbis meglepő, hogy szerepel a hivatalos magyar ajánlásban.Bolcsó Dániel (Telex)
- Közügyek 1 percben
#hungary #russian & #fidesz
Magyarország szuverenitása és a Fidesz oroszbarátsága - Közügyek 1 percben
Animációs videón mutatjuk, mit jelent hazánk szuverenitása a Fidesz-kormánynak.Kapcsolódó cikkünk:
Zámoly mapping party!
Sallai Mihály, Zámoly polgármestere 2024. augusztus 30-án regisztrált az OpenStreetMapre, és 9 módosításcsomagban pontosította a település térképét. Matrixon történt beszélgetés alapján a közösség úgy döntött, hogy felveszi vele a kapcsolatot egy esetleges mapping party megszervezéséhez. 2024. szeptember 10-én küldtünk neki egy levelet – Polgármester Úr még aznap válaszolt és kifejezte támogató szándékát.
- 09:00-10:00 – gyülekező, ismerkedés
- 10:00-10:45 – eligazítás, rövid tájékoztató a térképszerkesztésről
- 10:45-11:00 – felmérő csapatok kialakítása
- 11:00-13:00 – terepi adatgyűjtés
- 13:00-14:00 – ebédszünet
- 14:00-16:00 – terepi adatgyűjtés
- 16:00-17:00 – eredmények ismertetése, zárás
"A déli nyitás stratégiával Magyarország még időben lépett abban a globális versenyben, amely azért folyik, hogy kié legyen a vezető pozíció az Afrikával kialakított gazdasági együttműködésben."
We have all: fascist government, non-working social network, bad healthcare, broken education system, oligarchs, russian asslickers, government supported child molester priests, you name anything bad, we almost possibly have it already! (We don't yet have firearm massacre and people faling out skyscraper windows, but working on it.)
You're Welcome! 😀
And a Guardian opinion piece with some context on #Hungary from one of PM's principal critics:
'This is the super-scandal that should bring down Viktor Orbán – and it’s far from over'
By Katalin Cseh MEP
This is the super-scandal that should bring down Viktor Orbán – and it’s far from over
Hungary’s president quit over the fallout of a child abuse case, but the ‘pro-family’ prime minister still has questions to answer, says Hungarian MEP Katalin CsehKatalin Cseh (The Guardian)
Hungary: Orban to address child-abuse scandal after protests
Budapest has seen mass protests over a sexual abuse case involving top allies of PM Viktor Orban.By Nick Thorpe & Tiffany Wertheimer (BBC News)
Dmytro Kuleba to Telex: All problems in the relationship between Hungary and Ukraine can be traced back to the Russian aggression
We spoke with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister following his first official bilateral meeting with his Hungarian counterpart since the start of the war about the relationship of the two countries. An interview.
#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Ukraine #Russia #Hungary #RussianInvasion #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar
Uncovering the secret African mission of Viktor Orbán’s son
The son of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has tried to hide his involvement in the planned Hungarian military mission in Chad in an almost comical way.
#News #EuropeanNews #Europe #Hungary #France #Chad #Orban #ViktorOrban
Only in #Hungary
Video of a 40+ years old Belarussian-made MTZ #tractor overtaking a Hungarian #train. The government stole so much money out of the railways that the rail is deteriorated to a point where [some] trains are limited to 20 km/h.
And the guy is laughing his ass off.
MTZ traktor előzi a vonatot Debrecen és Nagykereki között
MÁV 106-os számú, Debrecen-Nagykereki vasútvonal Konyár-Derecske-Vásártér közötti szakasza, azon belül a 104-145. szelvény között kitűzött 20-as lassújel.YouTube
Only in #Hungary
Background: The #orban gov't is hellbent on taking the operational funds from Budapest due to its opposition mayor.
One case is that they do not want to pay for drinking water supplement to agglomeration cities, which is a governmental task (done by Bp.). The city want to bring the gov't to court so the gov't is hurrying to reclassify costs of water operations as strictly confidential for 30 years, so the court couldn't use it for verifying calculations.
by Peter Bardy
Peter Bárdy: Fico’s Slovakia will go the way of Orbán’s Hungary
Fico heads into elections driven by anger, revenge, and desire for power—and for salvation. If there is one thing for which Robert Fico has real talent, it is perceiving the mood of society and raising issues that resonate and have an immediate polit…VSquare
And #politics in #hungary part 2: The Boobs Media, or how to save contentless government-friendly newspapers despite unlmited money flow: sexism and naked organic baby food dispensers.
Hungarian Political Media Part Two: Boobs journalism
When millions can't buy you an audience, breasts still canSandor Esik (Diétás Magyar Múzsa)
#politics in #hungary and how Orban pays from public money the Facebook troll army
Hungarian political media Part One: Megafon
How to use taxpayer money to buy FacebookSandor Esik (Diétás Magyar Múzsa)
Now they say "the evil EU make us" to change the system to monthly differential (they don't want to pay for storage costs), so summer production cannot cover winter use. About 100'000 people gets fucked. They're still not burnt. #Hungary
How to explain corruption to Germans
"In the meantime, however, we have been hit by a shoddy toilet built to steal EU development money and cheap world market loans, so it is questionable whether we have the money to buy so many locomotives, but the job has been entrusted to János Lázár, who for some reason seems to think that Siemens is not corrupt enough.
If you want to explain the corruption in Hungary to a German, you just have to say that not even Siemens is corrupt enough for the Hungarian government, and they will understand everything."
Photo By: @peter.rajkai
Fisherman’s Bastion, In Budapest,... - Architecture & Design
Fisherman’s Bastion, In Budapest, Hungary Photo By: @peter.rajkai [IG]
Gondolkodtam mi lenne megoldás ezekre. Kamera hátulra + feljelentés? Opcionálisan valami budget LCD screen hátsó ablakba, és ilyenkor megjelenítenék egy szöveget hogy “lefotóztalak, megy a feljelentés”.
Rendőrség foglalkozna vele?
#hungary #magyar
Heartstopper: Hungarian retailer selling graphic novel fined under LGBT law
The Hungarian bookseller was penalised under legislation restricting LGBT literature for under-18s.By Oliver Slow (BBC News)
Maybe that's true. At least from my perspective Hungary is doing better in terms of freedom. Also I tend to agree more with right wing politics so #Hungary is perfect for me. I agree with many things that #Orban says and does but of course there are things I don't like too, but we take the bad sides with the good sides and calculate the overall image.
For example for pension savings I would place this in #Denmark, not in Hungary because the #Fidesz government doesn't seem to have a great track record with these 😂
So being a citizen of a left wing country, but living in a right wing country is the perfect combination for me because in this way I can enjoy the best from both worlds ✨
@The Tor Project @La Quadrature du Net @Kali Linux @The Linux Experiment @Tails
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the breaches of the Rule of Law and fundamental rights in #Hungary and frozen #EU funds
An extreme amount of valid points.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the breaches of the Rule of Law and fundamental rights in Hungary and frozen EU funds | B9-0257/2023 | European Parliament
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION to wind up the debate on the statements by the Council and the Commission pursuant to Rule 132(2) of the Rules of Procedure on the breaches of the Rule of Law and fundamental rights in Hungary and frozen EU funds (2023/2691(RS…
My new book, Urban Folktales is out! 😊 Has that #NewBookSmell
#Budapest #Hungary #NagyvárosiMesék #folklore #folktales #NewBook #KidsLit #Bookstodon
Budapest may face bankruptcy, mayor announces
The mayor and the city’s opposition leadership blames the government for not paying out some of the subsidies owed to the city, but the government says the reason is Karácsony’s bad management.Cseke Balázs (Telex)
Why? For money and power.
He does everything for money and power, and I mean everything, no strings attached.
Destroying people, lying, selling and breaking whole countries...
Apart from that he's possibly also blackmailed, though there isn't possibly any intitution which could really punish him.
#hungary #police #corruption
Hungary Subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation Agrees to Pay $8.7 Million in Criminal Penalties to Resolve Foreign Bribery Case
Microsoft Magyarország Számítástechnikai Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Kft. (Microsoft Hungary), a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation, has agreed to pay a criminal penalty of more than $
In response ambassador Hernán María Patiño Mayer wrote that "the Argentinian national team, like the Argentinian people, represents the values of a mestizo America, rejecting all forms of racial, religious, gender and social discrimination."
Well said.
#hungary #politics #racism #argentine
Amount: €1.5 M
Arrested: everyone
Kept positions: 0
Prevention: serious law change
#corruption in #Hungary
Amount: €3700 M
Arrested: nobody
Kept positions: all of them
Prevention: attacking journalists to prevent other ones to be published
Bonus: laughing meme about corruption
Energiaválság bezárások (K-Monitor / Átlátszó gyűjtés) – Google Saját térképek
Valami hiányzik? Küldd be nekünk: A K-Monitor és az Átlátszó gyűjtése az energiaválság miatti intézménybezárásokból. Hibát találtál? Írd meg nekünk: info@k-monitor.huGoogle My Maps
Ez a profil arra való, hogy összegyűjtse a magyar Mastodon felhasználókat. Ha keresel valakit, nézd meg a követettek listáját.
A listát igyekszem folyamatosan frissen tartani, bekövetni a legújabb tagokat.
Ha magyar vagy és követsz, automatikusan visszakövetlek.
Ezen kívül hasznos tippek és információk, jobbára magyarul, de ha úgy nincs, akkor angolul az idővonalon megtalálhatók lesznek.
#hungary #magyar #hun #magyarország #hungarian
#cybersecurity #kreta #hungary
Our government reaction: what security breach?
#hungary #kretabreach2k22
/tootboost appreciated/