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Items tagged with: journalism

Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, Episode 39 - Newsrooms Pivot to Bullshit (Feat. Sam Cole)

Die #Presse berichtet gerade einhellig:

#Israel beschlagnahmt 800 Hektar im #Westjordanland

Da es sich um besetztes Land handelt müsste es sich doch um eine #Annexion handeln 🤔?

Hat Putin am Ende die Krim nur beschlagnahmt?

#framing #journalism #Völkerrecht #problem #nachrichten #manipulation #propaganda #medien #politik #Einordnung

Back in March, when the #fediverse came together to help save us, we changed our name to “Texas Observer Lives!”

Today, we changed it back to just "Texas Observer" because we need YOUR HELP to survive into 2024! It's up to our readers to preserve the voice of progressive #Texas by joining our fall membership drive.

Please consider joining—or renewing—today!

#journalism #JournoLife #Nonprofit #fundraising #news #culture #books #politics

A graphic showing the state of Texas with “since 1954” inside it. Main text reads: When Texas is at its worst, the Texas Observer is at its best. Become a sustaining member during our Fall Drive this month to help us raise $25,000 in critical membership revenue. Join Now!

This is a spectacularly good analysis of why traffic referrals from social media have fallen off a cliff and what it means for publishers. This all comes out of what @pluralistic calls the enshittification of publishing, social media, and ads. People are tired of and overwhelmed by clickbait journalism. The answer, of course, is to provide actually good content, and present it well.

#content #journalism #media #SocialMedia

As a media analyst, I share the frustration that many publishers have. As a niche publisher, I stopped using Facebook several years ago because that was when they stopped showing my followers my articles. And we see the same thing now on other channels, like Twitter.

But, at the same time, it's painfully clear that this fake social focus, where we are not actually being social and creating communities, but are instead optimizing for random people doing random crap, but having zero interest or connection, was never a good future for publishers to have.
And finally, we have the elephant in the room... which is advertising.

The way advertising works today, for publishers, is fundamentally hostile to our future business model. Obviously there are different types of advertising, but the main culprit here is third-party programmatic display advertising.

The problem with that model is that it's defined around scale and volume, and now that publishers are seeing a decline in that area, these third party ad networks are acting against our future strategies and revenue potentials.

For instance, right now we see a lot of economic uncertainty that has caused brands to not only demand better results for less money, but also made brands very reluctant in terms of ad spending.
What doesn't work is to produce even more crappy content. If Netflix did that, everyone would cancel their Netflix subscription. Instead, the winning strategy (which is not as easy as it sounds) is to produce really good content for bored people to watch.

It's the same for magazines or newspapers. You can't fix this by creating more crappy content because the 'source' of traffic is not realistic. For instance, I see many who are saying that they will just use AI to produce a ton of low-quality crappy articles to have something for their bored audiences to see, often via SEO. But, it's only going to be a matter of time before Google de-ranks that type of content because none of it is what people want when they are searching for something they need.

Missing from every #USPol national media news story I've seen about #TrumpCharges: Historical and global context about our nation's constitution and norms regarding peaceful transfer of power; what was different about his response to losing election, how our system of government has worked, etc. #Journalism can be a daily, living education on #history, civics and #democracy and should do much more. (If you've seen news reports doing this, versus commentary, glad to boost)

#EU #PressFreedom #MediaLaw #Surveillance #Journalism #Spyware: "EU governments want to allow state surveillance of journalists and their interlocutors, including the use of spyware, if security authorities deem it necessary. This is according to documents from the ongoing EU negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), seen by Investigate Europe, and Follow the Money.

The EU media law, proposed by the European Commission last September, intends to protect journalists and the media against political control by governments and owners. These are visibly endangering freedom of expression and media diversity in several EU countries, most notably in Poland and Hungary but also elsewhere, as experts like the authors of the annual Media Pluralism Monitor report at the European University Institute in Florence, have warned for years."

We've been on Mastodon for 6 months now! Time for a re-#introduction to the new folks here:
We are a trustworthy, nonprofit #News source, sharing the knowledge of academic experts on many topics.

Our team of editors identifies researchers studying topics that are timely, important or just plain interesting, and helps them write understandably for the public.

We give away all this #journalism for free.

If you know people who'd be interested in us, please boost

Happy #Newstodon Friday!

For this week's story, we'll share Michelle Pitcher's interview with #prison journalist Jason Walker, who bravely reports on conditions inside even though it puts his life at risk.

If you know anything about prison #journalism, you know both how courageous Jason is, and how hard Michelle had to work to get inside to report this story.

(Edit: Repetition)
#JournoLife #HumanRights #media #Texas #news
Prison journalist Jason Walker, a Black man with short hair and a short mustache. He has a serious expression on his face and is wearing a collared prison shirt, sitting behind a visitation window in this photograph.

How often do you get to say it? Progress! NPR will not air Trump live if he speaks about his indictment today, a small win for common sense. (Some might say microscopic.)

But if you click and listen to NPR's executive editor, Terry Samuel, this may be the closest we get to NPR conceding that its Trump coverage 2016 to now didn't work because it tried to use normal tools and assumptions. To me that's significant, and it almost never happens.

#uspol #journalism #npr

The latest episode of the Bellingcat Monitoring podcast is out!

Una Titz from the Antonio Amadeu Stiftung spoke with
@ColborneMichael about the past, present and future (and also the bizarreness) of Germany's far-right.

Available wherever you get your podcasts!

#journalism #nationalism #extremism #osint #germany

Good morning, Fediverse! We'll be getting fresh content up on our website this afternoon! Thank you so much to everyone—so many folks are sharing about our fundraiser and giving so generously, we are all incredibly moved. 🤠

Please keep sharing our fundraiser, which will either cover payroll & expenses or go directly to severance for laid off TXO staff.

A lot of people are asking about long term plans for the publication. ... (🧵 1/?)

#SaveTXO #journalism #nonprofit

For non Journalists only:

How do you feel about Investigative Journalism in the :fediverse:?

If you can, explain your answer.

#fediverse #journalism

  • Positively. (100%, 3 votes)
  • Mostly positively. (0%, 0 votes)
  • Mostly negatively. (0%, 0 votes)
  • Negatively. (0%, 0 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

For Journalists only:

How do you feel about the :fediverse:?

If you can, explain your answer.

#fediverse #journalism

  • Included. (66%, 2 votes)
  • Excluded. (0%, 0 votes)
  • See results. (33%, 1 vote)
3 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Important #SaveTXO update: We now have a GoFundMe that is LIVE and accepting donations!

This money will go to support the staff, but donations will also go a long way towards showing that there's a will to keep this magazine alive.

#SaveTXO #journalism #Nonprofit #Texas

I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

Content warning: Plea to #USPol #journalists

I keep saying journalists should leave Twitter and use Mastodon, which is better for them in every way. At TechDirt I've posted a somewhat lengthy why-and-how:

#journalism #twitterexodus
Summary: Elon Musk has demonstrated contempt for free speech in general, and journalism in particular, with his behavior at Twitter. He is also demonstrating why it is foolhardy for anyone to rely on centralized platforms to create and distribute vital information. Journalists — among many information providers and users — should move to decentralized systems where they have control of what they say and how they distribute it. And philanthropic organizations have a major role to play. Here is a way forward.

Content warning: #USPol #SpeakerVote #Journalism

Content warning: #LocalNews, not #newspapers

This is especially for folks just discovering The Conversation on #Mastodon - but anyone curious about the world will find it interesting and informative reading.

We've collected 8 of our most popular articles of the year in links, and in a downloadable PDF.

Among them:
🦟 The science of mosquito magnets
🔭 The search for super-earths
🌋 Why we can't just throw all our trash into volcanoes to get rid of it

All written by experts.
#Journalism #Science #SciComm #News

What news publications have you seen set up shop on Mastodon?

I've come across the following that are active & appear to be legit:

- LA Times @losangelestimes
- NBC News @nbcnews
- ProPublica @ProPublica
- VOA @VOANews
- The Intercept @theintercept
- The Conversation @TheConversationUS
- Meduza @meduza_en
- Global Voices @globalvoices
- Grist @grist
- Die Tageszeitung (in German) @tazgetroete
- Le Monde diplomatique (in French) @mdiplo

(ping me if you know more!)

#media #news #journalism

You are not the audience. That is one of the most difficult lessons to learn when you’re an early career journalist in an audience role. We’re biased to assume that our experiences and motivations are similar to those of the majority. That’s not necessarily so. A good audience director is part economist, part sociologist, part anthropologist and part journalist.

#journalism #twittermigration #journalists #mastodon #fediverse #STEM

There's a lot of discussion about #birdsite and #journalism right now. While we are still having ongoing conversations about how best to handle our presence there, we can say confidently that we plan on staying on Mastodon indefinitely, barring unforseen circumstances.

In just about a month, we've very clearly seen the value in our presence here, for reaching new people and having great conversations. Here's to the future of the fediverse! #SocialMedia #TwitterMigration

On Musk, and democracy, neofascism, and Thiel:

What’s happening with #Twitter now is very similar to how Trump built the MAGA GOP: dominance.
Musk is forcing #journalism to scrape and beg. Reinstated accounts are tweeting happiness to be back.

That’s the “dominance politics” playbook. The authoritarian, #neofascist playbook. The way to fight is to pull out.

@joshtpm re: Trump, 2017:

Now seems like a pretty good time to re-link my proposal from October that news organizations stand up Mastodon servers.

In the proposal, I explain why a news organization (and other organizations) might want to have their own Mastodon (or other social network service) hosted on their subdomain, e.g.

#news #journalism #newsmedia #mastodon #agency

Many of the journalists Elon suspended today on Twitter are here on #Mastodon. Please follow and boost:

Drew Harwell, Washington Post

Donie O’Sullivan, CNN

Steve Herman, VOA

Micah Lee, Intercept

Tony Webster

Matt Binder, Mashable

#freepress #journalism #journalists #news

Meta: 3-4% of users’ feeds is #news.

Pew: 31% of American adults say they regularly get news from Facebook.

So either #Meta and Americans define news differently, the small amount of news shared on #Facebook has an outsized impact, or likely, a bit of both.

That said, during the last two multi-hour Facebook outages, direct and total visitors to our legacy local news sites went up.

It’s more evidence that communities will seek out impactful content.

#journalism #socialmedia

As Greg Sargent of the Washington Post points out...

...simply to call it a "counter-investigation" is too credulous. House Republicans have not shown there is anything to investigate.

So let's try a rewrite. Instead of "the G.O.P. is planning its own counter-investigation" how about...

"McCarthy's letter was the latest sign that the G.O.P. is struggling to find any factual basis on which to investigate the Jan. 6 investigation."

#journalism #NewYorkTimes #Jan6

Let this be a lesson to tech journalists that no matter how close you get to a tech leader and shill for their companies, there’s no guarantee they won’t turn on you after the slightest criticism. So maybe just hold them to account like you’re supposed to.

#tech #techindustry #media #journalism #twitter #elonmusk
Elon's Email to Swisher: Elon Musk apparently thinks Kara Swisher is an "asshole." For the latest episode of the "On" podcast, the tables were turned on Swisher as producer Nayeema Raza put her in the hot seat, asking about her relationship with Musk. "He's not speaking to me," Swisher said. "I'm an 'asshole.' He emailed me this recently."
Swisher said the email came after she tweeted reporting from WaPo about him wanting the US to pay for providing Starlink services to Ukraine. Swisher noted that she agreed Musk should get paid and made that point on Twitter, but apparently that wasn't enough. She said Musk emailed her with the subject: "You're an asshole " Inside the email was a screenshot of her tweets. "In this case, I was supporting him, which is really kind of ironic." Swisher said. Listen to the full pod here.

it's a shame this instance defederates most of us because this one is particularly cunty

Hi! I’m a technology columnist at The Washington Post. I was previously a tech reporter at The New York Times and The Atlantic. I love communication technology and online culture news. I share a lot of links and hot takes on internet/tech stuff! 🥰 #technology #media #journalism #journalist #nyt #washingtonpost #nytimes #twitterefugee #Twittermirgration #twitterisdead #twitter

Hi! I’m a technology columnist at The Washington Post. I was previously a tech reporter at The New York Times and The Atlantic. I love communication technology and online culture news. I share a lot of links and hot takes on internet/tech stuff! 🥰 #technology #media #journalism #journalist #nyt #washingtonpost #nytimes #twitterefugee #Twittermirgration #twitterisdead #twitter