Items tagged with: media
Amazing to me is the way fate spins around the accident of Musk with all the wealth in the world (almost literally), and the power of his ventures (that he bought, did not design) - and how Musk HAS power (think Starlink, Sir StableGenius) while the media tycoons kiss ring/ass and sign onto the end of fact-checking, alternative-alternative facts ( #truth ). He who controls minds controls behavior and influences social/global trends. And he with money, wannabe collaborators, and the power of #media to shape belief of the #cult / masses... One under the Reality-TV lights ( #Trumpvirus ) who is truly not relating to any reality but his own, and the other ( #Muskvirus ) who is like a kid in his fun sandbox, coming out to have fun, while using his influence to stay friendly with other "oligarchs" and tyrants/dictators while still vacuuming up OUR money.
The people are being consumed by the so called "free" entertainment.
But it is not "free". It is dumb and trade-based. TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and so forth mandate that you give them your data and attention (watch ads) in order to use their platforms. In return they give you access to a ton of dumbed down content.
Trading stupidity is much easier than trading well made content. Therefore stupidity evolves faster in a trade-based society.
To make a good researched video can take months, to make a dumbed down one can take minutes. To write a good book about real and important things, and research for it, takes months or years. To write bullshit fictional stories takes a lot less. Music, movies, articles, they are all under the influence of trade, allowing simplistic content to thrive while good one to barely breath.
It is this trade based society to be blamed for the vast majority of the destruction, suffering and idiocy we see worldwide.
#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #media #journalism
Hey media, yes you. You know the word "impartial"? Delete it from your dictionary right now. You don't need it.
Your job is not to have "no side", your job has side. It is to be firmly and unwaveringly on the side of truth and the interests of the people, especially the disadvantaged, against the powers that would own them.
If you keep on with this pseudo-scientific "outside observer" bullshit we shall have to think that you have a side and just don't want to say what it is. 🤨
Like the Titan submarine implosion, the Bayesian yacht sinking, is getting a lot more coverage than the frequent sinking & deaths of migrants on small boats around the world.
This is not to minimise the tragedies that have befallen the families in both these accidents, but reveals the normalisation (and therefore lack of newsworthiness) of migrant deaths at sea around the world.... these deaths get some coverage, sometimes, but then the media usually swiftly moves on.
Europejskie media pozywają Google. Wśród nich Agora. Chodzi o 2,1 mld euro
W środę koalicja 33 europejskich organizacji medialnych z 17 krajów wszczęła postępowanie sądowe przeciwko Google, domagając się odszkodowania w wysokości 2,1 miliarda euro.Przemysław Średziński (
Over the past few years, Spotify spent big to try to take over podcasting. Now it’s shutting down shows, laying off workers, and disappearing well-known brands. What happened?
On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to Eric Silver about Spotify’s big plan to enclose podcasts so it could get more data and diversify away from music. Needless to say, it didn’t work.
#tech #podcast #spotify #audio #media
How Spotify Tried to Take Over Podcasting w/ Eric Silver - Tech Won’t Save Us
A left-wing podcast for better technology and a better world.Tech Won't Save Us
This is a spectacularly good analysis of why traffic referrals from social media have fallen off a cliff and what it means for publishers. This all comes out of what @pluralistic calls the enshittification of publishing, social media, and ads. People are tired of and overwhelmed by clickbait journalism. The answer, of course, is to provide actually good content, and present it well.
#content #journalism #media #SocialMedia
The future trend around not having social traffic at scale
Social media traffic has been at the center of most publishers' strategy for more than a decade... so what happens when it goes away?Baekdal
This means huge amounts of rare or unique #video is about to disappear from #YouTube as accounts get flagged as inactive, such as when the user dies. Families' #HomeMovies (often posted by an older relative for their family's benefit), historical footage, rare #television clips, etc. What an incalculable loss to human #history and culture!
If there are videos important to you on someone else's video channel, find a way to download them. And if you have rare #media of historical importance, consider leaving it to institutional #archives or lending it to archives for digital preservation.
For this week's story, we'll share Michelle Pitcher's interview with #prison journalist Jason Walker, who bravely reports on conditions inside even though it puts his life at risk.
If you know anything about prison #journalism, you know both how courageous Jason is, and how hard Michelle had to work to get inside to report this story.
(Edit: Repetition)
#JournoLife #HumanRights #media #Texas #news
Prison Journalist Shows Why We Need a Free Press—Even Behind Bars - The Texas Observer
Jason Walker has been reporting from inside his cell at great risk to his personal safety.Michelle Pitcher (The Texas Observer)
This video hits hard, we're all immersed in propaganda without even realizing its influence on us, so when someone points it out you're in shock of how you didn't see that before.
#YouTube #educational
#propaganda #news #media
#capitalism #neoliberalism
You're Not Immune To Propaganda
Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed. Download the free Ground News app at's very c...YouTube
Case in point,
But why stop there?
We should also be promoting the use of #peertube as a home for organizations to OWN their video presence as well.
Here's a great example of a media organization doing just that:
If you speak any French, you can follow them here: @blast_info
#selfhosting #video
#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated
(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)
#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance
*ANY* chatbots main job is to harvest data & behaviours from humans using them to improve all aspects of their own back end systems.
#OpenAI ToS/EULA “OK” = Liability to User
115 days and #ChatGPT will be in MS-Office within weeks?
#AI = savage & lawless land
ALL #media dopamine addled or captured or troll army pumping #AI for #Musk #Theil
Who’s looking behind curtain? 🧐
#media #mediaPubliczne #BBC #GaryLineker #rzetelność #niezależność #AlJazeera #TV #telewizja
🔴 Al Jazeera English | Live
@Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless'.Al Jazeera English | Invidious
I can post a link to a podcast or song on a #FunkWhale server for example, and play it right here without ever having to leave my Gleasonator account - it handled such media better than pretty much any other platform, and even those that do accommodate in site viewing, Soapbox is much much prettier.
When it comes to YouTube, however, a trick i picked up in #Matrix, that also works in Soapbox, is to simply run it through a sanitizer like #Invidious.
Then i can play the video inside Soapbox.
This is handled automagically with #Fedilab if you're posting to a Soapbox Pub server.
#tallship #FOSS #media #playback
Matt Damon explains how Jack Nicholson CHANGED THE SCRIPT in this scene in The Departed #shorts
Have a short screenplay you wish to turn into a film or get feedback on from Oscar winning screenwriters? Submit it to our shorts competition: https://writers.coverfly.Outstanding Screenplays | Invidious
I've come across the following that are active & appear to be legit:
- LA Times @losangelestimes
- NBC News @nbcnews
- ProPublica @ProPublica
- VOA @VOANews
- The Intercept @theintercept
- The Conversation @TheConversationUS
- Meduza @meduza_en
- Global Voices @globalvoices
- Grist @grist
- Die Tageszeitung (in German) @tazgetroete
- Le Monde diplomatique (in French) @mdiplo
(ping me if you know more!)
#media #news #journalism
THEN you start to see what's happening.
#media #mediaconcentration #rightwingpropaganda :)
#Books #Society #Internet #Web #Monopoly #Media
The Master Switch
In this age of an open Internet, it is easy to forget that every American information industry, beginning with the telephone, has
#tech #techindustry #media #journalism #twitter #elonmusk
“This ad-centric future of TV looks a little like Netflix around 2022, but it looks more like something older: basic cable.”
#streaming #netflix #tv #film #media #tech
* Mass blocking capabilities
* Ability to block/limit anyone who likes a specific post or follows a specific person
* Ability to see only notifications from mutuals, etc.
Can you even limit ur replies to mutuals only on here? Doesn’t seem like you can?
#tech #technology #twitter #twittermi #twitterefugee #media #news #journalist
it's a shame this instance defederates most of us because this one is particularly cunty
- #SeanPhelan, 2022
#media #MSM #MediaStudies
Why legitimate criticism of 'mainstream' media is in danger of being hijacked by anti-vax and 'freedom' movements
Analysis - One striking feature of the "freedom convoy" protests in Ottawa, Wellington and elsewhere has been the intense antagonism towards "mainstream media".Sean Phelan (RNZ)
Ignoring all the side murdering, this statement of intent alone places him morally above Roger Ailes, infamous for Fox News, and many other media outlets, some of them even credentialed to cover the White House.