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Items tagged with: fail

Just a few evolved apes that have learned to go to the toilet but don't even manage to maintain their own habitat.

#ape #earth #quote #future #environment #nature #pollution #apocalypse #humanity #Problem #capitalism #fail #Intelligence #climate

Software, Update, Microsoft

Here is the #solution for this #problem:… #windows #update #microsoft #help #os #software #windows #fail

anonymiss - 2024-08-22 10:37:05 GMT

After #Windows #Update on dual boot systems: Verifying shim #SBAT data failed: #Security Policy Violation.


1) Disable Secure Boot in BIOS
2) Log into your Ubuntu user and open a terminal
3) Delete the SBAT policy with: sudo mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete
4) Reboot your PC and log back into Ubuntu to update the SBAT policy
5) Reboot and then re-enable secure boot in your BIOS.

#help #Linux #Microsoft #fail #Software #boot #os

After #Windows #Update on dual boot systems: Verifying shim #SBAT data failed: #Security Policy Violation.


1) Disable Secure Boot in BIOS
2) Log into your Ubuntu user and open a terminal
3) Delete the SBAT policy with: sudo mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete
4) Reboot your PC and log back into Ubuntu to update the SBAT policy
5) Reboot and then re-enable secure boot in your BIOS.

#help #Linux #Microsoft #fail #Software #boot #os

#Intel has not halted sales or clawed back any inventory. It will not do a recall, period. The #company is not currently commenting on whether or how it might extend its #warranty.


Why would anyone ever buy from them again with these business practices? 🤔

#CPU #fail #hardware #problem #economy #business #news

Edward #Snowden just tweeted:

The NSA is just 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 from taking over the internet, and it's not on the front page of any newspaper--because no one has noticed.


#omg #wtf #law #nsa #problem #usa #privacy #internet #government #politics #fail #media

Barbarism vs. Civilization

Don't fall for the #propaganda in the fight against terror. In the last #war in #Afghanistan, you could separate terrorists from #freedom fighters by the fact that one group was supported by the #CIA and the other was not.

#terrorism #meme #politics #civilization #barbarism #military #news #society

Digital Resistance News - 2024-02-24 16:09:17 GMT

#war #terror #military #politics #meme #ethics #humanrights #fail

Global #warming has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year for the first time.


This year-long breach does not mean that the world has broken the #Paris #Climate #Agreement #limit, but it does bring it closer to doing so in the longer term. The 1.5C limit is a legally binding 2015 treaty with 195 signatories to set out a path for dealing with climate change.

#environment #news #fail #temperature #future #co2 #emissions #greenhouseEffect #earth

'Facial recognition' #error message on vending #machine sparks concern at #University of #Waterloo


Earlier this month, a student noticed an error message on one of the machines in the Modern Languages building. It appeared to indicate there was a problem with a facial recognition application.

error message on screen

#privacy #fail #FacialRecognition #face #technology #news #economy #problem #Canada

#Zuckerberg’s #Meta comes under #attack from human rights campaigners

#Internews said complaints about #misinformation on conflicts, such as the #Tigray #War in #Ethiopia, sometimes went unanswered for months, although warnings about content spreading in #Ukraine were typically dealt with quickly.

#economy #media #socialMedia #software #fail #politics #finance #problem #hate #fake #news #facebook

#ClimateChange mitigation.

Wrong idea - The tech heads talk of constructing Carbon Capture machines. That would require hundreds of thousands of machines, more mining, more power consumption #fail

Right approach #nature

But, the photo of another deforested landscape. This is not wetland, Tree's used to & would grow here. Sheep keep it looking like this.

Photo taken in #Sheep District National Park, #England (officially called the Lake District National park)

#ClimateAction #ClimatePolicy
The photo shows a stream running through a deforested landscape. The only place where the odd tree grows is where humans or sheep couldn't get to them (e.g., on the vertical rocky crags).

As Tree's grow they capture carbon. To mitigate climate change we need to use solutions, big & small, that don't emit & or sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide

#rasberrypi właśnie ogłosiło, że wybrało drogę "Internet of 💩".
W kolejnych #rpi będą chipy z własnościowym #AI od #sony , które będzie raportować do bazy "tylko" metadane.
#privacy #fail


echo "backuping existing ~/.vimrc"
cp ~/.vimrc.bkp ~/.vimrc


Ob man Audionachrichten mag oder nicht, mal dahin gestellt. Es gab bei #Matrix aka #Element schon seit 2018 den Request, dass man bitteschön in der #Android App bei Audio Dateien einen einfachen Player haben wollte, der einfach nur eine Sounddatei abspielt. So wie man das auf Webseiten kennt. Ein Knopf und dann wird das Ding abgespielt.

Die luxoriöse Anwendung wäre dann mit einem Pausenknopf und eventuell dann noch einen Slider, damit man hin und her springen kann.

Bis heute, muss man die Audiodatei runterladen, um sie dann mit einer externen Player App abspielen.

Als Workaround senden Leute Videodateien!

So und der Stand der Entwicklung ist, dass man jetzt 1 Jahr .. in Worten EIN Jahr ... damit verbracht hat, weil man die korrekte Darstellung der Wellenform im Player haben wollte.

DAS nenne ich mal so komplett am Usecase vorbeiprogrammiert ... also ... nicht programmiert.

"Wir liefern das Auto nicht aus, weil das Sitzpolster statt von rechts nach links kariert von links nach rechts kariert ist."


I can't get over the fact that someone decided this was a suitable website background image. #webdesign #fail

No, #PayPal, if I set up two-factor authentication, it wasn't so that you give me the choice between using a token or sending it by SMS to my number!
It was precisely so that who has access to my phone number (rather than my phone itself) would be irrelevant!
#security #fail #2FA

I remember sharing a spreadsheet of the most spectacular ways Artificial Intelligence respected the letter of their goals but not their spirit. I can't find it anymore, but I found this:

The World Cup 2018 was the top sporting event of year, and AI researchers at Goldman Sachs, German Technische University of Dortmund, Electronic Arts, Perm State National Research University and other institutions ran machine learning models to predict outcomes for the multi-stage competition. Most however were totally wrong, with only EA — which ran its simulations using new ratings for its video game FIFA 18 — correctly favouring winner France.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #VideoGames #Fail