Items tagged with: recycling
When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means.
Companies whose futures depend on plastic production are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators.
Someone else already posted this, but I wanted the big picture.
#recycling #recycled #recycle #plastic #plastic-bags #plastic-grocery-bags #grocery-bags #propublica #recyclable
The plastic industry knowingly pushed recycling myth for decades, new report finds
Of must be very skeptical when the companies producing plastic are so keen about "recycling". Of course they like these programs even if they do not work (which is the case today) since it allows them to produce more plastic and make more profits.
Recycling is only relevant when there is not a huge incentive to produce waste in the first place.
#TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #recycle #recycling #greenwashing
The plastic industry knowingly pushed recycling myth for decades, new report finds
The world produces an average of 430 million metric tons of plastic each year. The United States alone produces tens of millions of tons of plastic waste annually. Yet on average, only about 5 to 6 percent of plastic in the U.S. is recycled.Ali Rogin (PBS NewsHour)
Linux zum Wohle der Umwelt, des Bankkontos & der Freiheit
Support-Ende von Windows 10 soll für gigantischen Müllberg sorgen
Am 14. Oktober 2025 wird der Support von Windows 10 eingestellt. Das könnte dazu führen, dass rund 240 Millionen PCs als Elektroschrott auf einer Mülldeponie landen, wie Analyseunternehmen Canalys befürchtet. Wären alles diese Geräte aufeinandergestapelte Laptops, wäre der Stapel in etwa 4.080 Kilometer hoch. Das sind rund 600 Kilometer mehr als der Durchmesser des Mondes.
#Linux #Umwelt #Recycling #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Microsoft #Windows
Support-Ende von Windows 10 soll für gigantischen Müllberg sorgen
Analyst*innen von Canalys warnen, dass 240 Millionen PCs durch das Supportende obsolet werden. Viele davon landen im Mü
@bookhistodons @medievodons
#science #environment #Recycling #PVC #Plastic #míchigan
PVC plastics now recyclable after breakthrough by Michigan scientists
PVC is a heavy-duty type of plastic with a zero percent recycling rate in the United States, but that is expected to change after research by University of Michigan chemists found a way to re-use one of its most noxious components.Sheri McWhirter | (mlive)