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Items tagged with: science

Spiders Are Somehow Hacking Fireflies to Lure More Victims


#science #firefly #research #spider #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

I really love this description of a retracted study: not only does it explain what was retracted (turns out men don't generally divorce their sick wives), but also it covers what the error was (a coding problem treated people who left the study as divorced) how it all went down (someone tried to replicate, asked for data and didn't get the same analysis. Contacted the authors and they were horrified and immediately worked to retract).

It's a really nice story of why replication matters and how to be good at science. This is how I was taught science should work, but I rarely come across such good retrospectives.

#science #PeerReview

WOW! It Wasn’t Aliens After All!


#science #space #arecibo #radioastronomy #thewowsignal #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2 is now mobile friendly! 😀 An extremely important website that curates news, videos, photos, and more from hundreds and hundreds of reliable sources.

#news #trom #science #videos #reddit

Altermagnetism in Manganese Telluride and Others: the Future of Spintronics?


#science #altermagnetism #magnetism #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

since Pamela Paul has written *yet another* anti-trans #NYTimes op-ed, time for me to re-up my uber-critique of this genre of articles – no paywall, please share widely! #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #lgbtqia #health #science

Serbian inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist Nikola Tesla was born #OTD in 1856.

Some of Tesla´s inventions and innovations: alternating Current (AC) system; induction motor; Tesla coil; wireless transmission of electricity; radio technology; remote control; neon and fluorescent lighting; X-Ray technology; Tesla turbine; oscillators and frequency generators.

Books by Nikola Tesla at PG:

#books #science #technology

Nikola Tesla, with Rudjer Boscovich's book "Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis", in front of the spiral coil of his high-voltage Tesla coil transformer at his East Houston St., New York, laboratory.

Tesla is typically shown standing confidently, either holding the book or with it placed on a nearby table, symbolizing the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical application. He is dressed formally, reflecting his professional demeanor and the serious nature of his work.

ESA accelerates the race towards clean energy from space


Space-Based Solar Power for Earth's energy needs

ESA accelerates the race towards clean energy from space

#news #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Title: Unequal Outcomes 
Description: Nations with large gaps between rich and poor tend to have worse health statistics, more violence, and worse pollution than do more equal countries.

Plot graph comparing differences between 22 different countries. Y-axis is an index of health, social, and environmental problems. X-axis is income inequality. The United States is the greatest outlier, performing badly in both measures. At the opposite end are mostly Scandinavian countries.

You Got Fusion in My Coal Plant!


#science #coal #electricitygrid #electrification #energytransition #fusion #nuclear #nuclearfusion #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

This Doug Muir essay on the long-delayed death of the Voyager 1 spacecraft is an instant classic, one of the most gorgeously written #science pieces you'll read all year. [via @clive

Now TROMnews has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

#tromlive #news #science #environment #climatechange #tech #foss

What is "normal" anyway?

Astronomers have found multi-planet systems around a number of nearby stars, but none that's much like our own. They're not a lot like each other, either.

We still don't know what a normal planetary system looks like, or if there even is such a thing. #science #nature #astronomy

We highlight the disparate architectures of the highest-known multiplicity planetary systems, as well as a few systems similar to TOI-1136. We highlight that the candidate seventh planet in TOI-1136 does not have a confidently detected orbital distance. Planet and stellar radii are scaled for comparison to other systems, though we emphasize that the planet-star size is not to scale. None of the systems exhibits a clear analog to any of the others, and all have the potential for very interesting, future study. — UC Irvine

Ooh, look I read another paper. Hurrah !

This one is about an incredibly, superlatively faint galaxy discovered back in 2018 that I'd forgotten about completely. Here the authors use Hubble observations to rule out an old stellar population - it only has young stars. This most likely means it's a tidal dwarf, having just recently formed due to tidal interactions but not likely to last long.


Unter #UnisinsFediverse versuchen wir möglichst viel öffentlichen Druck aufzubauen, damit die Hochschulen endlich X verlassen und stattdessen die sozialen Medien im #Fediverse nutzen. Teil der Kampagne ist eine Petition:

Jede Unterstützung zählt: Unterschriften, weiterverbreiten, mit Uni-Leitungen reden und sie überzeugen Musk den Rücken zu kehren und das Fediverse zu unterstützen!

#mastodon #science

It's a brief article - a positive note, generally.

The First-Ever Lunar Farm Shows That Plants Can Grow On The Moon | IFLScience
#science #agriculture #sf #moon #china #plants #botany

via Diaspora* Publisher -

It's hard to comprehend the vastness of space. A new atlas helps, a little.
The Siena Galaxy Atlas contains the most precise overview of galaxies in the nearby universe: 380,000 of them, each one as vast and storied as our own Milky Way.
#space #science #astronomy
Optical mosaics of 42 galaxies from the SGA-2020 sorted by increasing angular diameter from the top-left to the bottom-right. Galaxies are chosen randomly from a uniform (flat) probability distribution in angular diameter. The horizontal white bar in the lower-left corner of each panel represents 1 arcminute and the mosaic cutouts range from 3.2 to 13.4 arcminutes. This figure illustrates the tremendous range of types, sizes, colors and surface brightness profiles, internal structure, and environments of the galaxies in the SGA.
Credit: CTIO/NOIRLab/DOE/NSF/AURA/J. Moustakas

#Science isn’t “facts.” It isn’t “truth.”

It’s a dynamic process in which we’re always testing hypotheses & learning more about our world.

Message posted by Corporate Accountability and the Institute for Policy Studies. 

Message says: "Net Zero is Fake Zero. We need real emissions reductions, not gimmicks and false promises."

Physicist John Tyndall is often credited w discovering the greenhouse effect, which he wrote about in 1859.

But Eunice Foote published a paper - 3yrs earlier - demonstrating how atmospheric water vapor & CO2 affected solar heating. She theorized that heat trapping gases in Earth’s atmosphere warm its climate.

Tyndall was widely read. And Foote, being a woman, wasn't even permitted to present her own work. #history #science #ClimateChange

Drawing by Carlyn Iverson at NOAA

Born on July 17, 1819, Eunice Newton Foote was an amateur scientist and a women's rights campaigner who was friends with American suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Foote's experiments with atmospheric gases and her insights about past climate were overlooked for more than a century.

"The discovery of this ceramic water pipe network is remarkable because the people of Pingliangtai were able to build and maintain this advanced water management system with stone age tools and without the organization of a central power structure. This system would have required a significant level of community-wide planning and coordination, and it was all done communally."

#goodnews #goodreads #china #science #archeology

So, we shouldn't expect climate change to happen gradually, but rather abruptly.
And this was known in 1975.#ClimateChange #Science

Scientists are accustomed to gradual change.

But for a large part of Wally Broecker's career — based on paleoclimate evidence — he was obsessed with the idea of abrupt climate change that arrives suddenly and dramatically.

Looks like Wally was right.


Unpleasant surprises in the greenhouse? 

Wallace S. Broecker 

There is now clear evidence that changes in the Earth’s climate may be sudden rather than gradual. It is time to put research into the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on a better footing.

David Ho

Climate mini-rant coming...

When the seas are boiling and the sky is on fire, don't come crawling to science looking for help.

#Science has tried to help us for decades. Science saw this coming, crafted solutions, and shouted them from the rooftops. Those in power did not listen.

So, go pick a god and pray to it.

Appeal to the Kardashians.

Maybe Lebron James or Elon Musk will help.

Perhaps a podcast will intervene and save us,

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #HeatWave
Photo of a wildfire that is a raging inferno. A firefighter in protective gear stands in the foreground with a hellish landscape of fire and smoke behind him.

Text reads : At least billionaires are getting richer.

On my way back from buying yet another LEGO bin from the mom of a 13-year old boy who’s done with it, I stumbled on the Open Source gallery in the South Slope neighborhood of #Brooklyn.

It isn’t so much a gallery as a reconverted residential garage, but the current exposition PRECIPITATE by the SCOPE collective is definitely thought-provoking. I’ve been joking for years about the #Gowanus canal and how unhealthy it is thanks to decades of industrial sewage pumping into it, but this collective of artists and scientists decided to embrace this reality and exhibit the living sediment that evolved to survive the highly toxic man-made environment of the canal waters.

#art #science

Be ungovernable, like birds who make nests OUT OF ANTI-BIRD SPIKES. A new study describes resourceful Dutch & Belgian corvids besting evil architecture by stealing metal anti-bird strips and using them like thorny twigs, to construct their homes.

Like thorns, the spikes may protect their nests from predators.

Lead author Auke-Florian Hiemstra wrote an epic 🧵 about his research that's worth a read:


#science #SciComm #birds #netherlands
A bird's nest made of metal anti-bird spikes, against a white background.
A bird's nest in a tree in Antwerp. The nest is made of metal anti-bird spikes.

#AcademicChatter #PhD #STEM #Science @academicchatter @academicsunite

Hey guys, I am sitting on the #PeerTube (#Federated #YouTube) domain - I want to gauge how much of an interest in this for me to set up. Is there anyone interested in a non commercial video service like this for the sciences? Humanities are welcome too. 😀