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Items tagged with: democracy

Donald Trump’s Plot Against America - Democracy Docket

Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American #democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it.

Trump is not hiding his intentions for a second term. Echoing #Hitler’s rise to power, he has called his political enemies “vermin” and promised his supporters that, if elected, he would be their “retribution.”

Trump’s enablers have outlined a plan for him to replace tens of thousands of career civil servants with #MAGA loyalists and to take personal control of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to prosecute his political rivals. He is almost certain to use an old law — the Insurrection Act — to convert the military into his personal domestic police force.

#corruption #violence #trump #authoritarian #dictatorship #lawless

Umberto Eco has a cogent essay about how to spot the signs of what he calls "Ur-Fascism", or the essential components of fascism.

I turned it into an infographic, because, well, you know why...

Mirror of the article here:

High Res PDF of the infographic here:

#fascism #authoritarianism #elections #infographic #democracy

Umberto Eco's 14 Signs of Ur-Fascism - Cult of Tradition - Irrationalism - Distrust of the Intellectual - Disagreement Is Treason - Fear of Difference - Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class - Obsession with a Plot - Humiliation - Permanent Warfare - Popular Elitism - A Cult of Death - Machismo - The Leader Expresses the Will of the People - Newspeak

That a Western democracy uses mass repression against climate activists is not the an aberration of the democratic principle but the fullest conclusion of it. Democracy emerged at a specific historical context contingent on the development of the capitalist mode of production and of the exploitation of fossil fuels to fuel the valorization process. Within this specific historical context, we cannot expect democracy to do any different. #ClimateCrisis #Democracy

Almost half a century ago #Portugal made a #revolution to conquer #democracy. But we're not quite there yet. The #political #power of the suburban village of #Oeiras uses and abuses power to censor what is different from its understanding. Where there is #censorship there is no democracy.

#jmj #wyd #jmj23 #fascism #25Abril #25A

Missing from every #USPol national media news story I've seen about #TrumpCharges: Historical and global context about our nation's constitution and norms regarding peaceful transfer of power; what was different about his response to losing election, how our system of government has worked, etc. #Journalism can be a daily, living education on #history, civics and #democracy and should do much more. (If you've seen news reports doing this, versus commentary, glad to boost)

"What country in its right mind would allow a foreign entity to come into their country, set up a major propaganda operation, and then use it to so polarize that nation that its very government suffers a violent assault and its democracy finds itself at a crossroads? #RupertMurdoch #Democracy

Hmmmm, federated cocaine? 🧐

#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated

(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)

#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance

Content warning: #LocalNews, not #newspapers