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Items tagged with: fascism

Trump tells supporters, "Don't bother to vote." WTF??

Right-wingers sabotaging the vote in multiple ways nationwide.

#USAPolitics #Election2024 #Trump #Fascism #VoteInterference

Any election where less than 50% of the voters show up should be voided and redone. I am looking directly at you Ontario Canada. Currently governed by a party which got 18% of the 43% who bothered to show up.
#Ontario #Fraud #Canada #Fascism

Umberto Eco has a cogent essay about how to spot the signs of what he calls "Ur-Fascism", or the essential components of fascism.

I turned it into an infographic, because, well, you know why...

Mirror of the article here:

High Res PDF of the infographic here:

#fascism #authoritarianism #elections #infographic #democracy

Umberto Eco's 14 Signs of Ur-Fascism - Cult of Tradition - Irrationalism - Distrust of the Intellectual - Disagreement Is Treason - Fear of Difference - Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class - Obsession with a Plot - Humiliation - Permanent Warfare - Popular Elitism - A Cult of Death - Machismo - The Leader Expresses the Will of the People - Newspeak

I won't go into details because they aren't mine to share, but a fash publication dropped dox (real name, location, years of internet history) on an antifascist member of the #fediverse today, based in large part on their activity on @kolektiva dot social and elsewhere on #Mastodon.

Just a reminder that the enemy is aware that we are gathered here and is watching us, and as we head into these dangerous times it's important to remember that. Think twice before posting anything here you wouldn't want linked to you in a court of law, for example. #SocialMedia #fascism #antifa #SecurityCulture #feditips

Breslau 1941: clandestine photos tell of the Holocaust’s upheaval and terror

Images taken secretly some 80 years ago are being published for the first time to mark International #Holocaust Remembrance Day

#WWII #Hitler #genocide #racism #fascism #NeverAgain #Nazis

Your Twitter/X account is a microphone connected to a mixer controlled by a fascist. You can speak all you want. The fascist controls your volume and can mute you whenever he wants. And you might not even know you’ve been muted because you can still hear yourself in your headphones.

It’s not called resistance when your volume knob is in someone else’s hand.

#twitter #x #algorithmicTimeline #elonMusk #fascism

Almost half a century ago #Portugal made a #revolution to conquer #democracy. But we're not quite there yet. The #political #power of the suburban village of #Oeiras uses and abuses power to censor what is different from its understanding. Where there is #censorship there is no democracy.

#jmj #wyd #jmj23 #fascism #25Abril #25A

To the 'radical' #socialist lefties ranting about fascism & talking about 'doing the work required' but refuse to #ALTtext their images, despite private polite asks...
All I see is you unwilling to do the ACTUAL work of inclusivity to fight #fascism.

Fascists eradicate #disabled first, and your ignoring disabled & unwillingness to do the labor of #inclusivity by simple ALT text makes your posts look like #hypocrisy to me.

Yes, it takes some effort. This is the work.

Gerrymandering is one of the most powerful tools for fascism. It fosters systemic racism and undermines the entire democratic process.

I redesigned Stephen Nass’ CC-licensed illustration to clarify how gerrymandering works. If you know folks who don’t understand it, please share it with them.

In SC this is happening in right now. Black voters are being disenfranchised. And it’s overt racism.

#Voting #Gerrymandering #Fascism #VotingRights #SystemicRacism
Graphic titled ‘Gerrymandering explained. Three different ways to divide 50 people into 5 districts.’ There are four 5 by 10 grids of blue/red squares: 20 red and 30 blue. The first, labeled ‘aggregate votes,’ shows them as a single group, concluding with ’60% blue, 40%, blue wins.’ The second, labeled ‘appropriate,’ shows them grouped into 5 equal columns by color, concluding with ‘3 blue districts, 2 red districts, blue wins.’ The third, labeled ‘compact but unfair,’ shows them grouped into 5 equal blocks comprising 4 red squares and 6 blue squares, concluding with ‘5 blue districts, 0 red districts, blue wins.’ The final, labeled ‘manipulated and inaccurate,’ shows them grouped into 5 calculated groups to manipulate the majority, concluding with ‘2 blue districts, 3 red districts, red wins.’ The caption reads ‘Adapted from Washington Post’s adaptation of Stephen Nass’ illustration with a CC license (’

For those of you, like me, watching America’s rapid descent into fascism in abject horror from the sidelines in Europe, remember: where America goes, the West soon follows. If we don’t like where that is, we must do better than doing the same things and hoping for different outcomes.

What I’m saying is America is a warning, not an instruction manual.

#america #us #usa #republicans #conservatives #fascism #europe #eu

We see a new fascist platform takeover happen in real time.

Do we react or do we just swim with the flow?
#twitter #twitterpurge #freespeech #Politics #Musk #Fascism

We see a new fascist platform takeover happen in real time.

Do we react or do we just swim with the flow?
#twitter #twitterpurge #freespeech #Politics #Musk #Fascism