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Items tagged with: disabled

To the 'radical' #socialist lefties ranting about fascism & talking about 'doing the work required' but refuse to #ALTtext their images, despite private polite asks...
All I see is you unwilling to do the ACTUAL work of inclusivity to fight #fascism.

Fascists eradicate #disabled first, and your ignoring disabled & unwillingness to do the labor of #inclusivity by simple ALT text makes your posts look like #hypocrisy to me.

Yes, it takes some effort. This is the work.

My career as a disabled artist who makes art about my experiences as a disabled trans person can be summed up via an excerpt from the last grant rejection letter I received:

“…while the members of the selection panel felt your art was evocative, accomplished, and beautiful, we collectively felt the subject matter of disability would disturb and upset art patrons. Your work was ultimately rejected because we felt it wouldn’t resonate with the public.”

…My reality.

#MastoArt #disabled

Guess it's time to do another #introduction
I'm Kieryn Darkwater, yr local #disabled #transmasc #nonbinary pup. My greatest hits include running a #ChildrensRights org and a podcast about #Christofascism (it's bad, folks), and organizing for #housing and #transit in CA. Now I live in Berlin 🇩🇪 and I want to get back to my roots making various kinds of art and also making more streets #autofrei & accessible

I sometimes stream #StardewValley and #Minecraft on twitch (!