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Items tagged with: autism

Hej, droga osobo!
Mój chłopak zbiera na diagnozę w kierunku spektrum autyzmu, i razem z nim prosimy Cię o pomoc.
Alan potrzebuje takiej diagnozy między innymi po to, aby móc pracować. Z diagnozą autyzmu mógłby uzyskać dostęp do miejsc pracy zrobionych specjalnie pod osoby z niepełnosprawnością, w tym osoby z autyzmem.
Niestety bez tego Alan nie będzie w stanie pracować, choć ma już 23 lata, i bardzo by chciał zacząć być samodzielny i móc zacząć zarabiać na siebie.
Liczy się każda pomoc, czy to w postaci wpłacenia kilku złotych czy podania zrzutki dalej.
Będziemy z Alanem naprawdę bardzo wdzięczni!

#wroclaw #autism #queer #poland

✨️ Hi, I have #ADHD and a bunch of sensory issues and i'm looking for one of those noise cancelling headsets. I need them to be good quality and durable, I can invest up to 150€ but if they're good and worth it I could maybe go up to 200€, but I'm broke af so the cheaper the better 🥲

#Autistic folks please help a girl out, I know you understand this very well and I'm desperate 🫠

Extra points if they're ✨️cute✨️

Thank you so much 💙

extra tags: #autism #SensoryIssues

Thanks to my #autism, I'm terrible at maintaining and building friendships. I am a very loyal friend, though, and I would hope that my friends know they can rely on me to do whatever I can if they ever need help.

Content warning: Conversion therapy

Here are my first Autism Infocards, Use them as you like within the Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
I'll make more cards soon, hope they are helpful 😊. There will be a download-link later on my website, when the set is complete!
(Reupload because of typo and wrong order of the captions).

#Autism #MastoArt #FuchskindArt #DanielaSchreiterArt #Illustration #Comic
A comic fox is wearing headphones and is snuggled up in a blanket. The text says: Time Out: I‘m autistic and need a break because the situation or sensory stimuli are too overwhelming for me. I need to withdraw to a quiet place. A comic fox looks very stressed and desperate, the text says: Overload: I‘m autistic and can‘t process information anymore. I need to rest, please don‘t talk to me or touch me.
A comic fox is looking at a big and scary eye, he is stressed. The text says: Eye Contact: I‘m autistic, making eye contact is difficult for me and needs a lot of energy. Please keep that in mind while talking to me, I‘m not being rude. A comic fox looks calm and happy, he is wearing headphones. The text says: Headphones: I‘m autistic and audio processing is difficult for me. I‘m wearing noise-cancelling headphones to improve my concentration and to prevent overstimulation.

I have a very remote relationship with #autism, but this thread spells good reasons to steer clear of most autism-related public campaigns regardless of your own relationship with autism.

If you’re not autistic, please read: here’s how the cycle of autism misinformation works:

Neurotypicals (parents, researchers, autism professionals) decide to do something to “help” us. Usually it’s something distinctly unhelpful 1/