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Are you a good friend?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (17%, 57 votes)
  • Qualified yes (47%, 154 votes)
  • Qualified no (26%, 86 votes)
  • Strong no (8%, 27 votes)
324 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

my friends would say I'm a good friend, but I scarcely talk to most of my friends. my interest in them comes and goes like my typical hyperfixations. so I definitely don't feel like a good friend.
I’m a good friend except when it comes to keeping in touch with people I don’t see regularly. In that sense, #SocialMedia has been a godsend. I can keep up with what my friends share and possibly comment on or use it as a trigger to contact them directly. And my (over)sharing lets them do the same.
QY. When you've got me, I try and give you my all, and give you the space to be your all. The big caveat, though, is that I like my solitude and make myself probably not as available as a (justifiably) Strong Yes.
I don't know if I can answer that. I would say qualified no, but I'm often too critical of myself. You'd have to ask them.
Funny, I wouldn't bother them with something that seems self-centered to me. Not sure where that tips the scales. (I voted qualified no)
This question has to be asked a representative group of people from which I believe I'm their friend.
@morph great, the poll is open for 10 more hours, you should check with them.
I fear their revelations coming to light.
@morph sounds like it might be important to have this conversation, then!
I will give them a beer before asking.
I kinda feel like this isn't a valid question. Whether I'm a good friend seems like it's purely subjective, and depends entirely on my friend's perception of me. How I think people perceive me probably differs vastly from how they really do.

@EverydayMoggie you have about 9 hours to check with them.
I said "strong yes" based on what my friends have told me. Not every friendship has been a success all the time, but I've had a lot of friends tell me things like "You're the only person I can cry with", and I think that makes me a pretty fucking good friend.
I really struggled to say "Strong Yes", but I'm going to. I think any of my friends would say that, and its what I want to be.

I am my own harshest critic. So, maybe the person I'm *not* a good friend to is me.
I wish I were a better friend, but I fail at that way too often. Qualified no.
strong yes, as arrogant as that may sound, but yeah I'm a warm person and funny and attentive. I could be a bit better of a friend towards myself sometimes though.
I plead the fifth!!!!
Based on the numbers so far I think there’s a Lake Wobegon effect in play
@mjgardner how so? I think everyone can be a good friend; it doesn't have to be half-and-half.
Of course everyone *can* be, but the effect is about overestimating when comparing oneself to others
I think in your model, you see being a "good friend" as being relatively good and not absolutely good.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Nope, I voted “qualified yes” and described it thus:

I’m a good friend except when it comes to keeping in touch with people I don’t see regularly. In that sense, #SocialMedia has been a godsend. I can keep up with what my friends share and possibly comment on or use it as a trigger to contact them directly. And my (over)sharing lets them do the same.

friends tell me SY, but I'm terrible at initiating contact with them. Also, the sample is probably biased.
Thanks to my #autism, I'm terrible at maintaining and building friendships. I am a very loyal friend, though, and I would hope that my friends know they can rely on me to do whatever I can if they ever need help.
I have a really bad habit of falling off the face of the earth with people who are close to me. It's been going on for years, and I'm not sure how to reconcile it.
@deadsuperhero it seems like the kind of problem that software could help with. "It's been a few months since you talked to Evan, and it looks like he has a new job. Want to send him a dm on Instagram?"
@deadsuperhero it's wild that we have all this software to be more social and none of it concentrates on having better relationships.
idk, lemme ask my friends
hi friends, am i a good friend #Poll #aPoll #trwnhPoll

cc @evan

  • Strong yes (0 votes)
  • Qualified yes (0 votes)
  • Qualified no (0 votes)
  • Strong no (0 votes)
Poll end: 1 year ago

I'm gonna pull the ' 1 in 10,000' card[1] and ask: how should I interprend the difference between "qualified yes" and a "strong yes"? Yes, English isn't my native tongue, hence the confusion.

@nightdweller qualified yes is like, "yes, but..." And strong yes is like, "Yes. Final answer."
Evan, thank you for the explanation. 👍
qualified no.

I need to text back more.
This is a good one. A lot of people said they weren't qualified to answer.

I said qualified yes. I know my friendship means a lot to people, but I also have a hard time remembering to reach out.
I’m a good listener and I’m quite good at keeping private things private. People confide in me a lot and I feel pretty good about that.

Like you though I struggle with reaching out. I’m very much an introvert and combine that with adhd and I’ll just sort of disappear for months at a time unless somebody reels me back in.