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Items tagged with: queer

I joined mastodon today because the CEO of #tumblr had a complete meltdown recently when people called him out for deleting a trans woman's blog because she posted a transition timeline. The vibes were definitely off, just doesn't feel like a safe place right now. I'd love to follow more #trans and #queer folks on here! This is my second social media account (third if you count myspace. omg should I go back to myspace??) so I need all the help I can get with navigating this place.

Hej, droga osobo!
Mój chłopak zbiera na diagnozę w kierunku spektrum autyzmu, i razem z nim prosimy Cię o pomoc.
Alan potrzebuje takiej diagnozy między innymi po to, aby móc pracować. Z diagnozą autyzmu mógłby uzyskać dostęp do miejsc pracy zrobionych specjalnie pod osoby z niepełnosprawnością, w tym osoby z autyzmem.
Niestety bez tego Alan nie będzie w stanie pracować, choć ma już 23 lata, i bardzo by chciał zacząć być samodzielny i móc zacząć zarabiać na siebie.
Liczy się każda pomoc, czy to w postaci wpłacenia kilku złotych czy podania zrzutki dalej.
Będziemy z Alanem naprawdę bardzo wdzięczni!

#wroclaw #autism #queer #poland

Hi #TwitterMigration is a small instance for LGBTQIA+ people who are #Arabs, #Arabic speakers, #Muslim or from the #SWANA region, or allies. Basically if you are ok with having in your username and are fine with the rules you're welcome here.
#Gay #Queer #Arab

I know there are hundreds of #mutualAid requests on here already (yay #capitalism) but here's another one for you to consider. Marlee has been a member of the Topless Topics community and a good friend for years, he's spent most of his life #houseless, and being openly #queer in a very conservative state, has trouble finding steady employment (you don't even want to know some of the horrible comments from coworkers and bosses he's had to endure...). this is a rare chance for him to experience housing security for at least a little while, so please consider helping him make rent. thank you.
Gofundme request from Marlee Gould for $1,500 for rent:

"Hi, my name is Marlee and I need help with rent. I currently live in a weekly-rate motel and work full time and go to college. On 2/28 I slipped on some ice while walking home and injured my knee. The doctor at the ER put me in a brace and crutches, and work said I couldn't work with crutches so I ended up out of work for almost a week. My weekly rent is 297 after tax. I have enough to cover this weeks rent, but not next week and possibly the week after. Any help would be appreciated! "

Two US trans gals I know - Nora & Zoey - have set up a survival fund & could use some help, even if it's just a boost :sadness: :trans_heart:

#trans #transgender #TransFem #SurvivalFund #crowdfunding #fundraiser #MutualAid #queer #LGBTQ

I’m wondering if y’all can help me build a community of trans people of colour on the tag #TransPOC as i miss the wonderful people i knew on a different animal themed app.
After seeing reports of racism and bad moderation I guess i’m just trying to find my people. Boosts very welcome.

#Trans #Queer #LGBTQIA #LGBT #BlackMastodon #Black #POC

Content warning: introduction post, long-ish

I moved instances, so I'm reposting my #introduction.

I enjoy #coffee #tea #reading #sff #history #cooking #singing.

I'm #queer #gay #lgbtq #iconoclast. I #create #software.

I have a weekly #newsletter with stuff I've enjoyed over the preceding week and how it relates to engendering #empathy and social resilience.

My #politics tend to be #progressive #centrist: I want the world to be a better place for everyone while maximizing agency for everyone. I'm sympathetic to #EffectiveAltruism.

i reformatted a zine i made earlier this year to post it as a thread.

i was frustrated with the language used to describe gender and how limiting it is as a nonbinary/genderqueer person to use language centered around the gender binary. this is what sprung from that frustration:

#zine #trans #gender #queer #nonbinary #genderqueer
cover of a zine titled: Describing Gender Beyond the Binary. ideas for describing gender without the framework of a male-female binary by @frogwatching. there's a red-yellow gradient shape with dots, crosses and dotted lines around it in the upper right corner of the cover.
this zine is a small tool for deconstructing the gender binary. it contains ideas to describe gender that don't rely on the juxtaposition of male and female as opposites on  an axis that all other genders must be positioned around.

it's an invitation to be creative and imaginative with the language around gender.