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Items tagged with: openstreetmap

1-x Do you marvel at how #OpenStreetMap or #GoogleMaps can show you the street pattern, all the way to individual houses, of any random village?

Before the age of internet mapping this required a paper map. As most people did not have easy access to detailed maps (house level maps often not available at all) we had a very different view of the world outside our direct area.

This is why I find the history of how the Soviet Union mapped the world so interesting.

#hobby #maps #mapping #USSR #gis

Series of three maps showing one connected area. It's a pre-world-war-2 situation of the Billund area in Denmark. 

Our house is on there. So are some houses that got demolished before the map was published.. And there's one small road missing. These three maps probably contain information of the real world over a ten to 15 year period: making them lack certain information. For the uninitiated user this might give a false sense of accuracy.

In practice though, these omissions are not hard to deal with, and on a paper map that's otherwise high-quality (seriously, the geo-referencing is amazing) can easily be edited in on the spot by an administrator etc.

#openstreetmap #osm
I have used for walk/hike online planning but they started forcing ads and blocking adblockers, so it's time to move on.

Do you know any good OSM based walking path planner with stable, responsive and easy to use UI? I know several ones with clunky UI but was pretty smooth to use, maybe there are hidden gems around.

osmc coloring is extremely preferred...


Openstreetmap Austria will be taking part in the Graz Linux Days again this year. Come to our information stand, we look forward to talking to you.
As always, there will be a #josm workshop on Friday.

#osm #OpenStreetMap #glt24

@FOSSGISeV @openstreetmap

@Projekt Dadalo @Anna Wasilewska-Śpioch
A wystarczy nie używać map google...
Na #openstreetmap taki numer nie przejdzie bo można sobie ustawić powiadomienie np przez rss o zmianach jakiegoś obszaru albo elementu i szybko ew. szkodnikom blokować konta.

Ich bin auf der Suche nach Leuten, die OpenStreetMap Hackathons oder -weekends in Deutschland organisieren, um Unterstützung anzubieten.
Weiß da jemand was oder kennt wen?

Über 🔁 oder Hinweise freue ich mich!

#OSM #OpenStreetMap #Hackweekend #Hackathon #Mapping #BoostWelcome

Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢

Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch.

This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital!

read more on the slack (while you still can??!):
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra

OpenStreetMap supports mapping surveillance cameras.

Cameras can be identified by location and type.

The area being observed can be disclosed.

Surveillance under Surveillance/ is an OpenStreetMap instance focused on surveillance cameras, the data used is not visualized on the instance.

Mastodon: @openstreetmap

#OpenStreetMap #Surveillance #CCTV #Privacy #FacialRecognition #Tracking #BiometricData #VoicePrint #Gait

Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France. Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (2x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (1x zoom). Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (3x zoom).

If you want to feel good about the #OpenStreetMap mapping world, go to and read the comments left by the people who have made a gift to #OSM.

There's currently a wave of bots trying to vandalize #OpenStreetMap by replacing names (and russian langauge names) with anti-russian slogans. The #OSM DWG has blocked 5,000+ accounts already

😢 This is not the way people!

e.g. <>
#Ukraine #Russia #RussianInvasion

The downsides of being frugal.

The #OpenStreetMap Foundation spends, even with a slightly more ambitious budget this year than previously, less than %1 of what WMF/Wikipedia does, but is struggling to make ends meet.

There is no threat a la the infamous Wikipedia ads that the project will shut down, but without the funds activities will have to be cut back significantly.

If you consider OSM valuable consider

Friendica - post z lokalizacją

Czy wiesz, że... tworząc post z konta Friendica możesz prosto dodać lokalizację ?
W oknie tworzenia nowego postu, w polu lokalizacji możesz wpisać adres, nazwę obiektu, współrzędne, swoją lokalizację - cokolwiek co potrafi znaleźć na mapie #OpenStreetMap wyszukiwarka #nominatim . W opublikowanym poście wybrana lokalizacja będzie widoczna pod nazwą konta, które publikuje a link wskaże właśnie na serwis nominatim. Dlatego warto sprawdzić przed publikacją, na podglądzie, czy faktycznie link do wskazanego obiektu/adresu będzie znaleziony na mapie.

Scrennshot - tworzenie postu friendica z podaniem lokalizacji

#feditips #friendica

There’s three kinds of #OpenStreetMap related software it seems:
1. Docker containers (including kitchen sink)
2. Java based applications (brrr Java, brrr tomcat)
3. Old school compile yourself manual (make files are sometimes seen as unnecessary modernisms) (here’s a 1000 lines wiki page with a million options)

Rarely you see the here’s-the-Linux-distribution-of-choice-package (or Windows or MacOS)…

ich habe soeben über #OSM und #OpenStreetMap als RSS über #Friendica abonniert.
Beide Hashtags habe ich auch so abonniert.
Nun ist mir aufgefallen, dass bei den beiden abonnierten Hashtags plötzlich mehr Beiträge auftauchen. Eben seit ich das per RSS abonniert habe. Vergleiche ich das RSS und das Hashtag Abo, dann steht dort auch dieselbe Empfangs-Zeit.
Tauchen RSS Feeds somit auch automatisch auf Friendica/anonsys auf, wenn diese vorher noch nicht über einen Relay empfangen wurden?

!Friendica Support

Posts on this page ( ) will always be visible without needing an account on this website.

We value openness in #OpenStreetMap. 🙂

There are many restaurants and cafes in #Amsterdam that are mapped twice in #OpenStreetMap.
This place so far wins by being mapped three times.

Seems I only noted that this was coming up on the bird site, my bad.

But: currently (well as per the last hour) we are at 1'992'018 contributors to OSM (contributor as in actually made an edit).

New mapper influx has been at 12-13'000 the last couple of months so mid July is a good bet for 2'000'000. We went over 1'000'000 back in December 2017 so it will have taken 5 1/2 years for this step up. #OpenStreetMap

Does #OSMAnd have any #hiking or #hillwalking map style display option?

My version shows a very profiles (horse riding!), and apparently a way to import a profile. Is there anything for hiking?

#OpenStreetMap #OSM #maps #wandern

TIL of `osm-revert` a simple web app to revert #OpenStreetMap changes. I haven't run it yet, and I'm cautious of making some things _too_ easy, but could be an interesting tool.

announcement & chat:

Hey @openstreetmap people, how would you map a (circular) bench around a tree?
A wooden, circular bench around the trunk of a tree.

Just discovered the existence of StreetComplete, an mobile app that transforms #OpenStreetMap knowledge gaps into quests you can undertake yourself around where you are.

Unfortunately for me it's only on Android through the Google Play Store or the F-Droid repository.

OSM Town is a Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap fans:


Their official description: "An independent community of OpenStreetMap people on the Fediverse/Mastodon. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation."

You can find more map-themed servers at

#FeaturedServer #Fediverse #OpenStreetMap #Mapping #Maps

@Electronic Frontier Foundation Why the hell are you using #google maps - a #private #surveillance tool - to show #government surveillance tools and not, for example, the open #openstreetmap, which in addition has an editing scheme for such data in its database ????

TomTom's Overture Maps in-depth article that talks about "open map data" but never mentioning #OpenStreetMap even once is extremely telling. This particularly in light of their earlier announcement last November of their new maps platform that takes pain to explain their relationship to OSM.

I definitely now agree with the skeptical position that people like @IvanSanchez and others have taken re Overture.

#OvertureMaps #tomtom

#OpenStreetMap meetup in #Bruges, thursday 15th of December starting at 19:00 in Ecoliving VZW.

Everyone who wants can pass by to ask all their questions, including total beginner questions. See you there!

Dec 15
Thu 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

(English below)

Interesse in cartografie en OpenStreetMap? We houden een gezellige avond waar je kan binnenspringen om al je vragen te stellen over OpenStreetMap.

OpenStreetMap is online wereldkaart waar iedereen aan mag bijtekenen en die iedereen mag hergebruiken. Duizenden applicaties gebruiken deze data dan ook, want ondertussen is het een ongeloofelijk gedetailleerde kaart. Iedereen heeft al eens iets gebruikt waarin OpenStreetMap-data zit, al weet je het niet.

Op deze avond komen we samen om over OpenStreetMap te babbelen, tips uit te wisselen over hoe je de kaart zelf kan aanpassen, hoe je openstreetmap-gebaseerde applicaties gebruikt, ... Iedereen is welkom - van hardcore-mapper tot mensen met een lichte computer-fobie.

Deze avond worden we verwelkomd door Linux Living, die binnen Ecoliving past. Ecoliving is een eco-sociaal project die inzet op hergebruik en bewust leven - de benedenverdieping is dan ook een echte tweedehandswinkel en volgestouwd met spullen die een tweede leven zoeken. Daarnaast gaat de Ecoliving ook voedseloverschotten ophalen om deze te herverdelen. Kortom, er is altijd wel een (vervallen) knabbeltje of drankje. Op de eerste verdieping is er plaats voor de Linux Living, een gezellige ruimte waar elke twee weken wordt samengekomen om met Open Source te experimenteren en om oude computers een nieuw leven te geven met Linux. Deze donderdag stellen ze hun deuren open voor de OpenStreetMap-community.


Interested in cartography and OpenStreetMap? The Linux User Group Linux Living welcomes the OpenStreetMap-community this thursday. We will gather for an informal talk about everything concerning OSM, such as how to edit it yourself, how to use some applications, ...

Everyone is welcome, from total beginner to expert.

LinuxLiving is a biweekly gathering of OpenSource enthusiasts in Bruges. They operate within EcoLiving, a social and ecological project which strives to reuse as much as possible.

Note that LinuxLiving is normally a Dutch speaking place. However, most do speak English too, we'll switch to English if needed.

OSM Poland needs your help!

Some time ago we prepared a website that allows you to easily add AED (Automatic Defibrillators) locations to the #OpenStreetMap The website is available at:
We would like as many people as possible to use it.

We would like to ask for help in translating into other languages. Translation is done using:
To add new language in GitHub site uses a list of language to display in navbar.

I am listening to #openstreetmap chapters and communities congress as of now.

@zverik released v1.0 of the #EveryDoor app (for Android and iOS) to edit #OpenStreetMap on the go. Presented by the author as “The best mobile editor for adding shops and amenities to OpenStreetMap.” Give it a try and let know what you find of it. 😃

Via #WeeklyOSM: