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Items tagged with: maps

Mythical Beasts in #Germany


Cool #Maps thread about the Soviet #Mapping the whole world.

1-x Do you marvel at how #OpenStreetMap or #GoogleMaps can show you the street pattern, all the way to individual houses, of any random village?

Before the age of internet mapping this required a paper map. As most people did not have easy access to detailed maps (house level maps often not available at all) we had a very different view of the world outside our direct area.

This is why I find the history of how the Soviet Union mapped the world so interesting.

#hobby #maps #mapping #USSR #gis

Series of three maps showing one connected area. It's a pre-world-war-2 situation of the Billund area in Denmark. 

Our house is on there. So are some houses that got demolished before the map was published.. And there's one small road missing. These three maps probably contain information of the real world over a ten to 15 year period: making them lack certain information. For the uninitiated user this might give a false sense of accuracy.

In practice though, these omissions are not hard to deal with, and on a paper map that's otherwise high-quality (seriously, the geo-referencing is amazing) can easily be edited in on the spot by an administrator etc.

1-x Do you marvel at how #OpenStreetMap or #GoogleMaps can show you the street pattern, all the way to individual houses, of any random village?

Before the age of internet mapping this required a paper map. As most people did not have easy access to detailed maps (house level maps often not available at all) we had a very different view of the world outside our direct area.

This is why I find the history of how the Soviet Union mapped the world so interesting.

#hobby #maps #mapping #USSR #gis

Series of three maps showing one connected area. It's a pre-world-war-2 situation of the Billund area in Denmark. 

Our house is on there. So are some houses that got demolished before the map was published.. And there's one small road missing. These three maps probably contain information of the real world over a ten to 15 year period: making them lack certain information. For the uninitiated user this might give a false sense of accuracy.

In practice though, these omissions are not hard to deal with, and on a paper map that's otherwise high-quality (seriously, the geo-referencing is amazing) can easily be edited in on the spot by an administrator etc.

The wonderful Waterman Butterfly World Map that @fabian and I created a few years ago from scratch is now available for download!

As I wrote back in 2019: »I always wanted to design my own maps. But it seemed difficult and trivial at the same time. […] Then I discovered the Waterman Butterfly projection. And I was in love.«

If you want to find out more about our design process and the technical challenges (or if you just want to download the map) read on:


World map using the Waterman Butterfly projection. The map was created by Fabian Ehmel and Boris Müller.

Does #OSMAnd have any #hiking or #hillwalking map style display option?

My version shows a very profiles (horse riding!), and apparently a way to import a profile. Is there anything for hiking?

#OpenStreetMap #OSM #maps #wandern

Any #maps / #oldMaps fans out there? Institute of #History PAN has recently created a site showing georeferenced historical maps of #Poland (with somehow loose definition, as Poland tended to wander substantially during the time). Mostly 19th and 20th century, for now. Broad boundaries are years 1796-1947, scale from 1:25000 to 1:500000, and city plans. There are some vague informations about extending the collection, but nothing specific yet.

No English interface (or I haven't found a way to switch), but it's easy enough to use, I suppose.


OSM Town is a Mastodon server for OpenStreetMap fans:


Their official description: "An independent community of OpenStreetMap people on the Fediverse/Mastodon. Funding graciously provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation."

You can find more map-themed servers at

#FeaturedServer #Fediverse #OpenStreetMap #Mapping #Maps