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Items tagged with: hiking

GR11 thru-hike, Day 57-58. Almost there!

I’m getting close to finally finishing the GR11!
Here I walked from the hills of Hiriberri-Aezkoa, past Orbara and Burguete, camped on the side of a dirt road just before Elizondo, then walked in the scorching hot sun and finally got a glimpse of my destination- the Atlantic Ocean! I camped in a wonderful picnic area with a water fountain (it is near Iguzkiagerreko Borda, right on the GR11 trail).

Lovely photos, but they're more than that. They call to me, and all the more so because I'm going on a new hike this coming Friday. Pictures of a trail in the forest never cease to bring me peace. Thank you for sharing.

#NaturePhotography #Hiking #NationalParks #Montana #Photography #HealthyLiving
McDonald Creek, Glacier National Park, where it cuts through a rocky cleft in the land, forest surrounding it.

How can we possibly make big decisions when we can't even hear ourselves think?

Did some solo hiking/camping this past weekend and the solitude felt like a balm for my brain.

(Tell me you're an #introvert without telling me)

A summer landscape photograph looking down into the Shenandoah Valley
A hiking trail in the woods

Does #OSMAnd have any #hiking or #hillwalking map style display option?

My version shows a very profiles (horse riding!), and apparently a way to import a profile. Is there anything for hiking?

#OpenStreetMap #OSM #maps #wandern

4am, I wake up - the mountains are calling. Today my friend and I went #hiking in Franconia Notch State Park. We had a blast! More photos to come soon - it was a long day.
A stream flows through a forest. The sun shines through from the right and the sunlight is very visible. This one of our first views of the morning A view of some mountains from up on Franconia Ridge. Clouds are flowing in between and around  two mountains, as well as above. The mountains are mostly green worn trees with some exposed rock faces
A close up of a waterfall on Falling Waters trail in Franconia Notch. White splashing water takes up most of the photo with the occasional visible wet rock and some green foliage above. Possibly Stairs Falls but I’m not sure. Green tree covered mountains and hills near and far. From bright to dark to blue based on clouds and shadows above. Nice big puffy clouds a above. Darker trees are close as well

Koropuku Falls in Progress Valley, New Zealand

The Catlins region has a bounty of breathtaking waterfalls, the best is arguably Koropuku Falls—a majestic waterfall with an enchanting bush walk.

This was a mistake. I accidentally pressed the shutter while adjusting the tripod. But I like it a lot. #photography #oops #Pentax67 45mm lens #hiking #LandscapePhotography
sun filtering through the trees on a hiking trail. you can see two clear images and the blur between them when the camera was moved during the long exposure.

These stunning photographs reveal the determination and resilience of a centuries-old way of life.

Hi everyone,

my name is Till, I'm a radio amateur and electrical engineer, originally from #Berlin, now living in southern Germany. My favourite hashtags are

#astrophysics #astrophysik
#reading #lesen
#biking #fahrrad
#hiking #wandern

and of course #hamradio #amateurfunk. I'd love to hear from you, be it here or in a qso :radio_tower:

#introduction #newHere #neuHier

Fellow Tooters,

I"m Jake, based in Southern #California, US. I’ve been on Mastodon since April/May 2022.

Background in #EnvironmentalEngineering and follow #ClimateChange, #WalkableCities, #RenewableEnergy, #EBikes.

Work in #Data, and use #Python, #SQL, #Git.

Recently built a #Discord bot that tracks #Wordle scores with a #RaspberryPi. I play #Fortnite.

Outside, I like #hiking, #cycling, #gym, #RoadTrips.

#Music faves: #AltRock, #EDM, #HipHop.

Thanks for reading my #introduction!

Hello @xiao,
welcome, if you have questions you can contact me here or even better via @utzer, for general questions you can ask in the !Friendica Support, there is many helpful people there!

For a start it is good to write a post with the tag #newhere (also in your native language if that is not english) and add as many tags as you like with interests, like #biking #nature #hiking or so.

After sending the post you can click the tags as well and follow them (small plus sign in top right), that is a good starting point to find other people of let them find you.

Have fun in the #Fediverse

what do you need, #hiking with #osmand? Start by enabling dashboard, it helps a lot.
Configure map>> enable contour (download first), hillshade (same), map style UniRS, Details and Routes enabled to your tastes.
On Configure Screen you can set active widgets and whatnot.
500 chars is not enough to give a user's manual. ;)

Fuck it! I'm going on a 3h solo hike! 🤠👍
...again 😟
...even though last time I got in trouble 😨
...and today the weather is quite bad 😰
#hiking #darwinawards