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Items tagged with: freedom

Best #Linux #Phone: All Options Compared


Some Linux phones are just refurbished #Android smartphones with a Linux mobile distro pre-installed on them.

#hardware #software #freedom #smartphone #communication #news

This makes me so sad. The #library was a haven from my miserable, white trash childhood. I walked there nearly every day in summer, sometimes spending all day exploring every aisle. No one hassled me, I learned so much, it opened so many doors. #lgbtq #media #civilrights #freedom #idaho
A real sign up in the lobby of an Idaho library warning children to stay out

Anarch-cow certainly has a point

Certainly, it is already no longer possible, in my view, to call oneself an anarchist without adding a qualifying adjective to distinguish oneself from lifestyle anarchists. -- Murray Bookchin

#anarchy #freedom #state #distinguish #lifestyle #quote #anarch-cow #cli #gnu #linux #foss #cowsay

If you see the AGPL licenses on my free and open source work and you think “damn you, I can’t use this to enrich myself or my corporation without sharing back what I’ve built on top of what you’ve freely shared and thus contribute to cultivating a healthy commons where others might enjoy the same benefits from my work that I want to obtain from yours” (a) you really have long-winded thoughts and (b) well, you already see the flaw in your reasoning.

#foss #licenses #freedom #copyleft #gpl

Barbarism vs. Civilization

Don't fall for the #propaganda in the fight against terror. In the last #war in #Afghanistan, you could separate terrorists from #freedom fighters by the fact that one group was supported by the #CIA and the other was not.

#terrorism #meme #politics #civilization #barbarism #military #news #society

Digital Resistance News - 2024-02-24 16:09:17 GMT

#war #terror #military #politics #meme #ethics #humanrights #fail

Why I use #Firefox

  1. The about:config page
  2. Mozilla cannot decrypt my data on their servers
  3. Translating web pages is also completely private
  4. Mozilla develops their own browser engine
  5. The best support for extensions on #Android
  6. A great picture-in-picture player

I #trust #Mozilla more than I trust #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, or any other company that makes #web browsers. This trust is based on the fact that Mozilla chooses the highest level of user privacy when developing services such as Firefox Sync, Firefox Translate, and others. A web browser is an integral part of a person’s #online life, so it makes sense to choose a #browser from a company that one trusts the most.

source: https://š

#software #freedom #opensource #foss #floss #internet #privacy #security #www #surfing

English below :
Les monarques poulets comprendront-ils un jour que leurs lois de basse court ne peuvent s'appliquer aux aigles ?
Ami, je t'en conjure, rappel toi qui tu es et déploie tes ailes !

Will the chicken monarchs one day understand that their short-sighted laws do not apply to eagles?
Ami, I implore you, remember who you are and spread your wings!Will the chicken monarchs one day understand that their short-sighted laws do not apply to eagles?
Ami, I implore you, remember who you are and spread your wings!

#souveraineté #empowerment #recul #lucidité #lucidity #conscience #aigle #envol #liberté #freedom #poetry #poesie #creativity #creativite

LibreJS: an addon blocking non-free JavaScript by the @fsf


Non-official 📎:

#FOSS #Freedom #Mozilla #Addons #JavaScript #FSF #FreeSoftware #FLOSS

Give Up #GitHub: The Time Has Come!

Specifically, we at Software Freedom Conservancy have been actively communicating with #Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary about our concerns with “Copilot” since they first launched it almost exactly a year ago. Our initial video chat call (in July 2021) with Microsoft and GitHub representatives resulted in several questions which they said they could not answer at that time, but would “answer soon”. After six months of no response, Bradley published his essay, If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software? — which raised these questions publicly. Still, GitHub did not answer our #questions.
#opensource #activism #freedom #protest #software #news #coder #development #gpl #decentralisation

Give Up #GitHub: The Time Has Come!


Specifically, we at Software Freedom Conservancy have been actively communicating with #Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary about our concerns with “Copilot” since they first launched it almost exactly a year ago. Our initial video chat call (in July 2021) with Microsoft and GitHub representatives resulted in several questions which they said they could not answer at that time, but would “answer soon”. After six months of no response, Bradley published his essay, If Software is My #Copilot, Who Programmed My Software? — which raised these questions publicly. Still, GitHub did not answer our #questions.

#opensource #activism #freedom #protest #software #news #coder #development #gpl #decentralisation

There is a nice infographic in this article explaining how the global COVID-19 tracking app could work but they missed a few things. Here is revised and improved variant 😀

Coronavirus: Call for single EU tracking app with data protection | BBC News

Europe's data protection watchdog has called for a single coronavirus app to be used across the EU, instead of every country making its own.
Several countries are developing tracking apps, but privacy advocates warn of the dangers they might pose.
The European Data Protection Supervisor says a single EU app with strong data protection built in is the best solution to the coronavirus pandemic.

#technology #tech #Covid-19 #CoronaVirus

#privacy #freedom #surveillance #pandemic


Say what you will about RMS (and yes I'm aware of his more sinister sides), when it comes to the part that actually defines Free Software movement, the guy really does practice what he preaches.
He made a principle out of not using anything that runs proprietary software (including the BIOSes and firmwares), and not using anything that could infringe on the privacy. Even if it means inconvenience, he does not give the proprietary a fucking inch.

If we're going to choose another person to be the face of the Free Software movement, it has to be at least someone as principled and stubborn in their stand as RMS is. Does anyone know another person that would agree to live like this?

It's Free Software, goddammit, not Open Source.

Someone has to keep telling the world that.
#FreeSoftware #freedom

Pluming for freedom