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Items tagged with: Microsoft

> #Microsoft confirms that #Windows 11 Recall #AI is not optional — a glitch made it appear so in the Windows 11 24H2 KB5041865 update

But don't worry, the company that is unable to correctly implement a toggle switch assures us that they definitely implemented this new immensely complex piece of technology nobody asked for directly in the operating system in a way that is secure and under no circumstances puts anyone in danger in ways security researchers said it will.

In the face of massive layoffs, video game workers are unionizing in record numbers — with new wall-to-wall unions at Bethesda and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft team.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke to Taylor Welling and Kathryn Friesen about their union campaigns and the state of the industry.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #gaming #videogames #union #microsoft #blizzard #bethesda #wow

We're just the beginning of the line of dominoes right? We are showing that it is possible to organize a game workers union, especially under Microsoft. I would love to see every game studio under ZeniMax, under Microsoft unionized. And then eventually the rest of the industry.

Israel’s genocide in Gaza depends on the infrastructure and services of tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with Mohammad Khatami and Gabi Schubiner of No Tech for Apartheid about how tech workers are pushing back on the companies’ complicity and trying to end their relationships with Israel.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #israel #gaza #palestine #genocide #google #microsoft #amazon

Pre-October, all I ever knew was that Google really doesn't want you to talk about this, and they will silence you at any chance they get. Post-October, it was like not only will the company silence you, but if other workers are literally stalking you or accusing you of terrorism, the company will not do anything about that.

Software, Update, Microsoft

Here is the #solution for this #problem:… #windows #update #microsoft #help #os #software #windows #fail

anonymiss - 2024-08-22 10:37:05 GMT

After #Windows #Update on dual boot systems: Verifying shim #SBAT data failed: #Security Policy Violation.


1) Disable Secure Boot in BIOS
2) Log into your Ubuntu user and open a terminal
3) Delete the SBAT policy with: sudo mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete
4) Reboot your PC and log back into Ubuntu to update the SBAT policy
5) Reboot and then re-enable secure boot in your BIOS.

#help #Linux #Microsoft #fail #Software #boot #os

After #Windows #Update on dual boot systems: Verifying shim #SBAT data failed: #Security Policy Violation.


1) Disable Secure Boot in BIOS
2) Log into your Ubuntu user and open a terminal
3) Delete the SBAT policy with: sudo mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete
4) Reboot your PC and log back into Ubuntu to update the SBAT policy
5) Reboot and then re-enable secure boot in your BIOS.

#help #Linux #Microsoft #fail #Software #boot #os

The Microsoft-Dilemma - Europe as a Software Colony | Full Documentary

@Watchdog Polska
Dzięki za szybką (re)akcję 👍
Co do p.1 to w tekście podanej strony ja nie podnosiłem braku informacji o współpracy z google a jedynie to, że dość istotna informacja o udziale google w rekrutacji jest wyłącznie w metadanych.
A co do reszty. No cóż... #demagog nie wyłamuje się z powszechnego "standardu" przyspawania do big-techów czyli zakładania, że na pewno każdy/a ma konto w google itp.
W takim razie przy kolejnych wyborach może weryfikaton za pieniądze #microsoft 'u z obowiązkową komunikacją na #teams i dokumentami w #msoffice ?

Why I use #Firefox

  1. The about:config page
  2. Mozilla cannot decrypt my data on their servers
  3. Translating web pages is also completely private
  4. Mozilla develops their own browser engine
  5. The best support for extensions on #Android
  6. A great picture-in-picture player

I #trust #Mozilla more than I trust #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, or any other company that makes #web browsers. This trust is based on the fact that Mozilla chooses the highest level of user privacy when developing services such as Firefox Sync, Firefox Translate, and others. A web browser is an integral part of a person’s #online life, so it makes sense to choose a #browser from a company that one trusts the most.

source: https://š

#software #freedom #opensource #foss #floss #internet #privacy #security #www #surfing

La trouvaille scandaleuse d'un chercheur sur #Windows 11

#informatique #OS #Microsoft

Outlook is Microsoft’s new data collection service
#GAFAM #Microsoft #Outlook #Privacy

One more proof that "[…] Microsoft treated the PC hardware platform as if it owned it, and thus hurt consumers, software developers, PC OEMs, OS competitors, and the industry in general. That's a layman's definition of abusing a monopoly." (Jean-Louis Gassée)

There are many OSes that can run on a PC, so off my keyboard #Microsoft !

Linux zum Wohle der Umwelt, des Bankkontos & der Freiheit

Support-Ende von Windows 10 soll für gigantischen Müllberg sorgen

Am 14. Oktober 2025 wird der Support von Windows 10 eingestellt. Das könnte dazu führen, dass rund 240 Millionen PCs als Elektroschrott auf einer Mülldeponie landen, wie Analyseunternehmen Canalys befürchtet. Wären alles diese Geräte aufeinandergestapelte Laptops, wäre der Stapel in etwa 4.080 Kilometer hoch. Das sind rund 600 Kilometer mehr als der Durchmesser des Mondes.
#Linux #Umwelt #Recycling #Kreislaufwirtschaft #Microsoft #Windows

@sascha @heluecht @one

Ganz genau... wenn jede Implementation beliebig von der Empfehlung (Recommendation) abweicht, kann man sich ein Standardprotokoll auch sparen... 😉

Ernsthaft, beliebig neue Felder zu nutzen, mag vereinzelt 'ne nette Idee sein, bringt aber zwangsläufig Probleme in der Kommunikation mit sich...

Vergleiche mal die Art, wie #Microsoft & Co. z.B. den E-Mail-Standard unterlaufen... 🙁

@eff, when you ask people to take your #digitalFreedom survey which is hosted on (a service of the surveillance capitalist known as #Microsoft), do you not see the problem with this? Apart from #hypocrisy the very community willing to take your survey are the ones who will give the least relevant feedback to #EFF’s stated values.

Prasówka 29.09-6.10.2023

Czy szkoły przestrzegają RODO? - część pierwsza

Microsoft otrzymuje Big Brother Award

Today is 2023-09-07 and the waiting period to have my #Microsoft account deleted (they call it "closed", obviously in conflict with GDPR).

Waiting period ended 2023-09-05.

When I try to login today Microsoft asks me if I want to re-open the account:

Reopen account?
You're trying to sign in to an account that's going to be closed on 9/5/2023. You can choose to reopen the account. Or, if you cancel, your account stays marked for closure. Learn more about the effects of closing an account.
What do you want to do?

Can't believe how broken this entire process is. Are there no oversight agencies in germany looking into such things? @Verbraucherzentrale

#Microsoft is using #malware-like pop-ups in #Windows 11 to get people to ditch Google

#Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” #security

Did Microsoft quickly fix the issue that could effectively lead to the breach of multiple customers' networks and services? Of course not. They took more than 90 days to implement a partial #fix—and only for new applications loaded in the service.

#Azure #problem #software #bug #cybersecurity #econemy #cloud #news

@Kevin Karhan :verified: @Aral Balkan
And just out of curiosity - why is a project that is supposed to be against #SurveillanceCapitalism being hosted on a site that undoubtedly belongs to #SurveillanceCapitalism ? Well, unless we exclude (for convenience? Because not for lack of other options) #microsoft from it....


🥥 I learned everything I needed to know about "free-market #capitalism" watching the rise of #Microsoft under #BillGates and the charming #SteveBallmer.
Start like a pirate, appropriate the work of others, spread #FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) about competing (and superior products), steal ideas from others and crush them in the cradle. And Gates was following the model laid down by others before him. 🥥

It's fucking insane how addicted corporations have become to #tracking everything you do, everything you look at, everything you type, everything you think about.

They've gotten so brazen about it. Shit like this - the #Microsoft #Edge browser routing every image through some "AI enhancer" that also tracks what you're viewing - is now a default setting. I suppose at least people who use Edge can opt out, for now, if they know to.

We need #privacy legislation so badly.
Edge sends images you view online to Microsoft, here is how to disable that

Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

A screenshot of some tables from a 2011 academic study from UCSD on the costs of registering accounts in bulk for spam and other abuse. The study found Gmail accounts could be had for 7 cents apiece, while Hotmail accounts fetched just .007 cents.

@Adam Jurkiewicz Już doczytałem:

Założeniem Programu "Innowacyjna Szkoła Google" jest zapewnienie placówkom oświatowym kompleksowych rozwiązań w zakresie:
konfiguracji i dostępu do bezpłatnej platformy Google Workspace for Education
kompleksowego przeszkolenia kadry dydaktycznej, zespołu IT oraz kadry zarządzającej w obszarze wykorzystania nowych technologii w szkole.
przygotowania do certyfikacji Google dla edukatorów
voucherów do egzaminów certyfikacyjnych Google dla nauczycieli
dostępu do najlepszych, certyfikowanych nauczycieli Google w Polsce (GEG Poland) oraz ich wsparcia

Czy mniej więcej to samo co z produktami #microsoft : "my wam teraz 'za darmo' nasze produkty, a wy nam wykształcicie naszych przyszłych klientów".
To w takim razie nie polecam... (dotyczy wszystkiego od #gafam )

Microsoft Edge udostępnia Bing wszystkie odwiedzane przez Was strony. Wiemy, jak to wyłączyć!

#Bing #Edge #Microsoft

Also, a little history on #JohnDeere It's well known that they "innovated" in the industry by visiting Farmers and copying their modifications and equipment, and then claiming them as their own.

Like in the case of so many "innovators" who stole from the #commons and then enclosed it for profits.

Remarkable familiar to the story of #MicroSoft

#Microsoft switches #Bing search engine to #AI. Much hilarity ensues. (I just queried it for the population of the Planet Mars.)

Wer für #Microsoft an Schulen plädiert, outet sich als Bildungsverhinderer. Schüler erhalten bei der Nutzung von MS-Produkten keine digitale Kompetenz darüber, wie etwas technisch funktioniert, sondern welche »Knöpfchen« sie drücken müssen. Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum für solch ein antrainiertes Wissen ist spätestens mit dem nächsten Update der Bedienoberfläche überschritten und muss anschließend neu erlernt werden. Digitale Bildung bzw. das Erlernen von Medienkompetenz geht ganz klar anders.