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Items tagged with: Israel

Under the scorching sun and with limited access to clean water, thousands of displaced Palestinians are living in makeshift tents in #KhanYunis.

This dire situation results from the ongoing Israeli occupation’s genocide, which has bombarded their homes and been blocking aid essential for their survival.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Another day, another war crime.

Don't expect the western media cover his murder.

They barely even care about Americans getting killed by IDF surrounded by witnesses, his death will be neglected and forgotten in no time.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Israel’s genocide in Gaza depends on the infrastructure and services of tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with Mohammad Khatami and Gabi Schubiner of No Tech for Apartheid about how tech workers are pushing back on the companies’ complicity and trying to end their relationships with Israel.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #israel #gaza #palestine #genocide #google #microsoft #amazon

Pre-October, all I ever knew was that Google really doesn't want you to talk about this, and they will silence you at any chance they get. Post-October, it was like not only will the company silence you, but if other workers are literally stalking you or accusing you of terrorism, the company will not do anything about that.

I guess this is antisemitic?

Not to forget that Israel killed scores of Palestinians farming or fishing. Long long long before October 7.

#Hamas #Israel #Gaza #Genocide

Anti-war demonstration in #Israel. Signs read:
- Negotiate, you psychos
- Stop the war
- I'm more afraid of this government than of missiles (Hebrew)
- Stop sacrificing hostages, stop killing civilians, stop the war (Hebrew)

#war #peace #palestine #gaza

RayV :verified: - 2024-08-03 17:35:42 GMT


Palästinensische Gefangene: Versuchskaninchen im Tunnel

Israelische Soldaten sollen in Gaza Palästinenser als „menschliche Schutzschilde“ eingesetzt haben. Armeechef Halevi sei offenbar informiert gewesen.#IsraelDefenseForcesIDF #Gaza #Israel #Palästinenser #Nahost #Politik
Palästinensische Gefangene: Versuchskaninchen im Tunnel

This is not a war on Hamas, it was a war to make Gaza unhabitable

86 thousand tons of explosive dropped on an area smaller than Paris.

And the western media still calling it for war...

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Gemiedener Judo-Wettkampf gegen Israeli: Schwerwiegender Boykott

Im Judo sollte der Algerier Messaoud Dris gegen den Israeli Tohar Butbul antreten. Doch er ging dem Duell durch Übergewicht aus dem Weg.#Judo #Israel #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt
Gemiedener Judo-Wettkampf gegen Israeli: Schwerwiegender Boykott

'Horrifying' Israeli strike on girls' school in Gaza kills at least 30 | Middle East Eye

#politics #Israel #Gaza #genocide

With the world and media focused on Olympic games, Gaza genocide and suffering of up to 2 million people will go unnoticed even more.

Israel has intensified it barbaric attacks against Palestinians in Gaza and occupied west bank, despite ICC ruling and calls from ever growing list of countries for end of the assaulta and bombings of defenceless Palestinian civilians.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

A Gaza, le calvaire d’un jeune trisomique tué par un chien de l’armée israélienne

#politique #Israël #génocide #crimes

Blair government accused #IDF of acting like Russian army in West Bank

Tony Blair’s government accused #Israeli forces of acting more like the “Russian army than that of a civilised country during a major military incursion into the occupied West Bank, newly released official files show.

The tensions, which have eerie parallels to western concerns over current Israeli operations in the #Gaza Strip, are laid bare in papers released by the National Archives.

#WarCrimes #Israel #HumanRights #CiviliansKilled #CiviliansAttacked

NYTimes: Global Court Says Israel’s Occupation of Territories Violates International Law Global Court Says Israel’s Occupation of Territories Violates International Law

What a surprise! After all there were about 100 UN resolutions against it....

Tags: #dandelíon #politics #apartheid #Israel

via dandelion* client (Source)

Imagine if Palestinians shared such disgusting images on their social media.

How long would it take for companies to ban them and suspend their accounts?

But IDF soldiers have been doing this for decades. Long long long before October 7

#NeverForget #History #ReleaseTheHostages #Israel #Palestine #saveTheChildren #October7 #Politics #IDF

They dropped 9 x 2000 pound bombs at the tents of displaced Palestinians.

They dropped 9 x 2000 pound bombs at the tents of displaced Palestinians.

They dropped 9 x 2000 pound bombs at the tents of displaced Palestinians.

All because they wanted to get 1 senior Hamas guy.

Over 100 Palestinians, most of them women and children were murdered, over 500 injured, countless numbers lost limbs and hearing.

But all the media is covering is that the orange Hitler got shot at.

#GenocideJoe #Netanyahu #Hamas #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Situation in Gaza im Nahostkrieg: Kein Ort zum Leben

In Gaza kommen wieder mehr Hilfsgüter an. Sonst bleibt den Menschen kaum Hoffnung. Viele wollen ausreisen, müssen dafür aber sehr viel Geld zahlen.#Gaza #Israel #Nahost-Konflikt #Nahost #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Situation in Gaza im Nahostkrieg: Kein Ort zum Leben

Angriff auf Irans Botschaft: "Israel geht ein großes Risiko ein"

Der Nahost-Experte Guido Steinberg sieht Israel hinter dem Angriff auf die iranische Botschaft in Syrien. Das Land führe einen Schattenkrieg gegen den Iran - und lasse es auf die Gefahr eines Zweifrontenkrieges ankommen.#Interview #Syrien #Iran #Al-Kuds #Hisbollah #Libanon #Israel #SWP
Angriff auf Irans Botschaft: "Israel geht ein großes Risiko ein"

Die #Presse berichtet gerade einhellig:

#Israel beschlagnahmt 800 Hektar im #Westjordanland

Da es sich um besetztes Land handelt müsste es sich doch um eine #Annexion handeln 🤔?

Hat Putin am Ende die Krim nur beschlagnahmt?

#framing #journalism #Völkerrecht #problem #nachrichten #manipulation #propaganda #medien #politik #Einordnung

Assassinats de civils à Gaza - Contre Attaque


I just can't imagine the pain she is going through.

It's just not possible.

My. Mother lost 2 children and until the day she died, she had pains of loss deep inside of her.. watching her cary her dead children is making me so sad

Can't understand how people just ignore their pain and suffering. Specially when there are over 14900of them , a number keep increasing daily.

#empathy #NotATarget #Genocide #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Jour­na­lis­t:in­nen im Nahost-Krieg

Nachrichtenblockade in Gaza

Von Christopher Resch, Mohammed Abu Saif, Sami O. Zyara, Ola al-Zaanoun

Der Krieg zwischen Israel und der Hamas ist bisher einer der tödlichsten für Jour­na­lis­t:in­nen gewesen. Ankläger in Den Haag untersuchen Vorwürfe von Reporter ohne Grenzen (RSF).

Schwerpunkt: Nahost-Konflikt

#taz #tageszeitung #Gaza #Gaza-Krieg #Journalismus #taz #Panter #Stiftung #Reporter #ohne #Grenzen #Israel #Palästina

I've seen an increasing number of personal attacks on mastodon lately.

#Israel #trolls #genocide #politics

#Palestine / Spain’s prime minister says he will propose that parliament recognizes a Palestinian state

[…] “I will propose granting #Spain’s recognition to the Palestinian state, […] I do this out of moral conviction, for a just cause and because it is the only way that the two states, Israel and #Palestine, can live together in peace.”

[…] Spain demanded “respect for international law from Russia, and from Israel, for the violence to end, the recognition of two states, and for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza.”

Pedro Sánchez follows #France’s Macron and #UK’s Cameron, who signaled their country’s interest in promoting a similar initiative.

#Israel #WarCrimes #Gaza #WestBank

I don't really have principles.
I'm always ready to understand someone else's point of view even if I completely disagree with it.
The one thing I will never, ever accept is children suffering. Any children.
I don't care about their race, their religion, their nationality or if their parents are the worst murderers on the planet... in my book all children deserve to be protected (born children, for any Republicans lost on Masto who happens to read this).
Now I guess you have a pretty good idea what I think of a government that not only starve children to death when they have the choice NOT to do it but even push the indecency to publicly state they have no problem with it.

#palestine #israel #gaza #genocide #childrensrightsarehumanrights #children

Finding The Right Words On Gaza

#Finding The #Right #Words On #Gaza #Israel #China #US #Biden

"Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China, has found the right words to describe the ongoing genocide in Gaza:

Chinese foreign minister calls war in Gaza a 'disgrace for civilisation' - AFP / Le Monde, Mar 3 2023

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, March 7, called Israel's war in Gaza a "disgrace for civilization" and reiterated Beijing's calls for an "immediate ceasefire."


#UNRWA: 17,000 children in #Gaza have become #orphans, and the children are slowly dying in front of the eyes of the world

The world should lower their heads in shame.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

Cruelty is the point. We had no enemies in the Middle East until we installed #Israel

"In one hand, they are providing people with food & in the other hand, they are providing people with death"


By Syrian-Palestinian cartoonist Hani Abbas:

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza

Drawing of a dozens of bombs falling on ruins and rubles, with two loaves of bread falling in the midst  of the bombs. "Gaza" is written at the bottom, next to a Palestinian flag.