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So let’s do some maths:

Israel’s military estimates that out of the 13,000 or so Palestinians it has killed in seven weeks, 1,000 - 2,000 of them are Hamas fighters.

They estimate about 30,000 Hamas fighters in total and their stated goal is to wipe out Hamas entirely.

Given the current ratio of deaths, how many Palestinians will they have to kill to wipe out Hamas?

Answer: 195,000 - 390,000

(But don’t call it genocide.)


#israel #palestine #gaza #genocide

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
Palestine babies might grow up to be terrorists (ironic)
@Christo @Aral Balkan
Lock ~2million people in a walled area of ~400km2 for a dozen years and keep the place on the brink of economic existence. So that after some time the majority (especially the young people born there) will not know any other life. And you have a ready recipe for "breeding" any extremism in such a community.
@Aral Balkan
And by the way, let's not forget the famous Israeli terrorists who later ruled the country.
And then some even got the Nobel Peace Prize (sic!).
Like Menachem Begin.