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Items tagged with: GDPR


I'd like to remind that when you publish a post on Mastodon, it will not only be federated to other Mastodon instances or to the ActivityPub-verse - it will also be accessible and possibly boosted to other networks through Friendica and Hubzilla and both have predated the release of Mastodon #BridgyFed #BlueSky #Mastodon #GDPR #privacy #bridge #proxy #mirror #consent #federation

Opt-out is a terrible default and should be reconsidered

#meta zaczęła wyświetlać polskim użytkownikom popup, który wymusza wybór pomiędzy

Wygląda na to, że nie ma prostej możliwości usunięcia konta bez dokonania jakiejś decyzji w tym popupie.
screenshot - popup meta z wymuszeniem decyzji: albo płatne konto bez reklam albo "darmowe" konto ze spersonalizowaną reklamą

#prywatność #rodo #gdpr

‘The ‘non-profit start-up’ Thorn, founded by actor Ashton Kutcher, is a driving force behind the EU’s campaign to scan the net for child abuse material. Newly public documents and financial information obtained by Follow the Money reveal the blurred boundaries between Thorn’s do-good public face and the powerful business behind it.’
#tech #law #eu #privacy #surveillance #gdpr

Did a web search on GDPR lawyers in a given city. Only one apparently relevant result led to a law office specializing in #GDPR. And that website was a tor-blocking #Cloudflare site.

Then I searched for a #humanRights lawyer.

1st hit: tor-hostile website

2nd hit: tor-reachable website but lawyer’s email address resolves to #Google.

I’m not joking… can’t make this stuff up. Society is drowning in #hypocrisy but no one sees it because most people don’t know how to look for it.

Perhaps we need tools to make it easy for normies to be more informed. Tools exist but they are for advanced users.

Accessing Twitter from France shows a cookie banner that has a clear button to reject non-essential cookies.
Accessing Twitter from the US doesn't show any cookie banner.

The #GDPR is working.


Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

Uh huh.

Where's your GDPR statement? Handling a lot of people's identifable personal data here.

And storing it indefinitely.

Why do you think "opt out only" is safe for minorities?

I quite like searching stuff but these seem like very obvious concerns. Maybe you could address them in your FAQ?

#GDPR #Privacy #MastodonPrivacy

The annoying cookie banners and pop-ups are not the GDPR 's fault: they exist to push us into accepting tracking cookies; EU law* doesn't require cookie banners at all, consent is only required for cookies that aren't necessary for a site to function.

* Directive 2002/58/EC (Article 5(3) in particular), #GDPR and the ECJ "Planet49" decision (C‑673/17). #dataprotection #privacy

We should bring back #DoNotTrack #DNT with a single purpose: get websites not to show cookies preference dialogs. #GDPR is good, but what a bane it has cast upon everyone.

Twitter is violating Article 17 of the GDPR.

This is the form letter you receive if you submit a Data Erasure Request for your deactivated account.

It has been 33 days since I sent my request and Twitter has failed to comply with it. I have now escalated the issue to the Irish Data Protection Commission with a formal complaint against Twitter.

You can file your own Twitter Data Erasure Request and keep track of it at

Heads up, @noybeu

#twitter #gdpr #Article17
Screenshot of Twitter’s response:


Thank you for your inquiry. You can deactivate your account at any time. When deactivated, your Twitter account, including your display name, username, and public profile, will no longer be viewable on, Twitter for iOS, and Twitter for Android. For up to 30 days after deactivation, it is still possible to restore your Twitter account if it was accidentally or wrongfully deactivated.

Keep in mind that search engines and other third parties may still retain copies of your public information, like your profile information and public Tweets, even after you have deleted the information from our services or deactivated your account.

More information about account deactivation may be found on our Help Center:


Supervisor welcomes a delegation from the Parliament of India 🇮🇳 and from the Parliament from Indonesia 🇮🇩 in the framework of the #RuleOfLaw Programme Asia of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. #dataprotection #privacy #gdpr #cooperation
Supervisor Wiewiorowski stands in front of an audience and delivers his speech. Seven people are sitting at a table and listen to him. Two screens in the background are presenting some slides to support the presentation.

Content warning: GDPR and Mastodon


Based on my recent poll (, and the fact that these thoughts were going to percolate in my head until I dumped them out on paper, I decided to write a doc on #dataprotection and #privacy considerations for #fediverse #admins and #users.

It's mostly modeled after the #GDPR, but many of these considerations apply across other jurisdictions' #privacy laws.

Have a look, and I welcome any/all comments, good or bad:

Die deutsche EU Ratspräsidentschaft ist zuversichtlich die #ePrivacy Verordnung bis Ende des Jahres zu finalisieren und damit viele Aspekte der #DSGVO wieder aufzuweichen.

Erich Moechel / ORF wrote:

Aktuell arbeitet die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft daran, den durch die Datenschutzgrundverordnung untersagten Abgriff von Metadaten ohne Wissen und Zustimmung der Benutzer rechtlich als „legitime Interessen“ der Konzerne in der E-Privacy-Verordnung zu verankern.

#GDPR #EUpol