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Items tagged with: Apple

A Brief tour of the End, an accessible fiction podcast directory.

This is a brief tour of The End database, for fiction podcasts, with Apple's screen reader on iOS. I walk through some pages of the website that show how clean markup can make a website very easy to navigate for everyone, not just screen reader users.

#Apple, #Google, and Meta are failing #DMA compliance, #EU suspects

Not even three weeks after the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) took effect, the #EuropeanCommission (EC) announced Monday that it is already probing three out of six gatekeepers—Apple, Google, and Meta—for suspected non-compliance.

Just in case you're wondering why #Apple & #Google etc. are such jerks about implementing #DMA, here are some numbers:

* play store revenue 2019: $ 11.2 Billion
* apple appstore revenue 2019: $ 55.5 Billion
* apple app store made more money on games alone in 2019 than nintendo, microsoft and sony combined

WTF!? Who does things like that?

Asking Qui Bono here makes me suspicious if #Adobe #Premiere or #Apple #FinalCutPro are involved in bad business practices like these?

Why I use #Firefox

  1. The about:config page
  2. Mozilla cannot decrypt my data on their servers
  3. Translating web pages is also completely private
  4. Mozilla develops their own browser engine
  5. The best support for extensions on #Android
  6. A great picture-in-picture player

I #trust #Mozilla more than I trust #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, or any other company that makes #web browsers. This trust is based on the fact that Mozilla chooses the highest level of user privacy when developing services such as Firefox Sync, Firefox Translate, and others. A web browser is an integral part of a person’s #online life, so it makes sense to choose a #browser from a company that one trusts the most.

source: https://š

#software #freedom #opensource #foss #floss #internet #privacy #security #www #surfing

I am feeling extremely unreasonable right now. #Apple #Privacy

In ads: Our apps mind their business. Not yours.

In court: Given Apple’s extensive privacy disclosures, no reasonable user would expect that their actions in Apple’s apps would be private from Apple.

#Privacy #Security #Cybersecurity #Apple #iPhone #InfoSec #dataprivacy

Excerpt from the court document:

"Given Apple’s extensive privacy disclosures, no reasonable user would expect that their actions in Apple’s apps would be private from Apple."

Civil Case No.: 5:22-CV-07069-EJD
Case 5:22-cv-07069-EJD Document 122 Filed 12/08/23 Page 30 of 41

In ads: Our apps mind their business. Not yours.

In court: Given Apple’s extensive privacy disclosures, no reasonable user would expect that their actions in Apple’s apps would be private from Apple.

#Privacy #Security #Cybersecurity #Apple #iPhone #InfoSec #dataprivacy

Excerpt from the court document:

"Given Apple’s extensive privacy disclosures, no reasonable user would expect that their actions in Apple’s apps would be private from Apple."

Civil Case No.: 5:22-CV-07069-EJD
Case 5:22-cv-07069-EJD Document 122 Filed 12/08/23 Page 30 of 41

"#Apple überrascht... Das Unternehmen hat sein grosses multimodales Sprachmodell Ferret als #OpenSource-Code freigegeben. "

Berichtet t3n:

In my work with #FDroid I've discussed our work with gov regulators for South Africa, UK, EU and Japan as well as competition litigators from multiple US States and the EU. From this, I'm starting to see a picture of #Apple's and #Google's semi-related strategies of making "sideloading" (installing apps outside of their #gatekeeper control) look bad as a way to keep their monopolies in the face of #DMA and other regulatory actions. I'm still looking for data about the actual real world risks 1/

What #operatingsystem do you use?

Please boost for maximum exposure.

#linux #windows #apple #macos #windows10 #windows11

  • Linux distro (46%, 2794 votes)
  • Windows (23%, 1435 votes)
  • MacOS (27%, 1695 votes)
  • Other (2%, 146 votes)
6070 voters. Poll end: 11 months ago


My name is Elizabeth but please call me Lisa.

I'm probably best known as the person who started the #Safari and #WebKit projects at #Apple. You may think you know my deadname but... you don't.

I've drawn underground comics, pioneered using a Mac for newspaper graphics and developed software at Adobe and Netscape.

Now I write video #transcoding scripts and sometimes podcast.

Follow me and I'll fill your timeline with boosts.


Prasówka 2-9.06.2023

Prasówka 19-26.05.2023

ICD #34 - Co jeśli nie Facebook, Instagram i reszta? Fediverse!

Content warning: #aplikacje #apple #bezpieczeństwo #big #czas #działać #facebook #fediverse #firefox #google #internet #kontrola #korporacje #linux #media #mozilla #nowoczesne #opensource #Podcast #prawa #privacy #prywatność #security #social #tech #technologia #technolog

The crazy story of the Ubiquiti hack! Police keep creating encrypted messaging systems for criminals! Apple Watch accused of crying wolf!

All this - and more - in the latest episode of the award-winning "Smashing Security" podcast, with me, Carole Theriault, and special guest Mark Stockley.

Thanks to our sponsors @bitwarden, NordLayer, and SecurEnvoy for their support!

#cybersecurity #podcast #ubiquti #databreach #apple #encryption #privacy

@bitwarden I have set up the following in the event of my #death:
• #Apple #iCloud Legacy Contact:
• #Bitwarden Emergency Access:
• #ProtonMail and #Proton services in general do not have a specific feature tailored to this, but I do have recovery information safely stored and available by other means.

I had set up #Facebook per their instructions, but I no longer see the option in my settings. I wonder what happened.

seriously, wtf?

Also #Apple pirated most concepts from other companies like #Xerox and to this day #Linux wasn't successfully sued for "Software Patent 🤢 🤮 Infringements"...

#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for design pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #waste #resources as very few other #companies might do.

Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.

Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy

::: Linux 6.2 will include mainline support for Apple M1 hardware!

Currently, if running Apple M1/M2 Macs & wishing to put Linux in, one should use the Asahi Linux kernel.

There are drivers not yet mainlined, but bit by bit all is to go into the upstream Linux.

Nice OOTB experience for Apple's Arm-based hardware on mainline Linux will happen in near future; then there'll be no need to specifically use Asahi Linux.


#Linux #Apple #M1 #Pro #Ultra #SoC #Asahi #kernel

Admittedly, I don't use a VPN, but I also actively avoid using these services. Most digital convenience is wrapped in #surveillance these days.

"We confirm that iOS 16 does communicate with Apple services outside an active VPN tunnel. Worse, it leaks DNS requests. #Apple services that escape the VPN connection include Health, Maps, Wallet. We used @ProtonVPN and #Wireshark. Details in the video:

#CyberSecurity #Privacy"



Perhaps you can explain a bit Alex?

Last I checked, it was a #SoapBox frontend (pretty fricken' kewl), but no web access (WTF is sup wit dat, bitches?), And so I was unable to create an account.

And although there was an #Apple 🍎 app, no such #Android beast.

Is that correct? And what kind of goofy logic is that where you can only access the site if you have an #iPhone?

I suppose i would have tried to use #Fedilab, i would suppose, but you need to already have an account to do that.

I know I'm not "missing out" on anything, but What am I missing here?

#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse


I don't know if #Apple is better option for #privacy, but at least it is a good #ad.

Is it correct, that in the year 2022 on #Apple #macOS it is not possible to create a Table of Contents for a PDF with #previewapp and rename the individual chapters aka bookmarks?

Falling back to #calibreebook software allowed to convert to epub and add TOC.

And still, shouldn't this be easily possible for PDF with onboard software?

Was ist denn der aktuelle Stand, wenn man auf einem #iPhone einen #XMPP Client installieren möchte? Was nimmt man denn aktuell her, wenn es funktionieren soll?

#Apple #Jabber

Also fuck #Microsoft for hiding the middle finger in the #Windows emoji keyboard, I don't need your unwarranted prude filter. Same fucking deal than #Apple who both replaced the handgun emoji with a water pistol.


#Heise „Bei der Bestellung ist eine umfassende Anpassung und Aufrüstung möglich bis hin zu 28-Kern-Prozessor, 1,5 TByte Arbeitsspeicher und einer 4 TByte fassenden SSD, eine 8-TByte-Option soll folgen. Apples Sicherheitschip T2 ist in allen Konfigurationen enthalten. In der maximalen Ausbaustufe liegt der Preis des Mac Pro (mit Edelstahlrollen) bei gut 60.000 Euro.“ #Apple ....

Aber hey, #Edelstahlrollen 🤣