je ne comprends pas la démarche non plus. Y a même pas de lien pour faire du phishing ? C'est juste "gratuit" ? Ça parait tellement une perte de temps d'écrire ça, et encore plus de le recevoir 😅
@ankitpati@brunospy If the mail is sent encrypted and with the detail of time at 404am the typos in the email are intentional surely. In fact you can see that from is misspelled as froP , letters quite apart from each other and so on...
I wouldn't be suprised if it's one of your Mastodon followers and now enjoying the reaction of his/her mail. (not me though).
I thought/still hope so, too. But OTOH we live in times that more than once showed bizarre ways of thinking, even satire couldn't come up with? Over the last decade I laughed or giggled at least once too often about things I read...that turned out not to be satire, irony or tongue in cheek, but were meant completely earrnest.
@icy_squirrel@kapis@brunospy Hey, if you want an update, it wasn't satire unfortunately, it was someone with an agenda to hurt Krita contributors unfortunately and it was intense during 3 days (we now think of a teenager with a Krita issue, not knowing how to cope with the frustration other than going heinous and wanting to hurt back public known member of the team or the community). She was banned from the Krita IRC channel, and banned from the Krita-Artist forum too. A very toxic behavior.😕
@h2o Yes, but we are only the 6 January, and with pro AI, anti Linux around, pro NFTs, and anti Krita, anti Mastodon, and the leak of my Twitter emails, I guess I'm in for a good year.
I didn't want to imply you faked it, but it definitely reads like a troll. e.g. someone who can formulate complex sentence structures can spell "understand".
@kaia Thanks for the clarification, indeed I misread it the way you describe it. 👍
Yes, complex sentence but badly typed. Someone wanting to really hurt would proofread and probably re-read and post fix those mistakes. Here it looks like a low effort (aka, "let's have fun to troll him")
Something that bother me is the hour the email sent 4:04am (404?), the encrypted email, and the email provider; not gmail or hotmail, but one of these privacy providers that usually only privacy people know.
that email sounds awful — I assume that it’s a paid troll trying to attack krita and free software in general.
And just because I did not say it in a while: your art is awesome and I love it that you are serious about doing the right thing on many layers instead of compromising left and right for short term convenience. @kaia
About a general attack, I had the idea that crossed my mind. I hope showing this can help to reveal it in case other Krita artists receive email like that too. For young artist, receiving an email like that can be devastating and not funny at all...
@lionel@gee C'est vrai que l'origine du mail (le from que j'ai censuré) est dans le même fuseaux horraire qu'en France ou pas loin. Et vue le mail lancé à 4:04 du mat ("404?" troublant ça aussi) ça ressemble à du troll.
Je comprends pas… pourquoi elle essaie de te faire utiliser de meilleurs logiciels alors que de toute façon tu dessines mal et tes histoires sont nulles ? (je cite)
(mais moi j'y crois pas, c'est un faux mail, elle veut même pas te vendre un accès à la nouvelle IA qui fait tout mieux que les gens 😛 )
@lamecarlate Mais vrai ça aussi, j'avais pas remarqué. Si mon cas est si desespéré (et qu'elle ne dit pas que c'est à cause de mes logicielles, mais mes qualités intrasèque artistique) à quoi bon me faire utiliser CPS et un Mac, ou un IpadPro? Mystère, et merci d'avoir relevé cette incohérance qui dirige ce text de plus en plus vers le gros troll.
XD haha, Obviously, don't you know that it's the software that you use that defines how good your art is and not something silly like the art itself or skill put into it? Don't you know that because I don't like your personal style (or am jealous) that means your art is objectively bad and by association the tools and process that was used to create it? You should obviously switch to real art tools created by professional companies, because obviously all good things come from corporations and not real people.... (I sincerely hope that email was entirely sarcastic, but unfortunately there are still people who actually believe that stuff)
@Jason Since there are no referral links to buy proprietary software and a Mac, I'm inclined to think it's sarcastic. But maybe she has a private agreement with those companies that allows her to get paid without referral links. ;)
@dmbaturin@Jason 😆 The mystery is why does she want me and my bad paintings and bad story to stain the beauty of her ecosystem of tools? A big paradox, unless, as Jason told, she think that the quality of art is related at 100% to the software in use.😅
True, also the "from" I blured was a European country and the email was sent at 4:04am ; so probably someone had a very hard day and wanted to teach to that "bluury and not well defined" artist a real life lesson late at night.
what?! She sent that out of nowhere?! What she have to do with it?! You art is great! And use Linux and Krita makes me more impressed on how awesome your art are! I’m not an artist, but I installed krita because you recommended some posts ago, and it’s a very cool piece os software 😀
I'm a non-binary male Jonn from London. I wanted to tell you that your web comic is good (the story) and the images themselves are vibrant and calming at the same time.
Also, why don't you dox the trolls? Doxing the trolls was an accepted behaviour since 00s and respecting their personal information isn't required to be a moral person.
About Doxing, I think outcomes are bad in all the case. I'll probably draw a single exception: maybe if I received the email from a well known public influencer or celebrity I would have not blured the name, because they often know how to deal with receiving mass of criticism or backfire. But here, it's anonymous, no link to a portfolio, no real name and a nickname using a common dictionary word.
@codieplusplus Hey, after the first read and re-read, I suspected a AI generated text, and thought this 'frop' / 'underdtand' could be a new feature to simulate mistyping, add noises, and looks more 'humanly typed'. 😆
@davidrevoy, IIRC you live in France. What is the sender country? Just to "check" if you could disclose the full email with no harm (for you)… I'm not a lawyer but I wonder.
when i see stuff like this i usually tell them to check out the article on @doot 's infosec blog - While i disagree quite strongly with most of it, it explains things so much better than i can
@grum999 I'll lie if I'll say I haven't tried to search her nickname with words like 'Kawaii' , her country, etc... But I got nothing. Certainly not blurry, well defined and quality work as all Mac/CPS users does.
@niconiconi@Stellar 😂 I too am inclined to think she's a troll. But it's such a remarkable work of art in itself, it's truly worth of superior software and industry tech xD
@Geobomatic Le fait que ça sync avec mon email leaké de la database de Twitter hier (j'ai eu une alerte, et malheuresement, c'est vrai) m'a certainement traversé l'esprit.
Tu dois avoir des copains informaticiens si je ne me trompe ? Ils ont peut-être les moyens de retrouver si c'est une campagne de marketing viral particulièrement dégueulasse ? Ainsi que ses commanditaires ?
J'en reçois de temps en temps, faut pas s'inquièter. Ca, c'est bénin. Les tentative de piratage de mon blog et mes comptes me font par contre moins rire, mais sont moins fréquente heuresement.
Désolé, pas d'accord. Le marketing est une saloperie malheureusement légale, ce genre de marketing viral ne l'est lui pas encore, donc laisser passer est une grave erreur. Quand on peut avoir l'occasion de mettre hors d'état de nuire une crevure, faut pas la rater.
David, que fais-tu sur Mastodon ? Tu ne sais donc pas que c'est une pâle copie de Twitter, juste conçue pour quelques geeks incapables de promouvoir leur travail ? Qui n'a même pas de likede QRT, ou de vrais DM ? Twitter est en tout point supérieur et soutenu par Elon Musk, l'homme le plus riche et le plus intelligent du monde qui mènera l'humanité vers un âge d'or. Cesse donc tes bêtises ici et reviens sur Twitter. Et fais le depuis du Apple, hein ? Fais gaffe, je te surveille !
@themeowcate Tu as oublié de dénigré la qualité de mes Toots et le 'S'il te plait' à la fin 😆 Non, je soutiens: cet email a franchement du panache et du skill en niveau de trolling.
Too much positive feedback is kept quiet while venom is freely shared so:
Your work is warm and magical. It conveys kindness, which is visibly the reason you choose to support shared community projects and in turn share your own work freely.
I've learned a great deal from watching your videos then attempting to reproducing the techniques, with brushes you made and also shared asking for nothing in return.
I understand exactly why you use Linux and Krita: they reflect who you are.
Someone suggested I could just reply "xerox" and that's a splendid answer, because it can lead to research and breaking the core stone of many reasoning in this email.
The desktop metaphor was first introduced by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1970.
As for the computer mouse, Engelbart’s collaborator on the mouse project Bill English built a prototype—a hand-held device carved out of wood, with a button on the top. In 1967, Engelbart’s company SRI filed for the patent on the mouse, although the paperwork identified it a little differently as "x,y position indicator for a display system." The patent was awarded in 1970.
3,94K Messages, 391 Abonnements, 19,6K Abonné·e·s · I write and illustrate the webcomic Pepper&Carrot 🍄, free/libre and open-source 🌱
🚫 No NFTs
🚫 No A.I.
#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for design pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #waste #resources as very few other #companies might do.
Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.
@ama Apple isn't even user-friendly, as Apply fanpeople love to claim. They frequently sacrifice ease of use at the altar of aesthetics, hiding important controls in unintuitive places because it "looks better."
@ama Mostly same, but I was forced to use a co-worker's desktop Mac rig once for reasons beyond my control. Took me for frickin' ever to find the frickin' POWER BUTTON. Turned out to be in a ridiculously unintuitive spot on the back of the machine.
Told an Apple fanboy about it, and he was like "Well, yeah, because it looks better if the power button is hidden."
And I'm like, "Well, then that's not user friendly. You just said the quiet part out loud, and I win this argument."
@ama@probablyjohnfunk Three years ago, I had to teach on a classroom full of Mac, and use one because my laptop had issues connecting to the projector (TL😁r; HMDI to VGA converter required, not Linux's fault on my Laptop). Yes, it is not user-friendly for someone like me who never used a Mac or Apple product in my life. I was lost many times by some logic. Those who said distro like "ElementaryOS" are clones, are wrong. Those distro makes more sens to me.
Après la lecture de ce mail je me suis rendu compte que si je n'avais jamais su faire autre chose que des stickmen (et encore, « savoir » est un grand mot), c'est à cause de mon setup pourri basé sur du Linux. Je m'en vais de ce pas acheter un vrai outil de professionnel au MacStore d'Aix-en-Provence.
Merci d'avoir partagé ce mail. J'ai hâte d'apprendre à utiliser Clip Studio Paint.
@booteille Rhôo la chance, toi tu vas devenir un vrai artiste qui fait pas de choses floues et mal définies. Bonne carrière plein de succès dans l'industry leading software.
Merci ! Je songerai à ne jamais regarder derrière et donc ne plus jamais parler à la bande de loosers qui restent sur des outils comme Linux ou Krita !
that's... a take. Wow. I'm sure you get told this all the time (because it's true): Your art is awesome and I love that you're using free software to create it.
@guerdal82 Franchement, j'ai envie de demander à un pote qui a un Mac au taf de me le ramener, prendre la trial de CPS et faire une review video dessus. Comme j'y connais rien, je suis certain que l'UX n'aura aucun sens pour moi et que tout semblera illogique. Mais bon, je préfère investir mon temps dans ce gros morceau qu'est le future épisode 38 🤣
Some things I learned from this: - All Linux kernel developers are dwarfs or children 🤔 - MacOS isn't a hacked together Unix clone, I thought it absolutely is 😅 - Apple invented the mouse, I thought it was Xerox 🤷 - Little or short people can't be productive developers 🤔
en résumé : " Cher David, tes histoires c'est de la merde tout comme tes dessins. tes choix logiciels sont à chier également. peux tu stp utiliser du mac et clip studio ? bisous. "
I like the that the author is totally oblivious to the fact, that Apple invented none of the desktop/icon stuff but basically copied XEROX PARC concepts.
Si à la place de Clip Studio Paint, c'était Excel (parce que LibreOffice Calc, c'est pas connu et OpenOffice Calc, c'est pompé sur Excel 97, c'est vrai, c'est le neveu du cousin par alliance du mari de l'un des copains que j'ai pas vu depuis 20 ans qui me l'a dit), ça serait vraiment évident que ça serait du
Après, un courriel, envoyé un vendredi, à 4:04, avec un argumentaire assez bizarre et contradictoire (en résumé, c'est l'outil qui fait du bon dessin, pas l'artiste), ça sent quand même bien le troll 😀
clip studio is actually really good though I highly recommend if you use Windows, tried it before I switched back to Linux I kinda miss it tbh but doesn't work well under wine apparently
@fuggy Hey, I had a license of Manga Studio Ex3.0 in the past, and even teach it a bit in CG classroom (pre-2010). Manga Studio became CSP; so I know the fundamental of the software. No doubt it is good. But... I'm not using Krita since 12 years because it is superior technically, 14 years ago it was even far from even being able to paint on a 500x500px canvas; I use & contribute it because of its GPL license, freedom, native on GNU/Linux, part of KDE community, and because the team is 💜
Also, holy cow I haven't seen you in a while! I was pretty heavy into GIMP in the early 10s, and was/am so inspired by your work. Warms my heart to see you're still at it, and still using #foss.
@alexstandiford Oh, you knew my work then at the time of the Sintel movie and Chaos&Evolution DVD? Yes, I survived more than 10 years of painting with FLOSS Thanks for sending a little word about the past day. ☺️
@John_Livingston If it is, the AI has a new system to inject many mistype (eg 'from'→'frop' ) and use expressions only non native English speaker would use (eg. the "too little developers" , I understand she wanted to speak about the amount of dev, not their physical size). That's why I prefer to think here it's typed 100% by human.
@marsokod Exactement, c'est la réponse la plus brillante; et la recherche possible que ça engendrerai pourrai péter une pierre de fondation du raisonement. Mais j'ai simplement répondu à la va vite: "lol, big troll!". J'ai beaucoup moins d'imagination à l'écris que dans mes dessins floues et mal définis à cause de Krita et Linux. Mais c'est parceque j'utilise peut-être Protomail sur Firefox et pas Gmail sur Chrome.
wow, she really “let you have it”! 😏 Assuming best—though direct—intentions, so many erroneous assertions! I felt shame reading that so, please, accept my apologies in her behalf.
setting aside trolling, I can think of it as some sort of “black PR”. you have quite great followers base, so the message will be widespread. maybe the author want just that. but why using so complex scheme, involving you as FLOSS user, idk… 🤔 actually it’s so silly that seems just insane. 🤪 as for a joke, it may be fun, but still rude from their side. on the other hand, why I’m so serious? 😅
@fuzzylynx I know, right? So many illogical things going on in this email. It almost made my brain going full blue screen. It will probably remain one of the mystery of life for ever.
je trouve aussi que tu dépasses souvent quand tu colories. Je n'avais pas réalisé que c'était parce que tu utilises du mauvais matériel. 🤡 Bon, je retourne lire Peppa Pig, moi. 🧐
At least this post actually led me to your profile. And your art is beautiful! Also hope that person finds some better use for their time (no matter with what intention they wrote the mail) 😀
Also #Apple pirated most concepts from other companies like #Xerox and to this day #Linux wasn't successfully sued for "Software Patent 🤢 Infringements"...
"iNdUsTrY lEaDiNg SoFtWaRe" 👀 I'm starting to get a bit allergic to this phrase. I did get a good chuckle from the email though. Oh, my sweet summer child, go touch some grass. 😂
If it's not a troll, they've got some deep ignorance about where the mouse was invented and first used, but how would one even begin to attempt to correct such things?
Mais qu'est-ce que ça peut lui foutre à cette personne que tu utilises Krita avec Linux, d'où elle se permet d'imposer ses choix ? Quand je vois ce que t'es capable de faire avec Krita, j'aimerais bien savoir l'utiliser comme toi. Cette personne doit être jalouse certainement, ça la fait chi** que tu sois si doué avec Krita 😉
Just wow....that whole email. I have worked on gov/mil systems using linux and that person is calling it hacked together? Lmao. If that was the case, then none of the distros could be used on such systems I worked on (I have seen SUSE, RHEL, etc. in use). Heck, the most stable setup I ever work on was a RHEL tweaked heavy for simulation duty for training students. Guess what broke the most, the darn one gateway end point running Windows.
Nan mais là c'est tellement too much que même un troll a l'air subtil à côté. Je verrai bien une expérience douteuse avec un texte généré automatiquement comme l'a suggéré @il .Ya une telle accumulation de reproches basés sur du vent que ça me paraît difficile que ça soit 1er degré. Ceci dit, t'as du faire la journée de la personne en question en publiant sa missive ;)
@Gynux Haha, oui. Mais bon, j'ai simplement publié sur Mastodon. J'imagine que "l'industry leading standard" étant Twitter, elle ne s'abaissera pas à regarder mon compte Masto.😆 @il
using a DSLR camera must make you an industry leading photographer, owning a Lamborghini makes you an expert in racing, and a speedo will qualify you for Olympic swimming.
That was a lot of effort to blame your tools for them to say they don't like your work...
Keep positive in the new year! I always enjoy seeing what you're working on!
I almost had an aneurysm when they said Apple invented the desktop metaphore, but then I realized it's likely all a ruse. My blood pressure is still sky high, though.
@Sans_DeC Punaise, ça serait dystopique si les IA texte commencent à envoyer des emails comme ça pour cibler les activistes de tout genre et leur saper le moral. Imagine le formidable outil de répression légale et presque invisible... 🥶 Brrrr... Ca fait froid. Si ça inspire des auteurs Sci-Fi, servez vous, pourvu que ça reste fiction.
This is the kind of email that I expect to include a referral link of some kind. It reads like they're trying to sell you something, or get you to provide credit card information.
Faut pas s'en faire : franchement, passer tant de temps à faire un message comme ça, c'est indirectement un signe de respect pour l'artiste (car à quoi bon convaincre "quelqu'un qui n'aurait pas de talent" de changer d'outil informatique ?). Puis, surtout nous on sait tous pertinemment que ce n'est qu'un ramassis de stupidités 🥰
Don’t worry, mediocre software and a cobbled together OS is good enough for your mediocre art. Don’t get your grubby hands on these shiny Macs, it would be such a waste…..
"Hi, your art sucks, why not do your crappy art on this platform instead; then you can be crappy with greater ease." I think this person should not try to apply their skills to a marketing career...
I'm sorry, but this sounds like it comes from someone absolutely clueless. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. This is not an acceptable thing to say to an artist!
Damnit, David! Change everything about what you like, the tools you use, and everything about yourself! Isn't it obvious that this very opinionated individual is clearly right? They obviously know who did what when which, as I understand it, is what the kids call "bringing the receipts." Hop to with the changes, you unrepentant slacker!
Looks like the iPod is a copy of a SoundBlaster tool too. Just found it due to the death of Creative Labs Founder, Sim Wong Hoo, even didn’t know that was a Singaporean company.
And sh** , it's relatively young for the founder of Creative. I also had no idea it was a Singaporean company. I had a Soundblaster on my Pentium 100Mhz in the end of the 90s, and that was really a good experience to setup in DOS the card and play DukeNukem 3D with it.
@mayday Thanks! It's ok. It always does a little something at reading this type of hard words with my coffee at a cold boot of the computer after painting and writing a big part of the night. But fortunately, I could take a big breath, smile and make the screenshot here to laugh about it. I'm lucky to can do that, because I quickly can laugh more about it with the comments, and transform the negative into funny and positive.
Translation: "Nuuuu why you use free software? Paid is always better. Also your computer is too cheap, you gotta spend monies to git gud. I'm seriously deepthroating capitalism and I don't understand why you don't. I probably know nothing about hardware, software, or art and I'm going to demonstrate that by belittling your artwork. Also I probably don't even know why any of the things I suggest are considered 'better'. Wah wah wah"
What's wrong with this person?! Uninvited and condescending to the max! iPad+Clip is great for comics, but to each their own! It's great that you found a workflow for you that works with free software only!
@sooz Unfortunately, I tried to engage a bit in the discussion (asking if it was a joke) and it outraged them. Got more links, and things in the same vein as here. So, I'm afraid it was for real... 😔
Because they repeated sending emails, I decided to block their mail in my filter settings.
Yeah, those stupid studios like Pixar and Disney need to stop using Linux! Think about how much better their movies would be if the artists would just use macs.
@Super_Pieton En fait, et après quelques jour de recul, la même personne a envoyé pas mal de mails d'insultes et d'harcelements, autour des figures visible de Krita. C'est fait aussi banir des canaux IRC et du forum pour propos toujours plus fort. Le but n'était pas de convaincre pour Apple, le but était simplement de faire mal. Chacun a eu un charabia personalisé.On pense au final a une ado frustré d'avoir un bug sur sa version sur Android et pas savoir comment gérer autrement que par la haine.
@scardracs We still don't know: she also after this email did the same to other Krita contributors (but each time that was with another theme like announcing a fork of Krita and with technical non-sense, or insults) and managed to get banned from Krita-Artist forum and IRC channel. Her unique goal was to hurt the people. We think in the end (without being sure) we had a teenager not being able to cope with a frustrating bug, probably on her Android device (she spoke a couple of times about it).
@icy_squirrel Yes, exactly. Or invest this time into correctly reporting her bug and providing examples (like video screen capture) to make it the easiest to read and troubleshoot for the dev.
On the bright side, I could train my IRC kickban skill and learn deeper how to regex to match her host. I also discovered Protonmail had a 'block' feature.
But clearly, with the size of the Krita community, I'm glad it's not 10 profiles like that a day. It would be soo exhausting.😅
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Ankit Pati
•This. So much this.
This is too perfect to not be satire.
Ankit Pati
•Oh, and, there’s no way a woman would write that.
•I wouldn't be suprised if it's one of your Mastodon followers and now enjoying the reaction of his/her mail. (not me though).
David Revoy
•icy squirrel
•I thought/still hope so, too.
But OTOH we live in times that more than once showed bizarre ways of thinking, even satire couldn't come up with?
Over the last decade I laughed or giggled at least once too often about things I read...that turned out not to be satire, irony or tongue in cheek, but were meant completely earrnest.
David Revoy
•Attila Kinali
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•James B.
•H₂O 💦
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Sergio Fernández 💻 🐧
•David Revoy
•Dentaku (Thomas Renger)
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Yes, complex sentence but badly typed. Someone wanting to really hurt would proofread and probably re-read and post fix those mistakes. Here it looks like a low effort (aka, "let's have fun to troll him")
Something that bother me is the hour the email sent 4:04am (404?), the encrypted email, and the email provider; not gmail or hotmail, but one of these privacy providers that usually only privacy people know.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛
•David Revoy
•Arne Babenhauserheide
•And just because I did not say it in a while: your art is awesome and I love it that you are serious about doing the right thing on many layers instead of compromising left and right for short term convenience. @kaia
David Revoy
•About a general attack, I had the idea that crossed my mind. I hope showing this can help to reveal it in case other Krita artists receive email like that too. For young artist, receiving an email like that can be devastating and not funny at all...
Conan the Sysadmin
•This has led me to look into Krita as a potential new tool to use and recommend. Thank you!
David Revoy
•Space Catitude 🚀
•Okay, that HAS to be a joke.
frdbr 🎥🌳
•David Revoy
•Spymistress Butts
•David Revoy
•(I probably won't reach the thick skin level skill of Mastodon instances admins, but it is inspiring to read and train my skill! 😉)
Spymistress Butts
•I pay no heed.
gee Ⓐ⚑
•Lionel CoupouchettyRamouchetty
•Clair, à mon avis c'est juste un magnifique troll
David Revoy
•Nicol'Ours Chasseur2Lueurs B.
•Surtout que les supposées inventions d'Apple du dernier paragraphe sont pour la plupart sont des inventions de Xerox dans les années 70.
G'MIC 🎩🐯
•David Revoy
•(mais moi j'y crois pas, c'est un faux mail, elle veut même pas te vendre un accès à la nouvelle IA qui fait tout mieux que les gens 😛 )
David Revoy
•Gilberto "Velenux" Ficara
•David Revoy
•theo⏚ ✅
David Revoy
•Jason Chapman
•Don't you know that because I don't like your personal style (or am jealous) that means your art is objectively bad and by association the tools and process that was used to create it?
You should obviously switch to real art tools created by professional companies, because obviously all good things come from corporations and not real people....
(I sincerely hope that email was entirely sarcastic, but unfortunately there are still people who actually believe that stuff)
Daniil Baturin
•But maybe she has a private agreement with those companies that allows her to get paid without referral links. ;)
David Revoy
•Daniil Baturin
•David Revoy
David Revoy
•David Revoy
•I'd just quote RU:
"Well, it's none of your business."
David Revoy
•You art is great! And use Linux and Krita makes me more impressed on how awesome your art are! I’m not an artist, but I installed krita because you recommended some posts ago, and it’s a very cool piece os software 😀
David Revoy
•moved to =>
•David Revoy
•Jons Mostovojs
•I'm a non-binary male Jonn from London.
I wanted to tell you that your web comic is good (the story) and the images themselves are vibrant and calming at the same time.
Also, why don't you dox the trolls? Doxing the trolls was an accepted behaviour since 00s and respecting their personal information isn't required to be a moral person.
David Revoy
•About Doxing, I think outcomes are bad in all the case. I'll probably draw a single exception: maybe if I received the email from a well known public influencer or celebrity I would have not blured the name, because they often know how to deal with receiving mass of criticism or backfire. But here, it's anonymous, no link to a portfolio, no real name and a nickname using a common dictionary word.
Jons Mostovojs
•David Revoy
•Jons Mostovojs
•#:idle: Don T3rr0r :antifa:
•David Revoy
•Soutien et encouragements inversement proportionnels, David.
David Revoy
•Alexander Diemand 💚
•David Revoy
•Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭
•À un moment, je me suis dit que c'était peut-être une publicité déguisée très élaborée…
Faut l'encadrer, celui-là !
Grosse fatigue
•il n'y a rien qui va dans ce mail 😂
Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭
David Revoy
•H₂O 💦
•David Revoy
•Ember :catplant:
•David Revoy
•Grillo del Mal
•Keep up the good work 👍
David Revoy
•Grum999 :verified:
•David Revoy
•Certainly not blurry, well defined and quality work as all Mac/CPS users does.
:bun: Stellar 🇫🇷 (:blahaj: era)
•David Revoy
•> "lol, big troll"
Because I thought what they wanted was a verbose, passionate and a serious answer (maybe).
•David Revoy
•Silmathoron ⁂
•Did you answer something?
David Revoy
•Yes, I immediately went to a simple:
> "lol, big troll!"
and pushed the sent button (screenshot) then archive to get it out of inbox as quick as possible.
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Daniel Santos
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•>that ESL
>that mentality
I think we all know where they're from
Gabriel Pettier
•David Revoy
•florian :flan_hacker:
•jan Ki | 奇 :nonbinary_flag:
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Lien Rag
•Ils ont peut-être les moyens de retrouver si c'est une campagne de marketing viral particulièrement dégueulasse ?
Ainsi que ses commanditaires ?
David Revoy
•Les tentative de piratage de mon blog et mes comptes me font par contre moins rire, mais sont moins fréquente heuresement.
Lien Rag
•Le marketing est une saloperie malheureusement légale, ce genre de marketing viral ne l'est lui pas encore, donc laisser passer est une grave erreur.
Quand on peut avoir l'occasion de mettre hors d'état de nuire une crevure, faut pas la rater.
Lien Rag
•David Revoy
Duty Calls
xkcdDavid Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•John Shaft
•Ça va faire plaisir aux dinos de chez Xerox et aux chercheurs et chercheuses qui ont bossé là-dessus dans les 60's
•And let me counter that with a note to cheer you on for using an open source OS (which I had the head for it!!) and Krita!!
+ I LOVE your work!! ❤
David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Paul-Vincent Roll (he/him)
•Cesse donc tes bêtises ici et reviens sur Twitter.
Et fais le depuis du Apple, hein ? Fais gaffe, je te surveille !
David Revoy
•Non, je soutiens: cet email a franchement du panache et du skill en niveau de trolling.
Yiming Wu ✅ Use OurPaint
•Cory DeVore 🏜️
•Liz Ellis She/Her🌳
•David Revoy
•Scruffy Dux :krita: :inkscape:
•Your work is warm and magical. It conveys kindness, which is visibly the reason you choose to support shared community projects and in turn share your own work freely.
I've learned a great deal from watching your videos then attempting to reproducing the techniques, with brushes you made and also shared asking for nothing in return.
I understand exactly why you use Linux and Krita: they reflect who you are.
David Revoy
•Ben Yafai
•David Revoy
•nicki xaphania mouse 🐁
•Toot Terrorist
•Use a Mac, you piece of shit.
Best regards, xoxo"
People are wild.
David Revoy
•Toot Terrorist
•David Revoy
•> "lol, big troll!"
Someone suggested I could just reply "xerox" and that's a splendid answer, because it can lead to research and breaking the core stone of many reasoning in this email.
Shredd Tone :bh_s_k: :chk_g_w:
•Who Let The Dogs Out 🐾
•As for the computer mouse, Engelbart’s collaborator on the mouse project Bill English built a prototype—a hand-held device carved out of wood, with a button on the top. In 1967, Engelbart’s company SRI filed for the patent on the mouse, although the paperwork identified it a little differently as "x,y position indicator for a display system." The patent was awarded in 1970.
David Revoy (
•Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.
Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy
David Revoy
•J🍩hn Fünk
J🍩hn Fünk
•Told an Apple fanboy about it, and he was like "Well, yeah, because it looks better if the power button is hidden."
And I'm like, "Well, then that's not user friendly. You just said the quiet part out loud, and I win this argument."
David Revoy
•Yes, it is not user-friendly for someone like me who never used a Mac or Apple product in my life. I was lost many times by some logic. Those who said distro like "ElementaryOS" are clones, are wrong. Those distro makes more sens to me.
•Merci d'avoir partagé ce mail. J'ai hâte d'apprendre à utiliser Clip Studio Paint.
David Revoy
•Adieu les nazes !
David Revoy
•Ekkoklang :ekkoblep:
•f4grx Sebastien (OLD ACCOUNT)
•Lucas Treffenstädt
•David Revoy
•Spin D'Accord
•David Revoy
•Takiro 🎨
•Taylan (Grass-Touching Arc)
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Quoll :liberapay:
•Rebecca Celeste
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•but probably not the French-speaking part of it because the email is in English and it is easy when finding my email to know I speak/read French.
•David Revoy
•> "lol, big troll!"
And archived the message to not be part of my Inbox. Not my best reply, but economic at least.
•Elis H 🌱
•- All Linux kernel developers are dwarfs or children 🤔
- MacOS isn't a hacked together Unix clone, I thought it absolutely is 😅
- Apple invented the mouse, I thought it was Xerox 🤷
- Little or short people can't be productive developers 🤔
David Revoy
•Christian Niklas
•Claudia Matosa
•Marud :mastodont_v2:
•" Cher David, tes histoires c'est de la merde tout comme tes dessins. tes choix logiciels sont à chier également.
peux tu stp utiliser du mac et clip studio ? bisous. "
J'adore ces gens
David Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
American software freedom activist, short story writer and computer programmer, founder of the GNU project
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)das-g
Wikimedia history article
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)David Revoy
•Sebastian Tobie
•David Revoy
•aeris 🏳️🌈
•sll - un kien avec un capiau
•chibi-[N]ah🇫🇷 :gold_account:
•Après, un courriel, envoyé un vendredi, à 4:04, avec un argumentaire assez bizarre et contradictoire (en résumé, c'est l'outil qui fait du bon dessin, pas l'artiste), ça sent quand même bien le troll 😀
David Revoy
•Mahmoud - محمود عبدالجواد
•I'd still call troll as they knew a bit too much technical background.
Fuggy 🇮🇱✡️
•David Revoy
I'm not using Krita since 12 years because it is superior technically, 14 years ago it was even far from even being able to paint on a 500x500px canvas; I use & contribute it because of its GPL license, freedom, native on GNU/Linux, part of KDE community, and because the team is 💜
John Colagioia
•Alex Standiford
•Also, holy cow I haven't seen you in a while! I was pretty heavy into GIMP in the early 10s, and was/am so inspired by your work. Warms my heart to see you're still at it, and still using #foss.
David Revoy
•your art is fucking awesome 💕 🤩
David Revoy
•(and expect more dragons, I love drawing them!).
Barry Schwartz 🫖
•Barry Schwartz 🫖
•Barry Schwartz 🫖
•David Revoy
•Barry Schwartz 🫖
•Nanawel 👓️🖥️
•David Revoy
•[C]hicken [G]od
•John Livingston
•David Revoy
•That's why I prefer to think here it's typed 100% by human.
•David Revoy
•No idea why.
•Please tell her that she needs medical attention right away.
tok 🕊️
•Enguerran/Daniel Petitfils
•David Revoy
•Nartagnan ⏚
•David Revoy
David Revoy
•Scimmia di Mare
•David Revoy
•:cate: This is Mur :scremcat:
•Fabulous Fab's
•What did you respond ?
David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Neil Brown
•Technically Enjoying
•Fish Id Wardrobe
•Simon Krull
•David Collantes
•Alexey Skobkin
•Mr. J.D. Gumby :ns_flag:
•David Revoy
•Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸
•It’s alright, ma
•lazy cat ☮️
•David Revoy
•Over the Game
•Bon, je retourne lire Peppa Pig, moi. 🧐
David Revoy
•Popolon 🇵🇸🇳🇨☮️🌳🎋 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 ⏚φ
•David Revoy
•Jade (Jay)
•David Revoy
•Alix Guillard
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Michel Patrice
•David Revoy
•挧日 | Yuril
•David Revoy
•poop killer
•David Revoy
Den Datafag Trollmann :flag:
David Revoy
•Space Catitude 🚀
•Fudgesicles Spinner™
•David Chartier
•prealpinux :debian:
•Greenpete (No Flag)
•Kuroichi Neko
•Crab With Knife
•David Revoy
•Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤
•Todd Jordan
•David Revoy
•William Carmichael
•David Revoy
•Hypolite Petovan
•Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻
•David Revoy
•Doug 🇨🇦🌈
•"Thank you for this fairly impressive cross section of a marble cake of arrogance and ignorance, the most infuriating combination. [...]"
Kevin Karhan :verified:
•Also #Apple pirated most concepts from other companies like #Xerox and to this day #Linux wasn't successfully sued for "Software Patent 🤢
🌈 Dana
•Klaus Stein
•You are now added to my RSS.
I still don't get how to read/digest this mail, I don't even get the purpose.
David Revoy
•Lillen Art
•David Revoy
•jfmblinux :jeditux:
•Quand je vois ce que t'es capable de faire avec Krita, j'aimerais bien savoir l'utiliser comme toi.
Cette personne doit être jalouse certainement, ça la fait chi** que tu sois si doué avec Krita 😉
•I have worked on gov/mil systems using linux and that person is calling it hacked together? Lmao. If that was the case, then none of the distros could be used on such systems I worked on (I have seen SUSE, RHEL, etc. in use). Heck, the most stable setup I ever work on was a RHEL tweaked heavy for simulation duty for training students. Guess what broke the most, the darn one gateway end point running Windows.
David Revoy
•Trezzer (aka Helvedeshunden)
•David Revoy
•Is this macsplaining?
David Revoy
•David Revoy
•That was a lot of effort to blame your tools for them to say they don't like your work...
Keep positive in the new year! I always enjoy seeing what you're working on!
David Revoy
•Baloo Uriza
•David Revoy
•🥶 Brrrr... Ca fait froid.
Si ça inspire des auteurs Sci-Fi, servez vous, pourvu que ça reste fiction.
David Revoy
•Mike Stone
•Bob Machintruc
•Puis, surtout nous on sait tous pertinemment que ce n'est qu'un ramassis de stupidités 🥰
•Bob Jamieson
•David Revoy
Thomas Frans 🇺🇦
•David Revoy
•Rolf Steinort (314.8 ppm)
•Paul d'Aoust
•Tomáš Znamenáček
•Régis Haubourg
•Derek, Director of Minutiae
•Hop to with the changes, you unrepentant slacker!
David Revoy
•Popolon 🇵🇸🇳🇨☮️🌳🎋 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 ⏚φ
And as Sound Blaster finally shown their patents was older too, Apple just said they was fortunate to have patents from 2006…
Sim Wong Hoo, The Father Of Creative Sound Blaster Passes Away At 67
Chief Chapree (Lowyat Media Group)David Revoy
•And sh** , it's relatively young for the founder of Creative. I also had no idea it was a Singaporean company. I had a Soundblaster on my Pentium 100Mhz in the end of the 90s, and that was really a good experience to setup in DOS the card and play DukeNukem 3D with it.
Dave 🇺🇦
•> Best fan email of 2023 so far!
🤣 🤣 🤣
•I'll admit that it morbidly tickles my head the idea that there is someone out there that truthfully believe such things 😈
Thanks for sharing David, gave me a good laugh!😁
•"I just wanted to say that the story in your work sucks. Oh, and the art style? Yeah, it's also bad."
This is just.. beautiful. (Hope you're ok and you didn't take that personally!! x)
David Revoy
•But fortunately, I could take a big breath, smile and make the screenshot here to laugh about it. I'm lucky to can do that, because I quickly can laugh more about it with the comments, and transform the negative into funny and positive.
bison ✅
•bison ✅
•just saw that "my neighbor mastodon" is your artwork *follow*
My Neighbor Mastodon
David RevoyDavid Revoy
•Rodney Simba 🇿🇼 🇺🇸 :verified:
•David Revoy
•Little Trans Punk (lol)
•Content warning: Extreme capitalist bootlicker mocking
"Nuuuu why you use free software? Paid is always better. Also your computer is too cheap, you gotta spend monies to git gud. I'm seriously deepthroating capitalism and I don't understand why you don't. I probably know nothing about hardware, software, or art and I'm going to demonstrate that by belittling your artwork. Also I probably don't even know why any of the things I suggest are considered 'better'. Wah wah wah"
David Revoy
•Content warning: Extreme capitalist bootlicker mocking
David Revoy
•Wikimedia history article
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)DraxxyDraws
•Ford Eytou
David Revoy
•Uninvited and condescending to the max! iPad+Clip is great for comics, but to each their own!
It's great that you found a workflow for you that works with free software only!
Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud )
•🥧 Dominique Cyprès 🧋
•Jonathan Daigle
•Ekaitz Zarraga 👹
•Ebla Liburudenda
•David Revoy
•Because they repeated sending emails, I decided to block their mail in my filter settings.
Grum999 :verified:
•Tom Wright
•bazkie bumpercar | unfluencer
•David Revoy
•Stuart Longland (VK4MSL)
•For one thing, Douglas Engelbart would like a word about the mouse…'s_first_%22mouse%22
… and wasn't Apple's userland cloned from #FreeBSD? Hmmm. Pot, meet kettle…
hand-held device used to move a pointer on a computer display
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)neil howard :verified_paw:
•Cysio :verified_gay:
•David Revoy
•sarah tonin
•Jon Hatch :mastodon: :verified:
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•David Revoy
•Adonay Felipe Nogueira
•pt-BR: Como um ativista do #SoftwareLivre, isso me lembrou de Duty calls (386) do #XKCD:
Duty Calls
xkcdDavid Revoy
•David Revoy
•On the bright side, I could train my IRC kickban skill and learn deeper how to regex to match her host. I also discovered Protonmail had a 'block' feature.
But clearly, with the size of the Krita community, I'm glad it's not 10 profiles like that a day. It would be soo exhausting.😅
•That shitty letter actually brightened my day. 😂😂😂
Ross B Voted Yes
•LinuxGamer :krita:
•Well, let me ask it politely, why do you use krita and linux instead of windows or mac and CSP or PS?