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Items tagged with: computers

A Brief tour of the End, an accessible fiction podcast directory.

This is a brief tour of The End database, for fiction podcasts, with Apple's screen reader on iOS. I walk through some pages of the website that show how clean markup can make a website very easy to navigate for everyone, not just screen reader users.

"Moore’s law has effectively come to an end as integrated circuits can’t be scaled down any more. As a result, the improvement in performance per Watt is slowing down continuously. On the other hand, the demand for computational resources is set to increase considerably" #technology #computers #energy
The case for frugal computing. .

Dual monitor advice: Purposely turn down the brightness of your "secondary" monitor.

What I'd really love is a way for my desktop environment (currently Gnome, but this should count for windows too) to automatically dim other when content goes fullscreen on one monitor. But for now, dimming the other monitor works. #tech #computers #dualmonitor

Hello everyone. I'm new here, part of the #TwitterMigration. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm mostly interested in #lgbtqia topics, #books, #writing, #computers, #StarWars, and US and world #news in general.


#Apple has contributed absolutely nothing to the #computing #history, except for design pieces for the #posh, who upgrade #computers every five years, #tablets every two years, and #phones every year, just to show off, as well as #waste #resources as very few other #companies might do.

Don't even get me started about the clearly amazing quality of #OpenSource #software, in which all Apple products are based, but made #close #source by them afterwards.

Your #work is #beautiful, @davidrevoy

The first time I read Dune by Frank Herbert, I thought the idea of the Butlerian Djihad, a future conflict resulting in the destruction and the subsequent ban of all #computers, thinking machines and conscious robots, to be pure fantasy.

Now? I'm not so sure.