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Items tagged with: twittermigration

When you post on Twitter(1) or Bluesky(2) you grant them a broad perpetual license to use, modify, and sublicense your content. You effectively make them co-owners of your content. They can mine it and monetize it. They can even sell it. When you post on Mastodon(3) most instances take no license at all. That's right, they tell you what they are doing with your content—storing posts and delivering them—but no license.

#twittermigration #TermsOfService #PrivacyPolicy #ContentLicense

Twitter - Term of Service
By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed...

Bluesky - Terms of Service
By making any User Content available through the Services, you hereby grant to Bluesky and its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensee, successors, and assigns (the “Bluesky Parties”) an irrevocable, non-exclusive, perpetual, transferable, worldwide, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense (through multiple tiers of sub-licensing), to use, copy, modify, adapt, crop, edit, creative derivative works, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform and otherwise exploit in any media now known or hereafter devised, your User Content, in whole or in part, in connection with (i) providing the Services and Content to you and to others; (ii) promote and market Bluesky and our Services, including without limitation through Bluesky’s owned, operated, and/or branded social media channels.

Mastodon - Privacy Policy
Posts, following and other public information: ... Your posts are delivered to your followers, in some cases it means they are delivered to different servers and copies are stored there. When you delete posts, this is likewise delivered to your followers...

But as a journalist, it would be immoral and extremely selfish for me to stay quiet after taking care of my personal needs, and not express my serious concerns and worry for the future of journalism safety on Mastodon, and for the friends and colleagues who remain connected to both instances.

I feel very uneasy at how things are looking like for the press. This is the last thing I expected to see happen on a platform that marketed itself as a safe escape in the midst of the #TwitterMigration.

Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. #twitter #tech #elonmusk #x #twittermigration #twitterlogo #elon #musk
Pic of twitter Hq with sign coming down

Twitter-ről, izé X-ről jövő felhasználóknak ajánlanám figyelmébe az Elk felületet, ami bármelyik Mastodon szerverrel működik, és meglehetősen letisztult, "twitter" hatást kelt az oldalnak.

pluszként pedig olyan dolgokat lehet beállítani, hogy ne lásd a boost / favourite számot és menüsor automatikus elrejtése.

érdemes kipróbálni, mert lehet pont ez adja meg a lökést ahhoz hogy valaki végleg leszokjon a Twitter-doomscrolling-ról 🙂



Hello, new fedinauts, I’m Aral. I live on the Emerald Isle with my partner in crime Laura and our trusty sidekick Oskar the huskamute.

I’m working on building the Small Web¹ as an ethical alternative to the Big Web.

Please feel free to say hi. I don’t bite (unless you’re a proud surveillance capitalist/people farmer or a douchebag billionaire) 😀



#twitterMigration #SmallWeb

Hi #TwitterMigration is a small instance for LGBTQIA+ people who are #Arabs, #Arabic speakers, #Muslim or from the #SWANA region, or allies. Basically if you are ok with having in your username and are fine with the rules you're welcome here.
#Gay #Queer #Arab

Hello, new folks from Twitter,

- Welcome to the fediverse!

- If you’ve joined because it was the default option in the app, please look to move to a smaller instance so doesn’t grow to become Twitter 2.0. (You can use to find a new instance or ask folks on here for suggestions.)

- Please add alternate text to your images so people who use screen readers can join in too. (

#TwitterMigration #mastodon #fediverse

ℹ️ Outra dica para quem está chegando agora do #Twitter no #fediverso:

Usem #hashtags! Elas facilitam encontrar as coisas no fediverso e permitem que os termos apareçam no "Em alta agora" de sua instância.

É possível acompanhar hashtags e assim acompanhar um determinado assunto também. Ainda permitem que as pessoas filtrem conteúdos que não as interessam.

#️⃣ #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration

#Twitter is soooo yesterday's news... Disgusting, pointless and boring.

Time to let the blue bird fly out of the fascist cage and let yourself roam freely with your #Mastodon community 🐘🐘🐘🐘

#TwitterMigration #Fediverse

  • auto expand every post (100%, 1 vote)
  • TM: usually expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • TM: usually don't expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • non-TM: usually expand (0%, 0 votes)
  • non-TM: usually don't (0%, 0 votes)
1 voter. Poll end: 1 year ago

Hello everyone. I'm new here, part of the #TwitterMigration. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm mostly interested in #lgbtqia topics, #books, #writing, #computers, #StarWars, and US and world #news in general.


So, lets talk about Network Effects...

"Network Effects refer to the incremental benefits gained from new users joining the platform, which results in the product becoming more valuable for all users... The value of a network grows in proportion to the square of the number of users within the network, [resulting in] non-linear exponential growth [Metcalfe's Law]."

Today our new user rate continues to grow.

Are Network Effects starting to kick in?

Drawing showing Network Effects cycle. More New Users and Active Participants on Platform yields Enhanced Technical Capabilities from User Feedback and Data, which creates am Improved Value Proposition and User Engagement, which yields Higher Organic Search and Word of Mouth Referrals, which in turn yields More New Users in a beneficent cycle.

Agree, but these inactive (not-engaged) users will most likely not see you post, almost by definition.

What more can we (#Mastodon) do find them and reach out to them, before they lapse?

#TwitterMigration #twitterexodus #newhere

this panel in the comic I'm reading ("the voyeurs" by Gabrielle Bell) made me smirk. 😏

this chapter is set in 2010 BTW.

#twitter #twitterMigration
panel from a comic with dialog between two characters:
"so what did your other guest lecturers talk about?"
"our last one was social networking"
"you mean like Facebook?"
"and Twitter. tweeting and re-tweeting."
"re-tweeting other people's tweets?"
"no, re-tweeting your own. so it shows up at the top of the feed again."
"isn't that cheating?"

This one goes out to recently arrived or aspiring Twitter refugees

Psst, Twitter dogpilers: when someone doesn't reply to you, it isn't because you've made an irrefutable point and they're scared of you. It's because they've put you all on mute.


If you're part of the #TwitterMigration and still getting a feel for what makes #Mastodon different (like me!) here's another reason why it's better not to have the option to #QuoteRetweet.

When we quote retweet on the birdsite, it's usually about adding our own commentary:
🐦 THIS is why this is important to ME...
🐦 MY opinion is more compelling because...
🐦 THAT'S NOTHING! Listen to MY story...

When we quote retweet, we take someone else's post and make it about US. This can get problematic when the original tweet was from from a #bipoc, #indigenous, #LGBTQPlus, or other #marginalized or #vulnerable person.

When we boost a toot, we're using OUR voices and influence to amplify others'. And we're doing so on their terms, not our own. If we feel strongly about the original post, we can always add our own voices to the conversation, but without using our #privilege to talk over people who might need to be heard more than us.

Our Fediverse isn't done. It's designed for change. Newcomers, please keep this in mind before lamenting. Also, there are manuals. We require real discourse to implement needed features. We will build it, but there's a well established process. Start here with 'Open Source'
Floss has and will prevail over commercial hegemony. Then, learn how to submit bugs and feature requests here.
Does this seem like too much work? Your behaviors and posts are not monetized here, so your time, feedback and understanding is what floss needs to prosper. Also, if you can, pay into your instance. Bandwidth costs. It's a huge amount of work to moderate responsibly. #Fediverse #OpenSource #BlackMastodon #TwitterMIgration

- agree 100%. Losing ads and decentralizing control will revolutionize social media and how we connect. But, without ad revenue, admins need to count on end user support for this to scale appropriately. Good, resilient infrastructure can be expensive - and the major platforms of the world recoup that through clicks.

In short - enjoy the platform - but consider supporting the admins! The quickest way for this to go away is for servers to disappear!

#mastoadmin #twittermigration #support

A meme I made in reaction to all the tweeps still arguing for tight character limits on #Mastodon, claiming it "forces them to be concise" (ignoring the fact that many tweeps would just break those "concise" sentences up into dozens if not hundreds long tweet-threads...

Seriously, geniuses. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use the entire character limit. You wanna cut your thought off at 140, 280, or 500 characters? Great! Get to it! Stop using that as a nonsense argument to force OTHERS to truncate their thoughts to match your limited attention span. 🙃

#twittermigration #twitterinvasion
The "what if I told you" Matrix Morpheous meme, captioned with "What if I told don't have to use the entire character limit?"

You are not the audience. That is one of the most difficult lessons to learn when you’re an early career journalist in an audience role. We’re biased to assume that our experiences and motivations are similar to those of the majority. That’s not necessarily so. A good audience director is part economist, part sociologist, part anthropologist and part journalist.

#journalism #twittermigration #journalists #mastodon #fediverse #STEM

Big tech is dying as we enter a new era of internet. After decades of users being the product, we can take back control from these giants by committing to an #opensource #decentralized future. The #twittermigration is a massive step in the right direction. Internet #privacy will be much more of a priority moving forward.

please build in a 12-step / group therapy subpage for #twitter refugees.
#mastodon #twittermigration

If you voted "step down as CEO" in Elon Musk's phony poll, you did something wrong.

His motivation to buy #birdsite was not to run it, but to implement his version of #freespeech. Passing the mantle now means:

* Return to being a user
* Have someone else to pull the potatoes out of the fire
* Transfer #legal responsibility to that someone
* Stop the main drive for #twittermigration
* Recover biz cred
* Being the owner, still keep #twitter as a personal mouthpiece!

In short: he gets it all.

My latest for WIRED: The Mastodon features Elon Musk should steal but won't because he hates you

Posting this here tonight for you all. Will post on Twitter tomorrow. We'll see if I have a Twitter account still on Tuesday. #TwitterMigration #MastodonMigration

Mastodon isn't a twitter alternative, it's its own space. This isn't twitter 2.0 so please embrace mastodon, rather than trying to rebuild twitter.

#TwitterMigration #Twitter #Mastodon

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed about moving to Mastodon is the sharing of gorgeous #photography. I’m a #photographer who enjoys capturing #nature. Before my #EDS diagnosis, I used to hike, especially over the summer of 2015, when my husband & I drove cross-country to experience all the beauty America has to offer. I miss those days, but I love that I can relive them through the eyes of so many others. #twittermigration

The Watchman at Zion National Park and the Milky Way, July 2015
A rocky mountain at Zion National Park with the Milky Way overhead.

There's a lot of discussion about #birdsite and #journalism right now. While we are still having ongoing conversations about how best to handle our presence there, we can say confidently that we plan on staying on Mastodon indefinitely, barring unforseen circumstances.

In just about a month, we've very clearly seen the value in our presence here, for reaching new people and having great conversations. Here's to the future of the fediverse! #SocialMedia #TwitterMigration

Jokes and snark aside. With #Twitter banning links to any other social network now, the window for using tools like and is closing rapidly. Better run them again in the coming days to find any stragglers.

#twittermigration #twitterexodus

This is apparently the tweet that led to my suspension from Twitter. Right as I was reinstated they announced a new policy that they apparently found me to have retroactively violated
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitter #news #elonmusk #tech #technews #technology
Links of my social channels
New policy saying you can’t promote other social channels

Who is Taylor Lorenz and why should we care?

She's a technology columnist for the Washington Post, suspended this evening from Twitter apparently for asking Musk to comment on a story involving Musk. Musk is demonstrating that he can extort censorship from the media with the ban hammer. Taylor was targeted to be an example. Other journalists are put on notice it's not them...this time, and reminded to toe the line. This is about press freedom. That's why we all should care.


Earlier today Elon Musk said that my ban was temporary, 45 min later he denied my appeal to reinstate my account and confirmed that I am *permanently* banned. The email I just received says the decision cannot be reversed.
I have never once violated Twitters rules or terms of service. I’ve never had a single tweet flagged, my account was permanently banned with no warning and with no reason, after I reached out to Musk for comment.
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitter #tech #news #technews
Email saying I’m permanently banned from twitter

The #JohnMastodon

3 oz whiskey
1.5 oz sweet vermouth
A drop of maple syrup
4 dashes #ElonMusk 's bitter tears

Shake with ice, and decentralize between 2 rocks glasses.

#twittermigration #cocktails

Public Service Warning

Mastodon has a very big surge of new users right now. There's no way to tell if it will be sustained, but at this early point it looks similar to Nov 18 when Musk pulled the employee purge.

It is very challenging for system administration to accommodate so many new users. If your server starts to struggle, it is not broken and will get sorted out.

We're all in this together. It's our social network. Be patient. What we are building is amazing.


Respect. 🫡 After a mere 13 years, I nuked most of my 92K tweets, set private, and only remain on #Twitter to direct more people here at this point.

We now have nearly 1,000 lawyers and law professors on Mastodon per a sheet tracking them/us. #TwitterMigration

I just today saw a link to how to save archived tweets to the Internet Archive which people may want to consider?

PS. For me, I opted to delete EVERYTHING, including my followers, likes, you name it. I'm a crazy person as I had to do some of it manually. 😀 Yes, I know some is on backup servers somewhere. My hope is by deleting all content then deactivating, in the tech snafus that I expect to come, it all gets mangled. 😀

#InternetArchive #TwitterMigration