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A meme I made in reaction to all the tweeps still arguing for tight character limits on #Mastodon, claiming it "forces them to be concise" (ignoring the fact that many tweeps would just break those "concise" sentences up into dozens if not hundreds long tweet-threads...

Seriously, geniuses. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use the entire character limit. You wanna cut your thought off at 140, 280, or 500 characters? Great! Get to it! Stop using that as a nonsense argument to force OTHERS to truncate their thoughts to match your limited attention span. 🙃

#twittermigration #twitterinvasion
The "what if I told you" Matrix Morpheous meme, captioned with "What if I told don't have to use the entire character limit?"
they’re just mad because snarky one liners only seem like an acceptable response when you only have 280 characters to work with.