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Items tagged with: hashtags

Also, vereinigen fände ich gut,
Doch das unbekannte Wesen,

Gereizt durch #Hashtags bis auf's Blut,
Findet, sind überflüssig wohl gewesen ... 🤔

Aber wenn über #hashtags man sich vereinigt,
Wird die Timeline dann von Trolls bereinigt?

Wenn nicht, dann spürst du das Gewitter,
Der Hassrede drüben, dort auf Twitter.

Gruß, der Bänkelsänger

Ich finde, man sollte sich wie auf Twitter bewusster über #hashtags vereinigen.

Looks like the #threadiverse has been widely used by the #Lemmy and #Kbin communities for years, but now it's slowly being co-opted (including by #Meta staff) to refer to the #federation of #Threads.

I predict a complete takeover of the #hashtag, and term in general, before the end of 2024.

#Mastodon #ActivityPub #fediverse #socialweb #hashtags #predictions

Breitenloses Leerzeichen - Zero-width space

Wenn ich #hashtags schreiben will, die besser Singular wären, aber halt Plural in den Textfluss passen. Dafür kannst du ein #BreitenlosesLeerzeichen oder #ZeroWidthSpace verwenden. Bei #vegan​em Essen hilft das auch.

Das Zeichen ist echt blöd auf der Tastatur von Mobilgeräten zu finden. Daher habe ich den Codepen gemacht, da könnt ihr es mit einem Klick in die Zwischenablage kopieren. Viel Spaß!

Auch wenn #Mastodon keine algorithmische #Timeline hat, gibt es gute Möglichkeiten, die interessantesten/beliebtesten/besten(?) Beiträge darin leicht zu finden: von @decius benutze ich schon eine Weile, damit sieht man zusätzlich die Posts mit den meisten #Likes (von denen meine Instanz weiß) und beliebte #Hashtags. von @murmel_social ist #NeuHier kann man die Ergebnisse auch per Mail und #RSS abonnieren.

Was nutzt ihr?

#Fediverse #MastoTips

@Friendica Support
es gibt ja bei #Friendica die Möglichkeiten #RSS Feeds zu spiegeln und diese automatisch mit #Hashtags versehen zu lassen.
Nun stellt sich für mich die Frage, ob das auch irgendwie für einzelne Beiträge funktioniert oder geplant ist.
Also ich entdecke einen interessanten Beitrag und möchte ihn hier auf meinem Profil teilen. Toll wäre es, wenn ich einen Link einfügen könnte und dann werden die Hashtags automatisch (eben wie beim RSS Feed) gesetzt.
Oder gibts dazu evtl Dritt-Tools?

ich mache weiterhin dieselbe Beobachtung wie @Tuxi :Friendica: 🐧 ✅
über die Relays scheint wohl nicht alles anzukommen. Wenn Beiträge über RSS ins Fediverse gespült werden dann sind diese Plötzlich auch unter den entsprechenden #Hashtags zu finden.

ℹ️ Outra dica para quem está chegando agora do #Twitter no #fediverso:

Usem #hashtags! Elas facilitam encontrar as coisas no fediverso e permitem que os termos apareçam no "Em alta agora" de sua instância.

É possível acompanhar hashtags e assim acompanhar um determinado assunto também. Ainda permitem que as pessoas filtrem conteúdos que não as interessam.

#️⃣ #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration

By increasing accessibility, you also increase your audience AND the people willing to share your work.

For screen readers, I am told that having #Hashtags in every #other word is #annoying. Also it looks bad on screen. We have 500 characters try and put # at the bottom of the post.

In the next post I'll discuss alt-text.


Ist es auf #Friendica möglich #Hashtags in Gruppen zu legen?
Sodass ich zu einem Themengebiet mehreren Hashtags folgen kann und dann werden mir alle in einer Gruppe angezeigt.

!Friendica Support

@MS noma
wie Jakob eben schon schrieb, User folgen und zusätzlich empfehle ich noch #Hashtags zu abonnieren.

This one goes out to recently arrived or aspiring Twitter refugees

@Kristian I even follow #hashtags which' search yielded no result. That's a kind of catching net for me. It works. For the other stuff (in terms of ...), I block rubbish. I had to do the same on Twitter. Thanks for your estimation of Pleroma. I heard similar of Misskey myself. I think Friendica instances differ a bit from each other. I changed to another and the timelines are not the same, at least the timing is different.

@Kristian You can search by following #hashtags. I have no problem with my global timeline on Friendica, as the accounts I follow (about 500) and my followed #hashtags (about 50+) dominate it. Of course there is other stuff, but I do not mind. I still have not all the news, I had on Twitter, which I left. I joined the Fedi about 10 years ago. Fedi was for conversation, Twitter was for news. But I feel I have replaced Twitter for about 90% ATM.

I just read a message where a user called #Mastodon "soulless". In over a month they :

* had #followed under 10 people

* Had roughly 10 posts with no #hashtags

* When responding to others, had only every responded to a mini-celebrity yea, their experience probably sucks

I used to try and help explain how to "get going" here to folks, but at some point you gotta try to help yourself a bit

A lot of times (not always) in the #fediverse you will get the #socialmedia experience ya ask for

People, please start using CamelCase (aka PascalCase) to break apart words in #HashTags.

It makes it easier to read and more #accessible. Single words are OK to keep lowercase, unless they are proper nouns 😉

As an instance moderator, it makes it easier to review if you're a #MastoAdmin.


#Mastodon #HashTag #accessibilty

@jamesbritt also shared you can #Use_The_Underbar!

Please #boost this for visibility and to help improve the lives of many people.

I consider moving to a #singleUser #Mastodon instance under my own domain. My only concern at the moment: I really like hashtag / content search. For example I follow some hashtags and have some pinned tabs with certain #hashtags on the web interface.

This works super nice because probably almost all instances federated with But I worry to miss a lot of interesting content on a single-user instance.

What is your experience?


I'm about to leave Mastodon for a few months. Not because I had a bad time, or couldn't find interesting people, or don't think the concept of a fediverse is dumb. On the contrary, I think it's great.

I just have other stuff to do. But before I go, I want to share some thoughts as an ex-Twitter designer and someone who's been on Mastodon since 2018.

#mastodon #twitter #ux #design #critique #hashtags #introduction


You're doing quite well (better than the average idiot I know!). Use #hashtags to mention a subject. People on each 'instance' can find that 'toot' through the #hashtag.
For the rest... it depends on what you aim to do here. 🙂

New to Mastodon? First thing to's not the Birdsite. 😢 I actually way better! 🙃

Here is a super quick way to learn how it's different and why it's a better place than the birdsite.

Read this:

Then watch these:

Other important tips.

Use your browser for your instance rather than an APP. Apps are lacking key features.

Fill out your profile!

Write a bio post with your interests as #hashtags then PIN that bio to your profile.


Hello, world!
Gonna make an #introduction for #introductions or #intro
I'm pjals, coming from pjals at envs dot net. My current favourite #programming language is #golang.
I don't use #hashtags much, but I'm only gonna use them heavily for this post.
I have made a service for #vern, specifically a #minetest email verification whitelist. I'm also an admin on the #vern #minetest.
Also, my favorite game is #oneshotgame. Play OneShot now. Play OneShot now. Play OneShot now.
Pretty sure thats all.

Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
Here are some of my pet #hashtags:

#silentfilms / #silentmovies
#snailmail / #letterwriting

@Ji Fu Yes, the post owner need to add #hashtags . Then you can very easily search for them by entering them (including #) in the search form above. But I guess you look for some mention- or participation-search? I guess that's not available.

@Rokosun@Tio Do you follow #Hashtags ? If your administrator has added some hubs, you might see posts from people because of the hashtag. You can check this by going with your mouse over a small icon next to when it has been posted. Here I can see your post because I follow the same forum and that icon tells me "Reshared by Friendica Support" why I see it.


kann mir jemand sagen was das #KategorienFeld unter der Titelleiste genau macht? Ist das genauso wie wenn ich #Hashtags verteile?

!Friendica Support

hashtag collection below posts

Hello !Friendica Support ,

Below every post with #hashtags, all hashtags are displayed again. I image this is for better user experience but I don't know if it's necessary.

Is there an option to turn it off ? (I use frio theme). Sometimes, I would like to try if it is better without.

Is there a place where I should see trending #hashtags in #mastodon ?